Which one is black? Answer: According to DNA, all three are black! (Which worships Yahovah and Yahshua in Spirit and Truth? None of them!)

Twins of this nature, do not necessarily (obviously) look alike with different fathers, but being from the same mother, they do have many 'common characteristics'. What happened is deeper than only "surface" looks. What are the life characteristics deep in the blood, or as we know it, within DNA?

What is white can be black, and what is black can be mixed, and the outer shell of skin does not make the total blood DNA makeup of a person, but is only one of the outside 'visible' characteristics of the DNA itself. Molecules, chromosomes, cells and structure even within one cell, is hidden and complex. (With this truth evident and documented today, Yahshua did an excellent parable of explaining in His day [without confusing His blessed Apostles and disciples] the basic differences of Life in the Blood.)

Yahshua later verified this truth that Satan "actually had seed" and also said clearly that Satan is the one who planted the "bad seed". Ministers and preachers do not touch Yahshua's verses, because they would lose their congregations. (Goats exclusively worship Satan and his son [Cain] under the name Osiris-Iesus) under words "God and Lord", which refer to Satan, their father over Cain's ancient seedline! They also worship their adulterous "Mother Eve" under the name Mary and many names. Why? Without Eve's first actual sinful act of adultery, they would not be here today causing trouble.

Matthew 13:38-39
Yahshua said: "The field" is the world, the good 'seed' (Yahovah's) are the "children of the kingdom", but the 'tares' are the children of the "wicked one". (Billions of Satan's children are definitely real goats today to be put on the left hand of Yahshua Messiah. In fact, in ancient times, Cain's seed were proud of their 'goat symbol' and used it everywhere!)

Yahshua said: "The enemy that 'sowed them' is the devil (Satan). The harvest is the end of the world and the reapers are the angels." Is this not clear? Who today, shall call Yahshua a liar? (To 'sow is to plant', and what more needs to be said of this ancient act, without becoming vulgar?)

Genesis 3:14, Yahovah in the beginning left open only one small crack in his written curse upon Satan, and that was intentionally not including "THE FOWLS OF THE AIR" in Satan's curse! Satan thus pounced on this one opening, and chose as one of his titles: the "PRINCE OF THE POWER OF THE AIR" (the Great Eagle), as his Number One World Order "God" and symbol.

This is confirmed again by Apostle Shaul (Paul) in Ephesians 2:2 and again in Romans 1:23 "They changed the esteem of the uncorruptible (Yahovah) into an image made like to corruptible man and to birds..." (ref. to this Great Eagle God is firmly verified through history for almost 6,000 yrs.)

You will note many ancient and even current Eagle seals and marks show the Eagle carrying the Serpent ie. see Mexico. In Indonesia, it is called Garuda = Ger = Gar = Gore, the Eagle today! Note: In Genesis 4:5, Yahovah rejected Cain's offering, because the ground was cursed, and Cain's "first fruit" offering came from the cursed ground. Yahovah does not accept things that are accursed, unless He Himself removes that curse. (Cain is still trying to serve Yahovah that which is cursed- unacceptable! Cain's seed are trying to get Yahovah to accept that which Cain chose for his inheritance, and what he chose to worship and to be his world standard! Despite their many cries of worshipping their God, Lord, and Jesus, and even their Madonna, Yahovah will not ever accept Cain's Great Eagle God, or his Eagle Goddess, or his many lies and evil done for 6,000 years! As Yahovah first rejected Cain's accursed offering, Yahovah shall obviously now totally reject all of his 'abominations', and all of his seed's 'billions of prayers' in Iesus and Isis names!) Genesis 4:3
Cain chose the "cursed ground" as his inheritance for himself (as FIRST BORN) and for his seed in his loins. Because blood is life and life is in the blood, this means Cain's DNA had no problems whatsoever making it through the flood, despite what Christians, Catholics and scholars say, with no understanding of these things. Confusion is taught also in Yahweh/Yahshua U.S. groups, as to who, what, and where these seeds of Cain are at today. In Genesis 4:7, Yahovah then officially sanctified and gave first born Cain (and his seed) the rule of the cursed world that Cain had already chosen as his inheritance for himself and for all of "his seed".

Clearly spoken in KJ Genesis 4:7 " (Cain) If you do well (good), shall you not be accepted? If you do not do well, sin lies at the door. And UNTO YOU (Cain) SHALL BE HIS (Abel's) DESIRE, and YOU (talking to Cain) SHALL RULE OVER HIM (rule over Abel and all of his seed in his loins!)

Millions of Bibles hide this obvious truth. Why? Because you would be able to put together the thousands of pieces of the puzzle 6,000 years! This means that Cain and his seed in his loins, in an unknown massive quantity, actually received the rule of the world: period! Cain's rule was never retracted even after the flood, because it (Cain's living seed) was in DNA blood! It also means that Cain's seed receive control over mammon (World Trade), and to be rulers over it in this world. (The proof of this today is in Cain's NAFTA, APEC, and GATT world trade agreements out of D.C.!

Who desires someone, unless they have something, or lots of stuff?) Much of this is common sense, which most today do not have much of, and they refuse to study history, or examine documentation. Why? Because many real goats of today go to great lengths to make themselves appear as "sheep"!

Note: Look around today and see who runs the world and has the majority of stuff. Who is the richest man in the world? Is he a Jew or a German? Germans rule the United States! It is Germans and Anglo-Saxons who run the show: end of case. Bavarian Masons organized and founded this country and still run it today. Yes, some Jews are successful, but millions of Germans hate them for having even a little part of their cursed world!

(Cain's seed are dedicated and persistent in their goals)

Eagle Son Little Horn Ruler They had teeth as teeth of lions (Rev. 9:8) (Left hand shake with Egg) (This same lion used by Hittites/Germans)

Note: Left hand of the High Priest of the Eagle God (right) has his 'Little Finger" extended, which is a dark code sign for another "Little Horn" ruler to come forth from the loins of this King. (Same hand sign used by the Egyptians)

Round Egg in right hand is the symbol of future Little Horn to be born. King (Cain's seed) places his right hand over the head of his Phoenix-Eagle God in an oath of continuing "perpetuation of the race" of Cain's seed and bringing forth another male ruler.

(See King's woven Eagle Feather Crown and Gold Chain)

Bas-relief from: Persepolis, 'Apa-Dana' on East Stairway. (Traditional Rulers of Ur, Assyria, Persia, Medes)

Cain's ruling seed, for 6,000 years, have continuously used variations of the same Eagle God/ Goddess in their ruling ceremonies, worship, dress, and identical symbols of their power in royal seals and in their marks.

