* Nebo (Prophet) Chad (Chaldea) Nazir (Eagle God) = 'The Prophet of Chaldea's Great Eagle God'

When YAHOVAH "CURSES", the WHOLE UNIVERSE and EVERYTHING IN IT HEARS HIS VOICE. THE EARTH TREMBLES, as written. Know that Yahovah "CURSED" the ground, and all food that comes from that cursed ground is "ACCURSED". Yahovah also CURSED ALL FLESH THAT ALL ACCURSED FOOD ENTERS! Yahovah alone can remove or wave * His "CURSE" from that which is "ACCURSED" and bless it for you to eat and then give your body the nourishment that it needs. The world cares less about this basic truth, and to make matters much worse, they even ask their Eagle God (Gott), Lord, and (Osiris) Jesus to bless it, and condemn themselves! How? It becomes "double cursed", condemned, and abominable, as being 100% dedicated to Satan and son!

* As a 'Wave Offering'. See millions of sick in hospitals and nursing homes across United States!

Cain and his many seed that came later knew full well these truths again presented before you that: YAHOVAH FIRST "CURSED the GROUND" and then "ALL FLESH" UNTO ADAM and EVE! Therefore, ALL "FLESH" TO THIS DAY COMING FROM (woman) EVE-Cheva is ACCURSED, As SHE was "cursed" and was MADE FROM ADAM, WHICH CAME FROM the VERY GROUND which YAHOVAH then "CURSED" AFTER THEIR INCREDIBLE (sexual) OPEN SIN with Satan. (Would you believe there are those today who actually think perfect flesh/ seed exists somewhere? Only if Yahovah touches a person do they become holy, but this does not remove the curse upon flesh)

Cain knew that "ALL VEGETABLES and ALL FRUIT" grown and coming from the "CURSED" ground would indeed be "ACCURSED"! Despite this very basic truth, CAIN FIRST CHOSE the "CURSED GROUND" as HIS (and his seed's) INHERITANCE as the "FIRST BORN SON":

"BUT CAIN WAS A TILLER (a major farmer) OF THE (cursed) GROUND!" (Genesis 4:2) You should understand why Yahovah rejected, by His Own Word, Cain's (first fruit) offering: a bowl of Cain's grown vegetables and fruit (that being accursed) coming from the (already cursed) ground! Cain, in simple terms, actually became the first Bavarian (German Aryan) large (tiller) "farmer"! (Adam was also 'cursed to work the ground', but the difference is Cain chose it as his inheritance!)

Cain became angry (roth) after he tried to get Yah to accept that which was accursed from what he chose as his full inheritance: the cursed land! Yahovah would never accept an offering from something that He cursed, or coming from that which is cursed, unless He removes His curse, or He alone asks for a specific offering, or of fruits from the land/earth that He has touched, or set aside for His consumption and pleasure! (An example of "what Yahovah touches is Holy", is His Personal set-aside land in Old City,Jerusalem.)

"BUT (first) UNTO CAIN and (also) to HIS OFFERING (coming from the cursed ground) HE (Yahovah) HAD NOT RESPECT (Was thus rejected and found not acceptable). And CAIN was VERY WROTH (Roth* angry and upset) And HIS COUNTENANCE FELL!" (Genesis 4:5) * Note: because Yahovah used this to first describe Cain, it became one of his names. Name "Roth" is a popular German Aryan Anglo-Saxon name to this day! Roth means angry, or (Esau) "Red" in the face! Aryan Pharaoh is in Red as Serpent's Red Sun above him. An example of who serves the Osiris 'Red' Ruler today are Red Cardinals and elite of the Catholic Church, who serve Isis, Satan the Serpent, and Osiris-Iesus.

