Prophecy update: Oct. 9th. 2001. In three very bold signs, Yahovah revealed that He shall end this Gentile/German Age in December 2001 (Officially closing the door to them: no longer offering His Salvation or mercy!) After December 2001 to 2004 to (?) what shall be offered/ given to the Gentiles is an incredible seven bowls of 'double portions' of Yahovah's wrath for rejecting Him and Yahshua.

How can Yahovah offer them Salvation when the Germans shall again do their 'great purge' of Jews under the disguise and cover of their (terrorist) World War III? Yahovah shall greatly punish and destroy them: even their kids (goats)! After Gore's shadow "One World Order" reign of 42 months. (Which he is now in full power 2001-2004 with George W. Bush as his Masonic herald and front man.

Unless you have been chosen to receive this prophecy, there is no way that the already damned Iesus Christian and Catholic Ministers, and Yahweh Group Pastors will give it to you. They do not believe!)

To confirm many of these things about the fourth kingdom under the Great Eagle God Beast, and also about Gore, the last Eagle son "Little Horn World ruler", read the Prophet Daniel's descriptions.

Left Five Pointed Gore Star One Osiris-Iesus Gore Star Star President Gore (Identical to Ancient Egypt) (Mouth Speaking Great things) (He is the real Power)

Gore's body is to be destroyed and given to flame at the brightness of Yahshua Messiah's coming. Yahovah shall be the One to say when His wrath upon the earth is finished, as written in Revelation! "These great 'beasts', which are 'four', are 'four kings', which shall arise out of the earth … the truth of the fourth beast, which is diverse (different) from all the others, exceeding dreadful, whose teeth were of iron, and his nails of brass, which devoured, brake in pieces, and stamped the residue with his feet. And of the ten horns that were in his head, (ten little horns out of this fourth kingdom are ten kings that shall arise…Daniel 7:24) and of the other which came up after the ten kings in this fourth kingdom, which shall be diverse [different] than the first and before whom three fell; even of that (Little) Horn, that had eyes, and a mouth that spake very great things, whose look was 'more stout' (stiff *) than his fellows." (Daniel 7:17-21)

* Gore, his staff, press editors, and TV comics have called him the 'Stiff One' for eight years!

"I beheld, and the same 'Little Horn' (Gore today) 'made war with the called out ones' of Yahovah, and he (Gore today) prevailed against them; until the Ancient of Days came, and judgment was given to the called out ones of the Most High Yahovah; and the time came that the called out ones possessed the Kingdom." (Daniel 7:21-22) "The called out ones of Yahovah Most High shall take the Kingdom, and possess the Kingdom for ever, even for ever and ever." 7:18 Thus he said, The fourth beast shall be the 'fourth kingdom upon the earth', which shall be diverse from all the kingdoms, and shall devour the whole earth, and shall tread it down, and break it in pieces." (Daniel 7:23) (For certain, today's German One World Order is different!)

U.S. "Lady" has brought forth her "mysterious" eighth King to rule the world. (Seeds of Cain will not accept that their Gore German Messiah is Osiris-Iesus!) Now you have some of the answers to Yahovah's mysteries in prophecy and in His Word. When it is realized that Jesus Christ of today is Iesus of the Greeks, and Iesus Apollyon is "Osiris-Iesus" of Egypt, and that the worship of Osiris of ancient Egypt and the east is in reality the worship of his cut-off phallic, and also much sexual activity for the continuous perpetuation of Satan's seed, it should become clear Yah's anger at this repulsive worship of a phallic! I, and others who know these truths, totally ignore Christian rebukes in the name of the penis of Osiris-Iesus! No power is in a phallic! There is no Salvation in a penis or the worship of it! There is no Salvation in 'sexual activity' today!

Now you should see why Yahovah shall have no mercy to those who worship a phallic/vagina and refuse to repent. Now you should see why Yahovah brings the "Third Curse" upon the world.