In Genesis Yahovah warns not to desire these (cursed) world rule things of Cain and his many seed. In Genesis 4:8, Cain killed Abel to have all the world to himself and for his seed. That translates into Cain's GERMAN WORLD ORDER, or Mason Bavarian Order, which is connected directly to the German Throne of England, United States, Germany, Europe, Russia, and N.Y.C. and D.C.! In Genesis 4:15, Yahovah placed Cain and all of his seed under Satan's "Eagle" (Cain's Mark, also known as his World Ruling Royal Seal, or authoritive "sign" to rule the world that was given to him from Yahovah). Cain proved to be a murderer and a cunning liar from the beginning up to today.

Confirmed in John 8:44 "You are of your father the devil, and the lusts of your father you will do. He was a murderer from the beginning, and abode not in truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaks a lie he speaks of his own: for he is a liar, and the father of it." (Note: at this time, seeds of Cain and Yahovah's chosen seed were already well mixed, and also verified in the Book of Ezra)

Yahovah's prophet said: Behold Israel! You have "mixed" the holy (Yah's) seed! I John 3:12 "Not as Cain, who was of that 'Wicked One', and slew his brother. And wherefore he slew him? Because his own works were evil, and his brother's righteous." This was obviously put in the New Covenant Good News of Yahovah because IT STILL APPLIED!

Cain and his seed are still of that Wicked One. Look at names Cain, Kane, and Roth, and other syns. of Cain today, as "Cunning-ham", Rothman, Rothham, Rothburger, Ken O'Neal (Kneel down to Cain), Eagleburger, Harshburger, (Harsh German King) Pitt (from and of the pit) and Robert Olson (Old Son of Ra, the 'shining'). Most are not Jews, but because they are 'mixed seed', some Jews do have Cain's names, as McDonalds (The son of death of the Don-God of old = Cain, the son of Satan)!

Gore Star and Eagle God Eagle on Flag and Banner Bavarian Gott on its Perch (Son-of-the-Sun Shield) (Cain Farmer/Warrior) (Seat of Cain's Government)

YAHOVAH PUT THE EAGLE SEAL/MARK ON CAIN AND THEREFORE, IT IS DOMINATE on all of Cain's seed up to this day. Since Esau married into the Hittites (ancient Germans), who already had and worshipped the Eagle God, it is also the 'mark' of Esau and all of his seed. Also, in I Kings, the Royal seed line of Esau became as one with the sons of the Eagle Kings of Egypt! *

Mark of Cain is still the Eagle (God), and nothing can change that today. This is why you see Eagle Mark of Cain everywhere, and especially on/over seeds of Cain in U.S. and on their new money. See the Eagle God used on houses, in Rock and Roll, in all demon/ Satanic pagan clubs, witches, motorcycle gangs, radical cults, and especially racially motivated anti-Jewish world hate groups.

* German World Order under the Esau 'Red' is nothing new. Even during the time of King Solomon, this was engraved in stone in Thebes and said of the Egyptian Pharaoh and his son:

"Amon-Ra, the Baal of Thebes… the High Priest of Amon-Ra, the King of the Gods, the General-in-Chief of the Army, 'Men-Khepher-Ra', the son of the King Miamun Pinotem… at his feet… he had come… in victorious power to restore order to the land and to chastise his opponents. He gave to them the punishment they deserved, and ESTABLISHED the OLD ORDER of THINGS, just as it had been in the times of the reign of the 'Sun-God' Ra. Men-Khepher-Ra made many prayers to the God Amon-Ra: HAIL TO THEE! (As in Hail Hitler) … Father of the Gods, creator of the Goddesses… who creates provisions in abundance, who brings forth sustenance for Gods and Men, sunshine by day, moonlight by night… the greatest among the spirits… HAIL TO THEE, THOU SHINING BEAM!"

(To Satan/ Lucifer, the great deceiver of light and his many sons who have ruled the world as Eagle Serpent Sons of the Sun. Men-Kheper-Ra, as Mein Kamph of Hitler; German Keffier!) p. 408. E.S.

Real Jews and Israelites have never ruled the Gentile/Nation's world, despite what many say from radical "racially motivated" World Order groups. ie. The German Aryan Race, The 'Order', KKK, and others: especially different groups of German Anglo-Saxons, who say they are real Israelites.

Actual Royal Seals of Ur-Chaldeans Ur 'Zu' Satanic/Eagle God planting His Seed (Eagle God is over the Goats!) (German Budweiser logo: this Bud's for you)

3,000-2000 B.C. Royal King's Seals found in Ur-Mesopotamia-Chaldea-Babylonia conclusively prove/verify what is in Scripture, especially what Yahshua said about seed and who planted it!

German = Gore Man! German = Man of Blood. This is why many Germans are called 'Bloody'. (Gar-man = Eagle Man, Ger-men = Eagle Men, Gor-man = Eagle Man. Therefore Gore = Eagle! Nazis are Eagle sons, as Nazir, Nasser, and Nesher = Eagle. Romans called Hittites 'Gore-men') The Eagle Mark of Cain (Germanic) is well used throughout all of Europe, as in Germany, Austria, Belgium, France, Scotland, Russia, Greece, the Mid-East, the far-East and even over all of Indonesia. The other prophecies, especially the Jerusalem prophecy, covers the extensive use of the Eagle God.

The Norsemen, when they arrived in Scandinavia from Scythia, had the Eagle as their emblem and worshipped it as their God (Gott Wooden-Odin). It was also the emblem of Norway until 1200 A.D. (The popular first and last name 'Norman' = Nordic Man. Vikings also flew the Zu-Eagle on flags) The Eagle God is in the Arms of Bedford, England, Burton on Trent, and Stoke on Trent in England. In Scotland, and the Scotland Arms (where considerable Masonry is conducted, and the top Mason is considered the Great Scott, the Great Double Headed Eagle) the Eagle is in the Arms of Graham, the Duke of Montrose, and Haldane of Glen-Eagles, Munro (Monroe) of Foulis (Fowler), and Maclan of Ardnamurchan. The Eagle God is in the Arms of different Clan Chiefs, and they include MacAllister, Clanranald (Cain's clan who ran of old = Cain the vagabond), MacDonell, MacDonald, and Ramsay.

The Eagle God is found in the Netherlands, on the Arms of Budel (A 'bud' of the Mighty One), the Arms of Middelburg, Deventer, Ooster (German Oster), Oosterhesselen, Zuidworde, Noorbeck (Beck, as in Beck's German Beer), Apeldoorn, and many other places of importance in most towns. It is also found in the Danish Brigade, and the German War Eagle is well known in Austria, Germany/ Italy.

Eagle God Holding His Sacred Egg Elite Goat Seeds Become World Rulers (See Eight pointed Star of Cain's Seed) (Son-of-the-sun Seed Circle is still used)

Ancient Ur-Chaldean Royal Seals explain considerable. Eight Pointed Star is worn by almost all elite German Aryan Royalty Kings up to this day throughout all of Europe, England, and Russia. Hitler even wore the 'Circle-Son-of-the-Sun Spot' in his cap, and his Nazi commanders that served him also wore it. Assyrian-Babylonian Kings, Canaanite Kings, and Pharaohs also wore it. The understanding of this is simple: Yahovah chose the 'basest of men to rule over men' as written, and that is Cain's elite seed, and the majority of seed living under these rulers in Gentile nations are called 'goats'!