Satan's D.C. Lab world 'joke' promotion is AIDS virus came from the 'Green Monkey' (left)! Cain's 'Seed of the Serpent' worshipped as a World Ruler: accepting all the 'fruits of the land' (Osiris-Iesus preserved Black Phallic under the chin symbolizes reproduction of the Serpent's seed)

Egypt's Red White and Blue striped flag used for U.S.; Five Pointed Lucifer-Isis-Osiris-Iesus Pytha-Gore Star inside a circle (used on U.S. War planes, on 50 nations, German beers, Texaco Gas/Oil, Russian, Korean and Chinese flags, and on sports teams as'Lone Star' Dallas Cowboys and their sex cheerleaders.) See ^ ^ double pyramid E-W symbol from Ur-Mesopotamia in Royal Seals, and ^ now used on sides of tanks and equipment for German World Order NATO/UN troops. 'Black Bow-Tie' Osiris-Iesus Phallic Cross is worn by millions. See serpent over "Zippor", Great 'Zu-Bird' God of Cain. Osiris "Red Eye" used by Masons, and in Great U.S. Pyramid Seal. See Cain's 'plow' tiller of the ground symbol; "Candy Cain" ruling Scepter: sucked on today by millions during birthday celebration at Christmas of Egypt's Osiris-Iesus! See 'color border' on right: worn on hat of Catholic Pope. See woven gift basket filled with "fruits". (Still common gift item today). to symbolize being of Nimrod-Osiris.

Despite the wrongful act Cain committed in Yahovah's face, Yahovah still showed grace and mercy, and said to Cain: "If he (Cain) did good (would only obey Yahovah), He would accept him"! But, as written, Cain did not repent; he certainly did not do "good" *, and did not ever accept/obey Yahovah!

* Note: 'Good' means only Yahovah as defined by Yahshua. Yahovah is the Only One to be called Good.

He did greater evil and sin: murdering his brother Abel (murdering also all the incredible number of Yahovah's seed that were 'alive' in Abel's loins. Their blood, their lives, cried out of the ground!) Cain then lied in the face of Yahovah about it! Cain did not have repentence in his heart at all for this horrific murder and unprovoked act. Cain did not repent. But, he got upset about Yahovah's severe punishment for his pre-meditated murder(s), to no avail! (See today the multi- millions of Germans worldwide who actually deny actual murders of six million ++ Jews. Why? They are seeds of Cain)!

Thus, came Yahovah's "second curse" to Cain and all of 'his seed in his loins' [from Satan's seed], which is still valid today: Yahovah said after Cain slew his brother: "And now are you 'cursed from the earth', which has opened her mouth to receive your brother's blood from your hand; and when you till *(turn the dirt over to the air/plow/farm) the ground (the cursed earth, soil), it shall not henceforth yield unto you her strength; and a 'fugitive' and a vagabond * shall you be in the earth!" Genesis 4:11-12. (Blood is life and life is in the blood: Cain shed blood/seed of Abel)

* Note: 'Till' is another syn. last name for 'Cain' and his seed. 'Till' is found in Indiana 'German' Cemeteries. Current CEO of Ford Motor Co., is a "Ford", a German Aryan Anglo-Saxon. In TV Commercials, he states his two grandfathers, Ford and Firestone, called themselves "The Vagabonds"! This is appropriate as Cain's seed. Most cannot understand how Cain's seed are still around, let alone migrated/ spread all over the world. This is answered in two basic truths. First, life is in the blood, and blood is life , as written. Therefore, life is in DNA,and this is how Cain is still around. Only one tenth of one percent of DNA separates a black man from a white:TV DNA Special had photo of Wilt Chamber lain (Tall Black Man) beside Willie Shoemaker (White & short).Second, it is documented that by the time a man reaches around 45 years of age, (about one generation) his feet walk approximately 70,000 miles. (Around world almost three times!) Millions of miles in only 2,000 years! THREE MAJOR 'IDENTITY MARKERS' of the SEEDS of CAIN in the WORLD TODAY

(Ur Eagle God, which is Cain's Mark, Ur Five Pointed Star, which is Isis, Satan and Son Osiris Star, and Ur's 'Fleur-de-lis' Bud, found on Satan's documented "Tree of the Goats" in ancient Ur-Mesopotamia. The 'Fleur-de-lis' is a well known German heraldry Royal Emblem from Ur used across Europe and U.S.)

Eagle God of Ur/Egypt Same "Three Stars" in D.C. Flag and of ancient Ur/Egypt (Mark of Cain's seed: (They shall be building,"Buying and Selling" and then still over them today!) sudden destruction shall come upon them) Soon to happen!