Hail across U.S. is some of Yah's Wrath This man is "wrath" ($$$ Billions of dollars in damages) (Power 42 Months)

We hope this has answered some of your basic questions about Cain and his many seeds today. You should now see that Gore is the son of perdition, and that Yahovah's wrath is finally here. You will discover quickly that what is in this prophecy is truth from Yahovah and Yahshua Messiah. The coming of our Yahshua Messiah is not going to be welcomed, as the world is not expecting Him: they are expecting Jesus, and are too consumed in deception to recognize that he is already here!

This is for today: Psalm 83:14-15-16-17

"…As fire consumes the forest, or a flame sets the mountains ablaze, so pursue them with your tempest and TERRIFY THEM WITH YOUR (perfect) STORM. Cover their faces with shame so that men WILL SEEK YOUR NAME, O' YAHOVAH. May they ever be ashamed and dismayed; and may THEY PERISH IN DISGRACE." (100,000 thousand fires per year in U.S. rage, and Satan, to mock this verse, came out with the movie: 'THE PERFECT STORM'!)

Yahovah shall not let into His Kingdom those that worship the same garbage as Egypt. (Yahshua said that He did not come to feed the dogs, and He is still not going to feed them!) Psalm 105:29-35

"…He turned their waters into blood (poison), causing their fish to die… He spoke, and there came swarms of flies, and gnats throughout their land; He turned their rain into hail, with lightning throughout their land; He struck down their vines and fig trees, and He shattered the trees of their country. He spoke, and the locusts came, grasshoppers without number, they ate up every green thing in their land, and ate up the produce of their soil…"

(Much of this now happening across U.S., and yet, the deceived repent not. Clinton declared the entire U.S. Fishing Industry a National Disaster. Locust were attacking in Texas and Utah. Even April 2nd. 1995, Yahovah sent a pre-warning of one of the great plagues in Revelation to come: CNN announced in China that gigantic HAIL BALLS, reported as 'ICE METEORS', fell in provinces causing millions in damage and killing livestock and some people. The weather experts are perplexed, as they have no explanation of why this occurred: 75-100 lb. Hail balls left 'three foot' wide craters in the ground.)

3/18/2002 A TV Commercial has given a countdown signal for the German purge. Coach of/over the Lost Angels (Los Angeles) Phil 'Jackson' (code for Satan's Son Gore) is driving a Taxi, and he asks, Where to? And they say: "Up town and Down town". He says while driving away, REMEMBER TEAM, IT'S THE WE, AND NOT THE ME. Understand? In getting ready for this incredible wrap for the German blitz, team togetherness and total 'stealth' is essential to pull it off for "Mari"-ott!

(A host of evil demons made this TV commercial, and thus Jackson is in reality speaking for Gore! A Verizon Commercial has the same evil code: with a German hockey player calling his 'Mommie'!)

Meanings of Little Horn Ruler terms/ Names/Titles to better understand this last day prophecy: - Little Horn: for several thousand years, the rulers from ancient Ur-Mesopotamia, Babylon, and Assyria, Persia, to the Canaanite-Hittite lands, and even Egypt, were called Little Horn rulers. Satan was known as the Big Horn. To symbolize this to his people and army, Little Horn rulers wore a small horn in their crown, or placed on top of their fez cap. They also wore bull's horns.

- Ninus, Belus, Bel, Baal, and Kronos are other names and titles for Nimrod-Osiris of Babylon. Kronos (Saturn) signifies The Horned One. A horn is a well-known Oriental emblem for power. In the mysteries, therefore Saturn (Nimrod) was called 'the Father of the Gods', as he was thus deified and worshipped as a 'God' after the flood, and many coming after him were also deified as Gods. 'Gheber' = 'The Mighty One', is another title for Nimrod. Gheber today is an actual German/French name 'Gebert', which means The Bright Shining One. "In the Orphic Hymns, Apollo (Iesus, prophet son of Zeus) is addressed as the 'Two Horned God' (Hymn to Apollo)." Ref. to pp. 31-32. Hislop. (You should recognize 'Apollyon' as the false Messiah in Revelation)

- In Nineveh, Babylon/ Assyria, the same word that signified a 'bull' signified also a 'ruler' or 'prince'. Hence the 'Horned Bull' signified 'The Mighty Prince'. Bacchus of the Greeks was also represented as the 'Bull Horned'. (Another name for Nimrod-Osiris) P. 33. A. Hislop. (It is not a coincidence that the funnel speaker used to communicate is called the Bull Horn!)