What? They have been called 'goats' for thousands of years, carried goats as their symbols, and even made numerous "Royal Seals as Goat People"! They are even portrayed as 'goats' in paintings. The goat symbol followed these people into Greece, Egypt, Canaanite lands, and yes, all across Europe!

Few today understand the basics of biology and what Germans have been doing in selective 'breeding' for generations, and what happens when a pure white cow is bred with a black cow, or a black pig and pure white pig are used for selective breeding, and are followed over several generations. Black is not necessarily black, and white is not necessarily white. Today, it is entirely possible, and has happened even in two white Hollywood stars, that two whites can have a 'black' child! Also, two blacks can have an almost white child. These are not unusual. But, these are only the 'surface' skin color basic characteristics of a person. What is seldom if ever talked about, or even understood, is the complex DNA/blood that really makes a person "inside". DNA I.D.s who is a real German and a real Jew!

Esau was also a DNA seed of Cain, and came out of the same womb as Jacob! Both Cain and Esau were 'Roth', and both considered 'Red'. This is a direct parallel to Cain and Abel coming out of the same womb. Esau and Jacob were twins, and Cain and Abel were twins. It is written Yah hated Esau before he was even born. (Why? Because seed was even mixed at the time of Jacob, and Esau had the DNA seed of Cain, and was of the character of ancient Cain. Yahovah's inheritance meant nothing to Cain and his seed, or to Esau, as written. Genesis 25:32. Because Jacob did lie and trick his father to get Esau's blessing, the Masons to this day call Esau "The True Man". Harry Truman is thus Esau, the 'Hairy-Harry One', the 'Red One', the 'True Man' who deserves his inheritance back!

These Bavarian Masonic dark codes and symbols are all around us today, and it is like learning a new language. But, once their language and codes, signs, symbols of the mysteries are revealed, their ugly past, their wicked plans and rituals, and their goals and objectives for today are known!)

Esau also married two Hittites (Germans today), against his father and mother's will, which these "two women" were more of the DNA original bloodline of Cain. (Genesis 26:34 and 36:2) This bloodline continued and mixed from ancient Ur-Mesopotamia, Babylon, and of course into Assyria. Few today care to study Greeks, Romans, Germans and Egyptians, to see their obvious connections. The tribe of Dan (not in the Revelation list) also went north and mixed with the Hittite/Edomites. Romans called the Aryan Hittites the Germans = Gore-men: who are descendants of Assyrians and Babylonians by blood that caused great destruction and death in the world. Third World War shall end these horrific fights between "seeds" to end this Gentile Age. Who can argue that Germans do not control the world today? Yet, most Germans intentionally point to small families of Yah's Jews.

Cain's seed have teeth as lions (Rev. 9:8) King Tut Lion Savior (Germans continue in this DNA Line) (Conquer the world) Following The Little Horn "Image Of The Beast" (Great Eagle-Lion Son King)

Yahovah has heard almost two billion say that they would never take the false Messiah's name (Iesus), his Mark (Great Eagle Son Seal), or the number of his name, his 666 Number (Barcode). They say that they would never worship him, or ever pledge an oath of allegiance to him, as it once was in the days of King Nebochadnazir of Babylon and in the days of Moshe and Aaron under the Pharaoh of Egypt: under the same ancient Great Eagle God! Yet, it has already happened! Hundreds of millions now work and live in the United States land of Eagle sons and daughters under the Pharaoh false Messiah.

118 world nations and countries are united together and approved GATT: all sealed (marked) under the "D.C. Great Eagle" 666 beast/son! They proudly stand to honor an Osiris-Iesus-Isis Egyptian "flag" with an "Eagle God" over it. Their country is dissolved with NAFTA, APEC and GATT and under a German Nazi Police State. They put their hands over their hearts and pledge to the "Golden Image" of the Great "Eagle God's Son" which is God, and never question it. They take the Eagle-beast's mark, name, and 666 number and pledge and worship him under "God" and 666 name "Iesus" (Eagle son of Zeus) in their many Christian churches. This is what Yahovah sees! They already serve him well!

L'fon (Fon): Gore's "selected" mother's maiden name (Revelation in chosen German Aryan Hittite names) Have you ever heard the saying, "everything is in a name"? (Le) in French means "the", as in L'Enfant (the child) who designed Washington, D.C. for Satan and his son (666 child). Masons then built it. Washington, D.C. At first glance, was named after George (German) Washington related to England's queen Elizabeth of (German) royalty. George Bush is also directly related to this family!

The second level however, reveals the hidden meaning of "Washington". One must know ancient history, most of which is in the Word: the Horites (Hurrians) and the Akkadians (Aryans) is a path of the seeds of Cain names: "Vagabond Aryan Hittites" are also known as Canaanites in Scripture.

(Even today's CEO 'Ford' said that his great grandfathers Ford/ Firestone called themselves the vagabonds) It bridges them with the ancient Sumerians and Ur Mesopotamians, from where Abraham was first called out.

The Aryan Hittite ancient capital was "Washugeni" and today's German Hittite Capital is "Washington"! (from the east "wash" in Japanese means Eagle) Also ton = 2000, thus, Washington literally means: "The Great Eagle 2000, which is Gore, the Eagle Son." Washugeni is a variant of Semitic "Resh-eni", meaning also "Where the water begins" of the Tigris River. The "Canaanite" (Hittite) Capital was on a bend of the Euphrates; and connected directly to the first dynasty of The Assyrians, Babylonians, and Sumerians. Yahshua thus said: "You worship you know not what"!

It was called: "Mari" (their "sacred virgin Mari") born by "the living waters" under "Ur's Great Eagle", as: U.S. State of "Mary" land: their legal section of Washington, D.C. and "Mari"ott D.C. Hotel once had inside (13) large bronze "Eagles" ascending from the "bowels" (pit) of a German Aryan Hittite and Egyptian "square". This is east of the White House and directly north of the Esau red roofed Federal buildings within the elite Masonic "Tower of Babel" Federal Triangle Project.

Persopolis Gate of Zerxes Lion Man King Goat Mascot: their Symbol (Lion-Bull-Eagle God Beasts over Goats) (Cain's Goats of Matthew)

To discover the mystery true meaning behind the wicked people to be placed on the left called goats, (what people Yahshua referred to in Matthew as goats) we must go back in time to the cities of ancient Ur and Mesopotamia from where these real "goat people" multiplied and migrated up to today.