Instead of turning far away from the "cursed" earth that he first chose as his inheritance as "first born son", the rebellious blood (DNA) of Satan actually inside Cain and all of his seed, planted himself and all of his seed deeper into it! To this day, most of Cain's massive sea of seed (German Aryan Anglo- Saxons) still strongly refuse to obey Yahovah or accept Yahshua Messiah, judge over all things!(Over 60 Million German Aryan Anglo-Saxons now in the U.S. will also strongly refuse this truth!)

Yahovah's Living Word should come alive in you (if you are one of His) to clearly understand what is happening today in regard to "ALL ACCURSED FOOD" that is grown (especially by Cain's seed), and processed (especially by Cain's seed) in the United States and even throughout the world. Why?

Yahovah's Word is still all truth: His 'two curses' spoken against the ground are still in effect: despite the combined efforts of powerful MEN of the EARTH and their vast knowledge and multi-billions of dollars of highly developed science, technology, and altered DNA genetics to change it!

(Read of what has already been done to genetic make-up of tomatoes, corn and many garden items)

See especially in U.S. and world today: extensive use of millions of tons of a variety of powerful and usually very dangerous, hazardous, poisonous chemicals, many oil based complex fertilizers, crop and soil "booster additives", and "protective pesticides". Cain's seed think they have the 'ultimate weapon' to change/alter Yahovah's Word and His curses: widespread use of micro DNA technology, seed-gene splicing, forbidden Scriptural "mixing" of unclean dead animal DNA cells with living plant chromosomes, and thus genetically altering many foods for 'insect protection' and 'longer shelf life'. (They have even mixed scrap dead animal parts back into the feed of many farm livestock: causing devastating deadly diseases, such as Mad-Cow, which cannot be cured, and spreading in the world)

Holding East-West Serpents as Ashtaroth Same Crown as Miss Liberty Cain's Mother Worshipped as a Goddess Cain's Mother Today! (Abundant Harvest for the Serpent's seed)(666 Pytha-Gore's Star)

Cain's elite seed over things as farming to the chain grocery stores, Fast-food restaurants, banking and major businesses, corporations and governments, never forget where they came from as the first-born original appointed rulers over the world by Yahovah! (KJ Genesis 4:7) Because Cain committed the great sin of murdering his brother Abel and all of his seed after Yahovah gave Cain and his seed the rule of the world, Yahovah thrust him out of His presence! Cain and his seed then turned to worshipping their father Satan, their adulterous mother Eve, and of course, themselves! What?

They never forget who they owe their existence today, and the sinful act itself committed by her with Satan. Therefore, they worship her in many forms/icons, and put her on numerous packages of food as corn starch, salt, bread, coffee, and millions of items. She is the worshipped original Eve (Cheva) with many other names, or "Isis" to the Egyptians, and known as Ashtaroth to Canaanites/Hittites.

Who is Ashtaroth? A-star-of-roth! (meaning, a 'woman' that is a sexual 'star' of Cain, who was the 'roth' one) Obviously, Cain was not stupid. In fact, he knew precisely why Adam and Eve and even Satan were cursed, and for certain, he knew why he was personally cursed by Yah!

Regardless of what the evolutionists and the scientists say today, Adam and Eve and Cain and Abel were given skills in communication at the first, and they talked/ communicated with one another! Satan also has great communication skills, and it is very clear that considerable talking went on in the garden between Adam, Eve, and Yahovah, and between Satan, and also between Cain and Abel!

"The serpent (Satan) said unto the woman, 'you shall not surely die', for Yah does know that in the day you eat thereof, then your eyes shall be opened, and you shall be as Gods (and Goddesses), knowing 'good' (Yahovah) and 'evil' (Satan)." Genesis 3:5 Cain's seed have outdone themselves in ways and names of worshipping Eve: from a little girl to a fertile woman, and a mature woman.

Victoria is an ancient name given her, as she represents Victory from Yah! This is Victoria's Secret! She is "Little Miss Ridin' Hood", "Goldie Locks", (above relief) "Miss Sunbeam", "Snow White", "Alice in Wonderland", "Cat Woman", Satan's "Super Woman" and Cain's "Wonder Woman". Who are these Star women of Cain today, the contemporary 'Ashtaroths' to continue his seedline?