Hislop also describes the Horned God named 'Zernebogus' (note the word 'bogus' in this name, which means counterfeit) Quote: "One of the divinities worshipped by our Pagan Anglo-Saxon ancestors. This Zernebogus was the black, malevolent, ill-omened divinity. In other words…

the popular idea of the 'Devil', as supposed to be black, and equipped with 'horns and hoofs'. The name 'Zer-Nebo-Gus' (Zernebogus) is almost pure Chaldean… Zer-Nebo-Gus the great Seed of the (false) prophet Cush, was Nimrod. Nimrod, as the son of Cush, was black. It will be seen that in that figure disentombed from Nineveh, we have both the prototype of the Anglo-Saxon Zer-Nebo-Gus, and the real original of the black Adversary of mankind, with the horns and hoofs." P. 34. (Hear we see that the scholar Hislop labels Anglo-Saxons as 'pagan' and even worshipped the Devil, by the name of Zer-Nebo-Gus! Nebo is found in King Nebo-Chad-Nazir's name [Nebochadnazzer], and Nazir means/ refers to the Great Eagle God worshipped in Babylon.)

To further point towards the Eagle worshipped as the Supreme God, and deified sons of the Eagle also described as having (Eagle's) Wings, Hislop thus said: "There was another way in which Nimrod's power was symbolized besides the 'horn'. A synonym for Gheber, The Mighty One, was 'Abir, while 'Aber' also signified a 'Wing'. Nimrod… was 'Baal-Aberin', the Lord of the Mighty Ones. 'Baal-Abirin', pronounced nearly in the same way, signified 'The Winged One' … a Baal 'horned and winged bull'… (Lord with Wings)." pp. 37-38.

With expanding wings shown on statues of these Little Horn Rulers of the heathen, Yah's major/ minor prophets described Babylon/Assyrian Great Eagle Son Warriors coming to attack Israel as the 'Eagle', or spreading their large 'wings' over the entire land! Today, I do the same, and boldly warn that Gore shall spread his wings not only over the entire U.S., but over the world! Then, the prophet Obadiah warned specifically of all those, as Gore, 'who exalt themselves as the Eagle (God)', and told what Yahovah shall do to them at the end of days, which is now! Woe unto the Eagle's sons!

Although Hislop did not connect the Eagle with the deified sons, or the deception of the word 'God' and 'Iesus' (Jesus) as the worshipped Eagle Son, he did other remarkable research that ties together many of the hidden mysteries of Babylon and Assyria that still plague us to the end with Gore.

Hislop: "When we look as such figures as those which are here presented to the reader with their great extent of expanded wing, as symbolizing an Assyrian King, what a vividness and force does it give to the inspired language of the prophet! And how clear is it, also, that the stretching forth of the (Babylonian) Assyrian Monarch's Wings, that was to 'fill the breadth of Immanuel's * land' (* in that Son of Man is Yahovah our El, who is our Yahshua Messiah), has that very symbolic meaning to which I have referred--- the overspreading of the land by his 'mighty ones', or hosts of armed men, that the king of Babylon was to bring with him in his overflowing invasion!" pp. 38-39. (Gore is this image today, and with his armed men! He shall overflow the land, and 'he shall destroy mightily', as written in Daniel.)

Eagle-Bull Assyrian King Little Horn Eagle Son Image of King Nebochadnazir

KJ Isayah 8:6-8 "Therefore, behold, Yahovah brings up upon them the waters of the river, strong and many, even the King of Assyria, and 'all his glory': and he shall come up over all his channels, and go over all his banks: And he shall pass through Judah; and he shall overflow and go over, he shall reach even to the neck; and the 'stretching out of his wings' (he shall extend his power over the land) shall fill the breadth of your land, O Imman'u-el."

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