(By age 45, it is said a person walks 70,000 miles, and thus, you can see how easily they migrated!) Gore's alleged mother's maiden name was "Fon": word for "magic charm". Fon means: Operating 'manifestation' of the total religious (Satanic) belief system comprised of "magic". (As with the geni and magi of Hittite Canaanites). Fon: malevolent eighteen (18) categories of evil forces. (18) is 666, or 3 x 6 = La'fon (the Fon), which is Gore: Born in "Isis" Arlington, Va., On March 31, 1948. Fon: as in the Roman God "faunus", a half animal and half human (of the ancient goats). Ancient Semitic Aryan Hittite Canaanite sexual rituals included "intercourse between women and goats"! Gore is the first re-born of Goats on left, and he is today's last "King over the Goats". Gore is Cain once again.

The following answers some questions of the Masonic connections to Gore and his Eagle Mark. (Trillions of dollars with Gore's 666 Black Eagle Mark on it, will not be given up by Cain's goats)


The Satanic Covenant Seal, with its pictorial/graphic five panels and symbols is in a British Museum. It is also documented in a rare published Masonic Rosicrucian book: with limited circulation for only interested and "enlightened" (Illuminati) Lucifer worshiping Masons. I knew of the 2300 B.C. Tarsus Hittite Seal, and studied it while in England in 1992. (Few today understand these ancient covenants)

Hall's Masonic book confirms and reveals more details of this covenant and the fact that elite Masons perform the major role in its final fulfillment today in Washington, D.C. and in the world. Hall's book contains critical 'inside' information on their Lucifer Eagle-Serpent Son-of-the-Sun worshiping and detailed ancient history of Masonic major symbols and their meanings. The ancient Mason Eagle God Covenant reveals the true purpose behind The United States of America and its "Capital One" and "Capitol One" (The actual 666 World Temple of Zeus and Iesus) now located in Washington, D.C.

Truths behind today's Masons have been around for some time. Hall Quote: "Work upon the text of this volume was begun the first day of January, 1926 ... reference material was begun in 1921 ... first edition 550 copies... the second edition, 550 copies, third edition, 200 copies and the fourth, or the 'ROSICRUCIAN EDITION', 100 copies. (NOT FOR PUBLIC SALE) but to place it in the hands of those particularly interested in the subject matter." Manly P. Hall, Los Angeles, Calif. May 28, 1928.

King's Lyre Hittite Statue of King/Queen Ur Eagle-Goat's Tree (Osiris Bull) (Eagle Sky God and Goddess) (Eight Pointed Stars)

The Original Title Page: "An Encyclopedic Outline of MASONIC, HERMETIC, QABBALISTIC, and ROSICRUCIAN SYMBOLICAL PHILOSOPHY. Being an Interpretation of the Secret Teachings Concealed within the Rituals, Allegories, and Mysteries of All Ages: by MANLY P. HALL. California, San Francisco: Printed for Manly P. Hall, by H.S. Crocker Co., Incorporated MCMXXVIII, 1959 VOLUME EDITION. This thick book contains extensive illustrated and historical Luciferic and Osiris/Isis foundations for the Masonic worldwide "religion" of today: their evil works rapidly being fulfilled 2000. (Note: Manly P. Hall was a 33rd. Degree Mason fluent writer, and for certain, knew what he was writing about in massive detail).

Millions today, especially Christians, still refuse documentation by the Masons in their own books that they are LUCIFER WORSHIPERS (of Osiris-Iesus-Isis). Why? Because their fathers, grandfathers, uncles, brothers, and many friends in their Jesus Christ Churches were and still are 'active' Masons.

THE SECRET: MASONS and CHRISTIANS and CATHOLICS WORSHIP "IESUS" (Gore). Masons hold many high offices in today's "OSIRIS-IESUS" CHRIST Churches. How? "Jesus" is the Mason's consecrated "SON OF ZEUS", which has nothing to do with Yahovah or Yahshua Messiah. Masons are even preachers in numerous Christian churches. Lucifer is "Number One" to them.

They are reserved by Yahovah for a "DOUBLE PORTION" of His righteous wrath: to now be poured down on them for following Satan's incredible lies; rituals, doctrine, and rejecting Yahshua Messiah! Instead, they worship Gore: Osiris-Iesus (Jesus) Christ, their deified Apollyon son of Zeus (Satan).

666 Man of Death Satan and Son Now as One "What is Not" (Rev.) (Behind the Scenes) (DNA of the Dead Alexis) (Power for 42 Months)

Due to the large volume of material spanning 6000 thousand years of history contained in Manly P. Hall's Book, we will reveal only a few quotes that pertain to "THE EAGLE" and "ITS" HIDDEN MEANING. This will help you understand the mystery and symbols behind Washington, D.C. and ALBERT ARNOLD GORE JR.: MASON'S "LAST EAGLE SON" (No. 8 King of Revelation).

Page XC: "Herodotus and Pliny noted the general resemblance in shape between the Phoenix and the Eagle." (In Masonic code, he is telling you that the Eagle and the Phoenix are 'one and the same')

Page XC: "The modern Masonic (double headed East-West Eagle God of today) Eagle was originally a Phoenix. (Hall makes this clear) The body of the Phoenix is described as having been covered with glossy (royal) 'purple feathers', while its long tail feathers were alternately 'blue' and 'red'..."

(My Note: U.S. Phoenix colors were used as the standard colors of ancient Egypt and today's United States, and numerous other countries today, as in the new Russia) "Its head was light in color and about its neck was a circlet of 'golden' plumage." (My Note: Read of 'That Ravenous Bird, The Man, the Eagle's Son of the East.' Isayah 46:10,11. Isayah is clearly talking about the Great Eagle Son Ruler of the East)

Page XC: "The Phoenix (today's Eagle God) was (and still is) regarded as sacred to the Sun (Eagle son-of-the-sun God worshipping). The Phoenix (Eagle God) was the Persian "Roc." (My Note: Also means the Great Eagle God: see extensive use of Roc, Rocky, and Rock today on TV and in the movies, as Rocky I, II, III, IV, and V, and Chevrolet's I-Roc, Baseball's Johnny Rocker on N.Y. train 'Number Seven'.

What he said against 'NON-ARYANS' is extremely Satanic, and reveals to the wicked what Germans soon plan to do throughout the U.S.. Moshe warned in Deut. that "THEIR ROC [Phoenix-Eagle God] IS NOT OUR ROCK [Yahovah and the Ruach ha Kodesh], Yahovah's Hebrew Name of His Spirit of Truth)

June 18, 1993, Gore elaborated on Energy 'Star Logo' be on all purchased computers: to be 'green' (Osiris) efficient in D.C. as the 'world's largest purchaser' of computers.

Gore is Osiris-Iesus, this Blazing Star! Gore in His Temple: This is Jesus Christ!

PAGE XC, HALL Continued. "The Phoenix was the 'Swan' and 'the Eagle' of the Greeks (Olympic and Hellenistic God Zeus symbol) the Great Eagle (Sacred God) of the Romans (Jupiter, same as Zeus), and Peacock of the far east [Mazda man-son-of-the-sun Eagle God]. To the ancient mystics, the Phoenix was a most appropriate symbol of the 'immortality' of the 'human soul'. The name Phoenix was also given to one of the 'secret' alchemical formulx. The Pelican of the 'rose croix' [mystery] degree... is in reality a 'Phoenix', a fact which can be confirmed by an examination of 'the head' of the bird."

(My Note: The Pelican is used today for Illuminati Mason's No. One Eagle "Al" Gore in marking his book Publications. GORE'S Eagle "Mark", KJ Rev. 14:11, is intentionally put on the German World Order 1996 federal reserve money, and is the "Mark" of his name. 2000 Great Golden Eagle God U.S. Dollar Coin is in honor of Gore. It is being extensively promoted on TV and on July 4, 2000, to make sure more receive it in their hand, they promoted an intentional 'error' of stamping GEORGE WASHINGTON on some of them, saying they are worth $100,000 each! Young and old alike and teenagers and their parents have already taken the Eagle son's mark in their hands, already condemned, and without repentence, are already done.)

Page XC: "In the Masonic mysteries... initiates are referred to as 'Phoenixes', or men who have been "born again"... after (9) degrees (Sacred number of Phoenix or Great Eagle) in the [Eve-Isis] 'womb of the mysteries', these men are born into a 'consciousness of the spiritual world'. The Phoenix [their Great Eagle God today] is the [Masonic Sacred] symbol of this 'spiritual' birth."

Now, after reading only what the Mason Hall said above, it should be very clear to anyone, with even several active molecules, that the Phoenix is indeed the U.S. Eagle, and REPRESENTS SATAN, and MASONS WORSHIP "IT/HIM". It should also be clear that they are 'reborn' again and understand the spiritual dark realm and dark sentences as devoted spiritual Eagle God sons to serve their 'Master Architect', which is Lucifer. It should be clear that Eve-Isis is their sacred womb of the mysteries.

The Mason's United States Constitution was a 'Masterfully Designed' piece of work that still legally protects, and separates out man and woman from Yahovah and Yahshua and His Laws and doctrine!

There is nothing ever mentioned in the U.S. Bill of Rights, or the Constitution about any obedience to Yahovah or Yahshua Messiah. In fact, it "protects the rights" of Gays and Lesbians and many others.

1776 FOUNDING MASONIC FATHERS WERE (PHOENIX-EAGLE GOD) WORSHIPERS OVER the United States (over 50 were documented Masons). They had strong blood ties to the Bavarian German Aryan Hittite Europeans in mysticism (Masonic Mysteries) who also worshiped the "GREAT EAGLE PHOENIX and Caesar-Kaiser-Tsar MAN-GODS and ISIS GREAT EAGLE GODDESS".

Great Eagle God of U.S. Deified Eagle Sons Golden Pelican (3,800 B.C. Ur God) (Teeth as Lions) (Little Horn)

Page XC Hall quote: "The 'hand of the mysteries' (Satan's ancient Egyptian hand symbol * of the Eagle-Phoenix man God Nimrod-Osiris) controlled in the establishment of the new government, for 'the signature of the mysteries' may still be seen on the Great Seal of the United States of America." (My Note: Pharaoh's wearing Eagles; covenant writings show their extended hand or arm, that represents Satan and his deified son's agreement, making or offering a sealed second party contract.)

"Careful analysis of the Seal discloses a mass of occult and Masonic symbols, chief among them ... the 'American Eagle' … only the 'student of symbolism' 'can see through' the subterfuge and realize that the American Eagle upon 'The Great Seal' of U.S. is but a conventionalized (ancient Satanic) Phoenix, a fact plainly discernible from an examination of the 'Original' Seal."

"In his sketch of ['The history of the Seal of the United States'] Gaillard Hunt 'unwittingly' brings forth much material to substantiate the belief that the Original Seal [1782] carried the 'Phoenix' on its obverse surface and 'the Great Pyramid of Gizeh' [Giza/Cheops Satan's ancient rock of perfection] upon its reverse surface." My Note: Making the United States a "Daughter of Egypt" or "Daughter of Babylon" in Revelation. (Great Eagle God or Ancient Phoenix was/is "THE ABOMINATION OF EGYPT": which Moses and Aaron sacrificed away from Pharaoh in Exodus 8:26.

The Mason's Phoenix-Eagle God rising out of these ashes, which is shown as a Double Headed Eagle in the fire inside the Mason's Sacred Stone Crystal, refers back toYahovah bringing down the Phoenix-Eagle and all it stood for in ancient Egypt. The Mason's 'work' is to build back up what Yahovah tore down in Egypt.

Hall Quote: CCI "THE DOUBLE HEADED EAGLE: THE SUPREME SYMBOL" (from 33rd. Degree Manly P. Hall's 1959 Lucifer/Satan Masonic Historical Volume)

This Masonic documentation will help in the understanding that "Gore" is now the "west head" of their Great double headed Eagle and also the "east head" as the reborn number seven "Tsar Alexis Romanov, the new son of Rome", from Egyptian German Aryan (Cain) Hittite Russian DNA blood Royalty from his German mother Alexandra. (Alexis, the Phoenix, is reborn again through Gore.)

"Mother Russia" (also the east head of Mason's Double Eagle) is revealed by Yahovah's Ruach ha Kodesh and documented in actual mystery "hidden sequence" in this order: Eve-was first "Queen Bee Mother" of her first born "Cain": the actual mother of Satan's seed: for perpetuation of his race.

(Cain first chose the god "NAZIR", The Great Eagle) Eve is actually Isis, the first worshipped sacred mother Of Cain and his seed: as without Eve's sin/adultery, there would be no seeds of Cain and their wickedness. The Perpetuation of the seeds of Cain is through blood (DNA). As written: "LIFE IS IN THE BLOOD, AND BLOOD IS LIFE." SEMARIMAS was another SACRED "QUEEN MOTHER" AFTER "THE FLOOD"AND WAS MARRIED TO NIMROD-OSIRIS THE GREAT OF BABYLON. Nimrod's chosen God was "Nisroch", Great Eagle (Isayah 37:38), who had many names and titles.

Nisroch Great Eagle God Stands on Coils of Serpent to deify an Eagle Son King (Ancient Covenant Hematite-Bloodstone Seal of Royalty Seed in Ur-Chaldea-Babylon)

Nimrod of Babylon is Osiris of ancient Egyptians. Many world kings came after him and copied his ways: being rebels against Yahovah. Queen NEFATARI was the FIRST [Egyptian] German Aryan Hittite sacred "Queen Mother" [also Isis], married to Rameses II. (All Pharaoh's are elite Horus Eagle-Phoenix Sons: Gore is also a World Pharaoh and revealed himself as such) Nefatari, was the 1st. Sacred "Isis Queen of Egypt over the Germanic Race." She was totally adored by Hitler of Germany, who was also a Mason. He even had her bust stolen and brought to him before he declared World War II and then went out to conquer the world for "her"; the German Race. (Hitler thought he was King No. 8)

All German Royalty Seeds of Cain have the Eagle's "Mark". In fact, all Germans have the Eagle as their Mark. (See German Mark). Alexandra-"granddaughter of Victoria", who, through adultery, became pregnant with number (7) Alexis Romanov [of Cain]. Alexis, was a first born male "Tsar God Eagle Son" of Satan. German's Alexandra was symbolic "Eve-Isis" goddess and "Queen Mother" of Russia: the "east head" of Mason's great east-west double headed Eagle, was the World Tsar Alexis, who was shot in the head in 1918. Romanov means "new Rome", "the son of new Rome", and Alexis (Alexander) was number seven of Revelation, Caesar-Kaiser (King Tsar) brought back to life.

Masons are already "together as one evil spirit under Gore" 9/9/93, and Gore is their world Caesar. Satan himself is now magnified in Gore's flesh and now turned loose on the world as written! Woe now unto the world's deceived! Gore receives 100% power January 2001-4, Rev. 13:5.

(Triple Crown World Order King) German Messiah Crowned God Bavarian Supreme Hierophant (Holds the World and Sword) (Hidden Osiris-Iesus-Jesus)

Quotes of Hall under Double Eagle: "HERE IS DEPICTED the 'SUPREME HIEROPHANT', 'MASTER' (Satan, The Great Eagle, and Eagle Son Gore, are now as one: Mason's Supreme Master, their number one) of the DOUBLE HOLY EMPIRE" (Russia-U.S.A. NOW AS ONE. My Note: Immediately after Gore's visit to Russia in late 1993-94, Russia went back under the God-Tsar's Double Headed Crowned Eagle of the German Romanovs. Gore had Yeltsin replaced and 'put in' PUTIN.)

Hall: "... MASTER of the 'SUPERIOR' and INFERIOR UNIVERSES. The ancient emblem of eqiuilibrium consists of an androgynonus body surmounted by 'two heads': one 'male', one female, wearing a single Imperial Crown (Gore + Mother Russia + Alexis east-west Eagle Crown) that being alone is 'perfect' in which all opposites are reconciled, and this 'state of perfection' is appropriately typified by the 'two heads' of equal dignity." (Osiris-Iesus and Isis-Victoria)

"Hence, the double-headed Eagle is reserved as 'the emblem of completion', for it signifies the 'philosopher's (black) stone' the 'ultimate soul' condition", "and that absolute and transcendent perfection which arises only from the fullest unfoldment of the latent potentialities within the individual." (My note: "it" is Gore, "their" absolute perfection "master". To them, special DNA cells united together to make him) "PHILOSOPHICALLY, THE 33rd. DEGREE of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite represents the innermost sanctuary of Masonic 'mysticism'...THE DOUBLE HEADED EAGLE, 'THE SYMBOL' OF THAT SUBLIME DEGREE, WERE ENDOWED WITH THE POWER OF SPEECH, 'IT' WOULD SAY:

(My note: he [Satan] has caused the image [eagle son] of the beast [the Eagle God] to speak". Revelation. Listen to the Mason's Master: Satan speak his lies (through Gore) his Eagle son and Sovereign Tsar man-God over the entire world. Gore is also Dan, of the "X" Tribe of Dan, who went North and joined Hittites. Gore shall judge his people, as written, as an "X" Jew, who is not written in the Book of Revelation.)


(My note: As when Gore flew to Alabama; shown compassionately putting his arms around a German Hittite sinful woman devastated by a whirlwind of destruction (Tornado) sent by Yahovah: immediate death of her daughter in "her" Ala. United Methodist Church at the alter! Read of her judgment in Revelation)


More Stout-Stiff (Daniel) Flatteries and dead pan Humor World's Tsar Vice President

(My Note: Back to Eve, Satan and their Sin in Garden. This is the symbol and emblem and sacred chosen God of Cain and for all of his seed: "IT" still imitates "I AM" YAHOVAH! "IT" is still full of a continuous stream of lies: Satan is indeed the father of all lies, as it still is today; now straight through Jesus, Al Gore)

Quotes from Manly P. Hall's Masonic Mysteries, continued: Sacred double headed Eagle speaks:

"I REPRESENT A SPIRITUAL CONDITION, A MENTAL ATTITUDE, A PHYSICAL STATE ATTAINED ONLY BY THE ELECT OF THE EARTH." (My Note: From the 'cursed earth', and all 'cursed' man's flesh: "Cursed is the man who ever 'Trusts' in a man of the earth", as written. Yahovah has His Elect, and Satan has his elect-ed!) "I AM THE SYMBOL OF THE ILLUMINED AND TRANSFIGURED SOUL WHICH HAS BEEN 'BORN AGAIN' AND APPROACHED THE THRONE OF DIVINITY."

(My Note: Masons are thus "born again" into Satan's Spirit, and literally approach the throne of Isis, Satan and son, and death: he is their "Master"! Satan and Gore as Satan's number one is also the Mason's Master.

Gore is a professed "Born Again" Christian Baptist. Gore is the last King written about in the Book of Revelation by Apostle John and revealed by Yahshua Messiah: "HE IS OF THE SEVENTH Alexis Romanov AND HE IS THE EIGHTH Gore.")


(My Note: Satan's Eagle symbol is indeed a "gatekeeper" of the pit. Again, Satan imitating Yahovah and Yahshua! Gore is imitator to the end: Yahshua was "given the likeness of sinful flesh" as "the son of man" as written by Apostle Paul.

Gore is also known as The Prince of Darkness, and The Prince of Tennessee. Imitating Yahshua, who said that a prophet would be rejected in his own country, Gore was thus rejected!)

Gore is (Apollyon of Revelation) called the Wooden 'Apollo' in a book on Gore.

The Pretender of Love and Life Gore Won the Election in Florida (Man who deceived the world) (Masonic Builders rejected him!)

Gore was actually created through an "immaculate" and elaborate "living virgin woman carrier" laboratory in Washington, D.C. before his recorded birth March 31, 1948. He was then immediately "adopted" by the Gores to have the conclusive "correct name" (Gore = Blood, and Gore = Murderer) in prophecy. Gore also means: 'Triangle' piece of land, and the 'Man of Death'.

Gore is made possible through an incredible 'immaculate deception' and he is the "first fruit" from the Egyptian book of the dead of hundreds of millions of dollars worth of DNA and genetic research. Gore is scientifically and genetically the answer of bringing back to life the DNA of the shot in the head Tsar Alexis Romanov of Russia. This answers Yahovah's puzzling riddle that has stumped the world's greatest scholars for centuries: That "which was, and is, but is not, and yet is" of Revelation.

YAHSHUA MESSIAH is the Only Begotten Son of Yahovah the Most High! GORE IS THE LAST SON OF SATAN, but as written, Satan will not "ASCEND", he will "DESCEND" (Read Isayah). Gore's wicked and sinful dead flesh will be destroyed at the brightness of Yahshua Messiah's coming. Satan is bound for a thousand years. (The world is not ready for this incredible event to happen)

Hall Double Eagle quote continues: "I CLUTCH BETWEEN MY TALONS THE FLAMING CHERUBIMIC SWORD, THE FLAMING SPIRIT-FIRE WITH WHICH THE MIRACLE OF MY EXISTENCE WAS WROUGHT. I AM 'THE SYMBOL OF THE INITIATOR' WHO THROUGH THE AGES CARRIES GANYMEDES INTO THE PRESENCE OF THE GODS UPON HIS BACK." (End quotes Of Hall under Mason illustration of their Double Eagle. Go back to first page and see this sword. Satan and Cain have always been the initiators of death, war, and lies. Cain, the Eagle Son, who is the Lion King Ruler, continued through his seed line right up to Gore.)

Other 33rd. Degree Master Masons are found in the Book 'Encyclopedia of Freemasonry and its Kindred Sciences', and quoted in a recent book, p. 301, 'THE WORLD'S LAST DICTATOR', by Dwight L. Kinman, 1995, ISBN 0-88368-445-4.

(My Note: His book documents some of what is going on today to bring about the world's last dictator on his throne. It is unfortunate that Dwight Kinman has not yet learned about the deception of "Jesus Christ" and "God" (Gott) with Masonry and Christianity, or about the major symbol and mark of Lucifer, Isis, and Gore, which is the Great Eagle. Kinman correctly centers in on the U.S. and Washington, D.C., but does not name Albert Arnold Gore Jr. as the False Messiah and the world's Number One Mason.
The reason why Kinman does not have the correct answers in his revealing book is obvious, at least to me: Kinman = Ken's Man = "Cain's Man". Ken = Con = Kenneth = Cain. I received my Revelation direct from Yahovah; he did not.)

Quote: "The most prominent Freemason in American history was Albert Pike, author of the elite Masonic guide-book 'Morals and Dogma'. He states: 'The Masonic religion should by all of us initiates of the highest degrees be maintained in the purity of the Luciferian Doctrine. Lucifer, the light bearer! Lucifer, Son of the Morning! It is he who bears the light!" (Is this not clear?)

Quote: "Manly Hall, a 33rd. degree Mason, also wrote in the book 'Lost Keys of Freemasonry': When the Mason learns that the key to the warrior on the block is the proper application of the dynamo of 'Living Power', he has learned the mystery of the craft *: the 'seething energies' of Lucifer is in his hands." p. 303. (Masons do control Satan's world today, and they are craftsmen)

U.S. Flag "Under God" Gore: "The Mighty One's Risk School" (Lucifer is God) (Osiris = El = Mighty One, La = The)

Kinman: "The Illuminati believe when the Capstone (which represents Nimrod-Osiris reborn over Cheops Pyramid) comes down, their God Lucifer will reign over the earth. p. 303. * (My Note: Yahovah's prophet Daniel talks about these wicked people coming to the full and also of their evil craft.)

Kinman: "He basically is the Great Capstone of the (Cheops/Giza) pyramid, the son of perdition." My Note: This was already accomplished in Washington, D.C. 1995; done in honor of ALBERT ARNOLD GORE, JR.. Masonic work to provide the place for Satan and Son to rule as one is finished. Agreements of NAFTA, APEC, and GATT to solidify the German World Order Trade under Gore are done. Agreements to solidify the world's armies, and U.N./NATO/FEMA/U.S./GERMANY all under Gore are also done.

Kinman p. 304. "Exactly thirteen blocks from the White House (Temple) in Washington, D.C., is the Great Masonic Temple of the Scottish Rites. It, too, houses the Great Black Stone (also in United Nations in N.Y. and also the sacred Stone of Moslem's Mecca). Albert Pike wrote: The ancients adored the sun under the form of a 'Great Black Stone'. That 'Great Black Stone' is another symbol of their God, Lucifer." (My Note: See "Blackstone Productions", Hollywood. Others know what is going on today in Freemasonry to fulfill their goals, but they do not know the secret behind God, the Great Eagle, and "Osiris-Iesus".Gore is entering into the limelight and great evil in 2001-2004)

GORE'S "666 GREAT EAGLE MARK" IS ANCIENT MYSTERY and HISTORY OF CAIN (Yahovah gave Cain and his seed the "Mark/Seal" of the Eagle) "Therefore whosoever slays Cain, vengeance shall be taken on him (7) sevenfold. And Yahovah set a "MARK" (of the Eagle, which is one of the four beasts from one of the four corners of Yahovah's Throne in Heaven as written) upon Cain, lest any finding him should kill him." (My Note: In WW II when only 'one' German was slain in their towns, they slaughtered many. Genesis 4:15. "Mark" also means: "Sign", "Symbol", Pledge, and "Seal". These are in other translations. Cain took Yahovah's 'Sign' to him and made it into his God of Protection)

See 'Image' of Pharaoh with an obvious phallic 'white pyramid' apron.  What is today is what was yesterday… Read the 'Egyptian Glyphs' (666 "Pepsi" Generation Pharaoh today with his "dogs" is in U.S.)

Red, White and Blue was Egypt's colors. The "red" Eagle eye is the right eye of Osiris-Iesus. The worship of Isis holding the "cross" is the one and same "Madonna" of today. The border with the alternating colored rectangles shown above the glyphs is worn by the Catholic Pope! Base border has today's colors of Germany on their flag for their Queen (Aryan Hittite) Nefatari. Regardless of this and other documentation, over one billion Catholics will not repent of this evil.

 Statue of Zeus is the Eagle God. Iesus is the Eagle's Son (Ephesus was named after Iesus. Osiris-Iesus = Capstone)

Nebochad-nazir was an Eagle son in Babylon. Alexander the Great was an Eagle son in Greece. Osiris-Iesus was an Eagle son in Egypt, as were all Pharaohs. Gore is the world's last Eagle son.


Cain and his seed of the wicked one set up "the Eagle" (My sign given to him) as their "God" of choice, since Cain first rejected Me and My ways, and was cast out! His seed continue to reject Me to this day, and not knowing or accepting "My Name". They do not follow My teachings and My Commandments, nor do they worshiping Me in Spirit and in Truth, and they are still doing evil and sin in My sight! They still worship 'strange gods' before Me! Some of His seed have taken My Name without being 'called out' by Me and they now claim to be Israel/Jews!

Their 'God' is still the 'God' of this world and his world "mark" (seal), his "name", his "image", and his "number", is on them and now over them. "The Eagle" has been over Cain's seed to this day: they "wear" it, they "pledge" to it, they "trust" it, they look to "it" for their total protection, and for their freedoms to not obey Me or My Son! They now use "it" to buy and to sell, and "it" is now in their temples (in their foreheads). See? As in days of old, in Noah's day, they will not repent as written!

Egyptian Pharaohs worshipped the Great Eagle Horus, Osiris and Isis (The U.S. today is the Daughter of Egypt) (What they Worship)

"Nazir" = Eagle (Nesher, Nesser = Eagle), "Nisroch" = Eagle, "Asshur-Nazir" = Eagle son, "Horus", "Mazda Ra" = Eagle and Eagle son, "Zeus" and "Iesus" = Eagle and Eagle son, "Jupiter", "Wodan" and Thor = Eagle and Eagle son. They are all under today's U.S. Great Eagle God (Seal) and the U.S. President and Vice President's Seals and many other U.S. Government and state Eagle Seals.

(Think: The Eagle is God and has been for thousands of years. Therefore, whoever is considered the deified and consecrated Eagle Son today is also the God's Son or the Eagle's Son as one with the Eagle. The Eagle is God, and therefore everything under it, or having the Eagle's Seal on it, is subject to it and its son, who is Gore, and put under its jurisdiction. If you now pledge to "One Nation under God", and sing "God Bless America", then you are pledging to the Eagle, and you are asking God [Gore the Eagle] to Bless America!)

Satan and Cain's "Eagle" is the Beast of Revelation, and the Eagle's "graven images" are Satan's Eagle sons: "Iesus" Jesus Christ today! Worldwide bar (son's) code is now law for all products under Cain's Eagle son Gore: "666 number" of the Eagle: through NAFTA, APEC, and GATT world trade covenants. George W. Bush decreed that all in U.S. give thanks to God, and to worship God. Today he, as millions, pledges to the Eagle God, and he reports to the Eagle God and the Eagle's Son, Gore. This is specifically why Gore said at a Democratic fund raiser in early October 2001 and quoted in USA TODAY (AP): " George W. Bush is 'My' Commander in Chief." (This is the truth!)


With all of the 'stupid things' that he has said and done, and the way that he has acted out a stiff-joker's 'role' on TV and in the media, who would ever believe that he is the man that many in the world are now looking for? Remember: Gore is the one in power, not Bush. Since January, 2001, thousands of incredible decisions have been made by 'GORE' to thrust us closer to the coming of Yahshua Messiah! In case you need to be reminded: in only one short year of Gore being in power, the U.S. has:

- MANIPULATED TERRORIST ATTACKS on TWIN TOWERS and the 'PENTAGON'. (Government law enforcement agencies, such as CIA, knew in advance what was to happen.) - MANIPULATED, FED, and SHUTDOWN Independent Reporter MEDIA COVERAGE. (Pre-planned coverage of details given to media: Government raids, arrests, are not covered.) - DECLARED WORLD WAR III. (Beginning of the final German World War in prophecy) (Activated NATO Special Forces clause response for all world members/ announced on TV) - IMPLEMENTED 'MARTIAL LAW' (Called 'Homeland Security' to not excite the public) IMPLEMENTED 'NATIONAL GUARD'/ SEARCH and SEIZURE at AIRPORTS - SELECTIVELY SEALED BORDERS FROM MOST NON-ARYAN IMMIGRANTS - AUTHORIZED TENS OF BILLIONS $$ TO CREATE A 'NAZI POLICE STATE' - CREATED A WORLD POLICE COURT and INDEPENDENT SENTENCES ARRESTED and JAILED THOUSANDS WITHOUT CHARGES or TRIALS. - MONITORING/ INVASION OF PRIVACY OF MANY MILLIONS IN THE U.S. - INVASION, ATTACK of AFGANISTAN and the KILLING of THOUSANDS. SET UP A PUPPET GOVERNMENT and resumed flow of WORLD DRUGS Inc. SET UP U.S. MILITARY BASE for POTENTIAL ATTACK ON IRAN, IRAQ.

- INVASION OF PHILLIPEANS (Islands) to route out rebel resistence to German World Order. (Key military base for the East, and Indonesia, trade cross-roads, and used for growing drugs) - INVASION OF 'GEORGIA' (formerly Soviet Union) to now do battle for the Soviet Union.

(Invasion of Colombia, Yemen, and several other smaller countries to kill and remove resistence) - DECLARED WORLD'S AXIS OF EVIL: Iran, Iraq, North Korea. Plans for attack on Iraq.

(Placed specific terrorist enemies on a list for potential 'first strike' use of nuclear weapons)

Thousands of other horrific things are in the works by this beast, and, as they say, you have not seen anything yet. Watch what happens in the next two and half years under Gore, and then watch what Yahovah is doing to his 'kingdom' and to all of those who now worship him. It is closure time!

IN GOD WE TRUST: SINGING GOD BLESS AMERICA! German "Third World War" under the Great Eagle God (Who can fight the fourth beast? Who can make war with it?)

"IT" (The Great Eagle God, which is Satan and son) HAS DECEIVED THE WHOLE WORLD, AS WRITTEN, AND ALL THE WICKED UNDER "IT". The United States and the world is 'united' together in defiance to Yahovah and Yahshua Messiah. They want their freedoms to continue to sin and to live without Yahovah. THEY WILL NOW SEE THAT YAHOVAH ALONE IS OVER ALL THINGS! Do you now understand? The "Mark" of Gore's name is the Eagle. The Spirit of Yahovah, His Ruach ha Kodesh, has answered Revelation 14:11 and many other Scripture mysteries.

Prophecy: there will be nothing but lies, deception, illusions, mass murders, propaganda and cover-ups under "the Great Eagle" Gore, and his millions of "Nazir" Nazi Eagles today in their German Aryan (Hittite Egyptian) world order. Yahovah shall destroy and consume his evil empire until it is over and Yahshua returns. (If anyone thinks this is not happening, realize that one third of the United States is in a severe drought, and one third is suffering from incredible wild fires of grass and woodlands. In California, Colorado, Florida, and even in Kentucky, many fires have raged out of control.)

All over America, conclusive proof exists of German-Cain's rule and what they represent, as they still worship their ancient Eagle "God",(Gott) Osiris-Iesus (Jesus Christ), and their old "Mari" Madonna (Ashtaroth-Eve-Isis-Nike), the cause of them being here in the first place! Time for extensive study of this great mystery is over: it will certainly not save any of them or any Israelite/Jew to know who are real seeds of Cain/Esau walking among us today. Yahshua Messiah promised to sort this great seed mess out with His angels when He comes (very soon).I am confident He will do as He has promised.