She is today's openly sinful, inviting sexual fertility woman shown millions of times in nude poses (as Eve was first described in Genesis 3:7 in the Garden after her encounter with Satan) as Miss Playboy, Miss Penthouse, Miss Virgin-ia, in billions of porno magazines, films, and videos. (You will find this perhaps hard to believe, but these millions of images around the world represent Ashtaroth: Isis, Juno, Venus, Minerva, Madonna; Nike, which is Eve.) She is also Miss Universe, Miss U.S.A., Miss America, and Miss Liberty-Victoria: ancient 'Lady' Madonna that offers freedoms and victory from Yahovah and Yahshua! The woman worshipped that first disobeyed Yahovah and first obeyed Satan!

Esau-Aryan Hittite's (German Aryans today) "Worshipped Women"

(Right: see also Satan's stump/ as described in Daniel) Cain's seed (as Illuminati Bavarian Masons) are still angry (roth) at Yahovah and Yahshua, and still think they can be totally free from Yahovah to control their flesh/ sex lives, crops/ harvests, and rule the world and other people without Yahovah! (Satan's Isis blondes are on parade on TV Game Shows, ET, and Ur's God of Fortune Price is Right Shows) They have firmly established their own Iesus-Madonna religion(s) based entirely without Yahovah! (Multi-millions of seeds of Cain-Esau love what they are now under: without Yahovah. Billions that have already died worshipped the wrong one [Revelation] and died without Yahovah in their sins!)

This is why it is written on Bavarian Masonic signs entering U.S. cities: "FREE and ACCEPTED" under or above their 'G' Masonic Logo, that contains the ancient hidden Babylonian symbols of Cain. Do you think Yahovah is going to let these liars, murderers, and sexual rebels get away (Scott *) free with their incredible wickedness today or be accepted into His Kingdom? The spiritual and evil world of 'demons' now in people, fallen angels, and what they are doing today is seldom discussed.

Elite seeds of Cain still want to rid their world of all Yahovah's 'chosen seed' and have been doing it for a long time. They think they are also going to get away with their mass murders of 'unwanteds'. (ie. AIDS Virus-Serpent Venom was manufactured in Washington, D.C. to effectively eliminate the black race in Africa, and also to thin out the yellow-brown Indian races of the East. It is working!)

And, who has been the obvious aggressive and easily identified people who have tried to take over the world for themselves in two historical horrific World Wars? And have they not clearly stated in books their primary goal for doing this is the reproduction/ 'perpetuation of their German Aryan race"? * 'Scott Free', and 'Great Scott' are Masonic terms from the known Rite of that name now in common use.

Are they seeds of Cain? And what does Cassius Clay have to do with "Cain" and his seed? As we have explained, what is black can be white! What is white can be black! Again, incredible as it first sounds, only one tenth of one percent of DNA actually separates them. In the hidden complex world of DNA, what appears as white in skin only, (German Aryan Anglo-Saxon seeds of Cain) can actually be very black inside! Thus, the "Ali" Hollywood movie was released on Christmas, which is "Iesus" Day (Dec. 25th. 2001). Why? Because the real hidden black blood DNA Osiris-Iesus-Jesus white King of today's German One World Order (their hidden false Messiah) is now here! What?

These truths have been surrounded in mystery for thousands of years, and especially during the past few centuries: the deceptions by the powers of darkness and elite rulers have come to the full. (We will go into this in detail at the end of this prophecy. Reborn Black "Nimrod-Osiris" is here!)

Blacks voted 90%+ for their White hidden "Black" 2000 German World Order Emperor (Few will understand that Cain's actual black blood [DNA] seed are mixed into whites today!)

"Cassius Clay" translates to "Cain's Iesus", the "Man of Clay", the man of the earth. Masons know all about their outside anointed Cain white leader, who is the actual reborn DNA Black One (Osiris-Iesus) inside DNA blood of the last white deified World King, their God Tsar (Caesar) over goats! He is over the multi-millions of Cain's original blacks and over all of the German Aryan whites! He is their King over black and white! (If you remember, the elite German Aryans in World WarII also stated that one of their goals was to purify their [outer skin] white race, by elimination of the Blacks, along with the elimination of all of the Jews of the world. They have not discarded this goal)

Cain's elite are experts in all kinds of 'seed'! They use "HYBRID DEVELOPED SEEDS" and "COATED/ SPRAYED FOODS" in the world. See their LONG LIST of TV COMMERCIALS from SEEDS of CAIN'S BOARDROOMS for PROMOTING use of SPECIFIC SEEDS, PESTICIDES, and FERTILIZERS to use on THE CURSED GROUND: PROUDLY BOASTING of ELIMINATING and CONTROLLING ... A HUGE VARIETY of "THISTLES and WEEDS" ... "INCREASING YIELDS" and ... "STRENGTHENING [the cursed] GROUND". They use the same words of Yah's curse in TV Commercials! Amazing! Incredible!(Run-off of these chemical pesticides-fertilizers is poisoning waterways/ wells throughout United States!)

See their LONG LIST of (federally approved) actual DRUGS and ADDED CHEMICALS in FOODS off the GROCERY SHELF and EATEN TODAY. Why do you think it is called the FDA (The Federal "Food" and "Drug" Administration)? They must APPROVE ADDING BACK the TOTALLY LOST- DESTROYED MINERALS, VITAMINS, NATURAL PRESERVATIVES; APPEALING original COLORS, or MOST WOULD NOT BUY or EAT IT! ADDITIVES are INTENTIONALLY PUT in at the CAIN'S PROCESSING PLANTS of ALL FOODS: HAVE THEY CHANGED YAH'S WORD? THEY ARE ONLY REPLACING THAT WHICH WAS ELIMINATED to MASS PRODUCE the FOOD YOU EAT (going against Yah's curse to try and overcome it) in the FIRST PLACE! (1998 to 2002, Indiana water poison has doubled!)

Yet, today's deceived world, especially Cain's seed, cannot see, or accept, or understand these truths. Why? The majority of Cain's seed enjoy these things technology provides, and seldom stop to think about what they eat. Song says: "BE HAPPY, DON'T WORRY". Cain's elite seed 'above the law' working with Satan, exclusively control this multi-trillion dollar 'worldwide industry', and are 'allegedly' looking out for all those under them. Food business is primarily connected to their worldly holdings that includes multi-trillion dollar oil-petro-chemical International Corporations: as owned by Rocke-feller (Eagle's fella), Roth's-child (Cain's child), Bush, British (BP Covenant of "N") and Dutchland (German) Petroleum companies. These huge world consolidated conglomerates actually control most farming, competition, international food and drug divisions, world distribution, and yes, vitamin and supplement industries in (German-Bavarian) dominated pharmacies and chain stores.

Do these executives influencing billions of lives in Cain's boardrooms, or employees in the maze of hi-tech laboratories, or Cain's students of Agriculture at many Universities, or even at (Cain's) farmer's level that use all of their products, ever ask Yahovah to remove His curse from the ground and to bless it? Revelation: They repented not of their drugs! See how they trust totally in their U.S. Eagle God!

Cain's Great Eagle God over the 'Temple of Zeus and Iesus' on D.C. Lot No. 666 (Cain's Government Farm $$$$$ packages are on the rise, and yes, control of their land!)

Do they ask Yahovah to simply bless their crops and the maze of food going through their processing plants? Or do they primarily "TRUST" in "THE (Eagle) GOD OF THIS WORLD", as it says on all U.S. coins: "IN GOD WE TRUST" ("One Nation under God" is not Yahovah whatsoever, but Satan they trust for their food and daily bread). Are they not trusting in Cain's ways through technology and his intelligence of being more productive and creative with the world's "CURSED GROUND"?

Do not the vast majority now get up each day without any faith whatsoever in Yahovah's total control over all these things of food, earth, flesh, and much more? Do not the vast majority "trust" millions of food makers and long line of Cain's "slave" servers of processed food and fast food chains they eat at without ever giving Yahovah any thanks for it? Are they not feeding at the long Zeus swine trough of Cain's "goats" under their Great Eagle God (German Wodan-Odin Gotts-a-Gore) of this world?

Observe people in thousands of restaurants/ fast food places today: count the FEW giving thanks even to their pagan German Gott, and especially the very few that ask in the NAME of YAHOVAH, our Father in Heaven through our Yahshua Messiah to bless it! What you see is what our Creator Yahovah sees. Most do not know His Name. They call on their ancient German pagan Eagle "GOD" (which is Satan/Lucifer), and call on their Ur LORD (which is Baal), "JESUS"-IESUS" (Apollyon son of Zeus) to bless it! They all fall under another terrible curse from Yahovah our Creator written in Scripture: