The Seven Letters -

Jeanne Kruchowski
Sep 15, 2003

Dear Precious Ones, please hear what the Spirit is saying,

NOW IS THE TIME TO PREACH THAT JESUS/YESHUA SAVES! I watched the History channel last night and there was a program on about the Bible Codes with mostly Rabbis and Jews interviewed. According to one researcher, Armageddon is encoded with the year = to 2010, in the Fall. He said a peace treaty would have to be signed 7 years before that or in other words in Sept. or Oct. 2003, this year! I feel such an urgency you can't believe. All the other codes have been saying the same thing which people have been researching, the Feast of Trumpets this year seems to be it.

I saw a vision tonight of huge, ancient gates partially open, I was inside along with others who know Him, Jesus. It was somewhat dark outside and getting darker. It was raining and storming terribly and we were begging people to come in because of the storm. We were right at the gates trying to get as many in as we could before the storm was too bad and the gates were shut. I saw this so clearly.

Then I thought of the evangelists I know, I have to talk to them right away this week, we must all GO FOR BROKE and hit the streets for Him, warning people of what we know to be true! We are accountable!! Even if it were not the time it would still be right to go all out now and forget about everything else. Heaven will only be fuller because of it!!

In Christ Jesus,


Judah First- Part One
The Lion Hath Roared
Mar 14, 2003

Judah First - Part One and Two The Lion Hath Roared The Vanguard of the Host

The Lion's Whelp
by Brother Herrin
Edited by Rosemary LaVigne
Do you know what tribe you are from? You can know...

Genesis 49:8-9

"Judah, thou art he whom thy brethren shall praise: thy hand shall be in the neck of thy enemies; thy father's children shall bow down before thee. Judah is a lion's whelp…: from the prey, my son, thou art gone high up the mountain: he stooped down, he crouched as a lion, and as an old lion; that shall rouse him up?"

The key to understanding the destiny of the true church is veiled within the law and the prophet and the history of Old Testament Israel... The things which bell natural Israel were only for a blue print and foreshadow of what was to befall the church, which is the invisible and true Israel or promise.

For instance, the tribe of natural Israel Judah originally was commissioned of God to be the governing tribe of Israel, out of which would come the kings or national rulers, The Levitical priesthood was to function out of Jerusalem in conjunction with Judah's king as a kind of king-priest government to guide the other tribes of Israel in their worship of Jehovah. This established order was firmly set up in King David, whom the Lord anointed for this purpose. Out of David's sons was to follow the lineage of those who would shepherd Israel.

However, after David's death the leadership in Judah began to slowly erode into idolatry and selfish exploitation of the people. This led to a revolt by the tens northern tribes from under the oppressive rule of Judah's king. This revolt divided the nation into two kingdoms. The northern ten tribes were called the confederacy of Joseph and his allied tribes. The southern confederacy consisted of the tribes of Judah and Benjamin amalgamated.

The northern confederacy raised up its own kings and was titled "The Kingdom of Israel." The southern confederacy was titled "The Kingdom of Judah." The tribes under the banner of Joseph went completely into Baal worship and never produced a righteous king through some twenty-two generations until the Lord finally sent the kings of Assyria to sack and carry away captive the ten northern tribes. These tribes subsequently lost their identity in the succeeding years of their dispersion throughout the Assyrian empire. To this day they are referred to as the "the ten lost tribes of Israel or the "lost" sheep of the house of Israel," {Scriptures can be given} the northern kingdom. Meanwhile, the southern kingdom of Judah continued to flourish for a while longer under some kings who were very upright with the Lord and some also very wayward and wicked in their reign.

The latter attitude eventually prevailed to tip the scales against Judah and the Lord sent the king of Babylon to sack and carry away captive the nation of Judah. This people, however, retained their identity and were eventually repatriated back to the promised land in a humble and dedicated desire to reestablish divine order in the worship of the true God. The Lord then promised to use the tribe of Judah to go forth and search out and find the lost posterity of Joseph and the northern tribes. This was to be Judah's great commission to find and reunite the lost sheep back into one nation again as the Lord originally ordained it to be. This great commission given to natural Judah was never fulfilled and it remains the mysterious key to unlocking the ministry of the sons of God in these last days.

I have given you a brief outline of the history of natural Israel in order to reveal how it has, and will foretell the prophetic destiny of the Invisible Israel the church. Let us follow the example the parallel: firstly, the Apostolic church like Israel had one true King, Christ Jesus. This true King appointed a divine order of Governors called apostles, prophets, evangelists, pastors and teachers to shepherd the church in the same manner as old Judah was to shepherd all of Israel through her lineage of governors. For a season this ministry flourished under righteous Apostolic leadership. But afterward "false apostles" and corrupt ministries crept in. And these ministries began to slowly erode the people of God into a spiritless form of worship that held the church into eventual idolatry with the ministers usurping divine prerogatives to themselves, and oppressing the people with many hard demands such as excessive tribute and pressures by the church leaders in Jerusalem to bring gentile Christians under the whip of a ritualistic keeping of the Mosaic law, which the original Apostles had discredited. The continued contention became so sharp between "law" and "grace" that it weakened the structure of the early church completely and caused a rebellion to divide it into two feudal camps, like Israel of old.

Instead of one Apostolic type ministry to shepherd the saints there were now two feudal leaderships struggling independent of one another in the early church. {editor's notes: Are you now seeing the picture of what is transpiring today as well in the realm of God's "true" born from above church made of "twain" the One new man in Christ, both Jew and Gentiles and the false leadership today?} The "grace" ministry. which had the original light, eventually deteriorated under wicked rulers to a "license for lasciviousness." While the oppressing camp, that taught salvation through the rituals of the Mosaic law, eventually departed completely from Christ and went into the darkness of Judaism.

The corruption of church leadership from "spiritual" truth and the corruption of the saints in general, had become so deep a wound already as to prompt letters from John to the seven churches in Asia minor and a general epistle from Jude toward the end of their ministries with warnings of dire and eminent judgments if repentance was not initiated. But the infestation of wicked leaders has so polluted the church as to leave it with an incurable cancer. So the Lord decided to put out the candlesticks of the early church through the spirit of judgment. For this he had a ready instrument, prepared of satan for this purpose.

The instrument was the rising state controlled church of Rome and her sister state church at Constantinople. These ecclesiastical establishments became the only sanctioned church powers in the Roman Empire. Through police backed church authority they began to sack and off captive the divided free church and forced it's members to come under the yoke of the Roman and Greek Catholic Hierarchies. So the early church, the Israel of God, found itself carried off captive by "Mystery Babylon," the Church of Rome, and her sister kingdom, Mystery Assyria, the Greek Orthodox Church.

These are the two great world churches that carried off captive the original Apostolic Church and pout here candlestick and divinely ordained leadership to this day. From spiritual Babylon, the Mother of Harlots, arose later feudal ecclesiastical world churches, which have contended with this Church of Rome for recognition and power. {Editor's notes: known as the Catholic Church today-The word Catholic means Universal.} These contentious daughters of Rome became disdained by Mother Rome and called by her, "Protestant churches." But the Lord called them harlots ALL both Mother and daughters meanwhile, the true church has been in the wilderness like Israel of old, and in desolation since Apostolic times while her posterity has languished through the centuries in captivity under the shadow of spiritual Babylon, Assyria and the lesser Protestant kingdoms typified by spiritual Moab, Philstia, Syria, Egypt and others who also oppress the true children of God that pass within their religious borders. {Editor's notes: The denominational churches who are the off shoots of the Mother Church of Rome.} Ah, but there is good news for the true seed of faith. The reign of Babylon is nearing an end and God is about to reestablish His "spiritual" Judah {divine leadership} back once again to rebuild the ruins of "spiritual" Jerusalem. {Editor's notes: the true Jerusalem today, the Church and Body of Jesus Christ. "spiritual" Jerusalem today, the true church the Apostles founded with Jesus Christ the chief corner stone. Ephesians 2:19-22.}

It is significant at this point to note that only the spiritual tribe of Judah knows her identity in this hour. That is because they are the headship company of forerunners who are being called to divine leadership. {Editor's notes: The tribe of Judah is the vanguard of the Lord's host {army.} And this tribe is the leading tribe of all the other tribes that shall be used as the "crash troops" to lead the other tribes into their positions in warfare with the foes of God. See Numbers chapter two and chapter ten. It was the tribe of Judah that leads out first in the camp against the Canaanites today, along with the tribe of Simon. See Judges chapter one verse 1-20. The Canaanites were the traffickers of that day as well as today. A trafficker was merchant who bought and sold for a profit. We have them in the church today. See Zechariah 14:20.}

The purpose of this calling of the tribe of Judah 9s to equip them with the "full armour of God" for the war of liberation that has never been fulfilled, when they shall go forth armed with the omnipotent spiritual weapons to search out and bring back to Zion the dispersed tribes of "spiritual Joseph" whithersoever dispersed among these religious kingdoms of today.

These are "spiritually" speaking, "the lost sheep of the house of Israel," which Jesus himself said to go after and search out. {See Matthew 10:6.} Whom the coming shepherd ministry must harvest into the :"new Jerusalem" {God's rebuilt church} of the end time. These spiritual Israelites don't know their identify at present because they haven't heard the trumpet call {message} of the kingdom yet. But they are God's true sheep and when they hear the Voice they will come out of Babylon {The word Babylon means confusion of voices} and all her sister churches and come together to formulate the Mt. Zion of God! {Editor's notes: See Hebrews 12:21-22.}

Gathering In The Precious Fruit To be continued Part Three

The Sound of A Trumpet in Zion Rosemary LaVigne The House of David email

Ingathering of the Precious Fruit, The Lost Sheep-Judah First Cont. Part Two The Sound of A Trumpet in Zion! Sep 13, 2003

Ingathering of the Precious Fruit-Judah First Part Two The Lion Hath Roared Mar 14, 2003

Ingathering of the Precious Fruit Part Three of Judah First by Brother Herrin Edited by Rosemary LaVigne

John the revelator, while on the isle a prisoner On the Greek isle of Patmos for the testimony of Jesus Christ, was projected by vision of the Holy Ghost into the future,, to our day, and saw and testified of the things which shall shortly come to pass. His vision is called, The Apocalypse, or the book of the Revelation. (Editor’s note: The Revelation of Jesus Christ. John heard a voice LIKE a war trumpet as he was caught up in the Day of The Lord seeing things that would take place at the end of our age.) This is the revelation concerning what should befall us in the end of the age of satanic rule in the earth.

WE are entering into the “dispensation of the fullness of times.” This dispensation is to begin with the rising up of Mystery Israel (Editor’s notes: the one “new” man that is of twain that is in Christ the Messiah.) The Israel, which is God’s end time Church (nothing to do with natural Israel) (Editor’s notes: This Elect Church of these last days is to be divided into twelve “spiritual” blood washed tribes of both Jew and Gentile believers in Jesus Christ.) These spiritual tribes in turn are divided into kingdoms. They are spiritually called, the stick of Judah, and the stick of Joseph. (See Ezekiel 37) Two tribes are to be bound under the stick of Judah. (Editor’s note; The two tribes are the tribe of Benjamin and the tribe of Judah.)

The other ten tribes are to be bound under the stick of Joseph. Of these mysterious spiritual tribes is to come forth the sum total of the sons of God in this end of the age.

They will constitute the Elect Church, the Lamb’s Bride that is to be perfected with all the fullness of Jesus Christ. This work of God is to be accomplished upon the earth and not in heaven. (Ephesians 4:8-11) In the raising up of this Elect Church John is summoned in vision to note a mighty angel ascending from the east, having the seal of the Living God. His mission is to seal all the servants of God appointed to attain full stature as sons of god on the earth. These heirs are the final total determined by God to overcome all things in this age. Though millions will have their place shortly in the constituted tribes of Spiritual Israel, yet a remnant will achieve the mark for the high calling in Christ, which is to be filled with all the fullness of God on the earth... Says John, “I heard the number of them that were sealed: And there were sealed an hundred and forty and four thousand of all the tribes of Israel of the children of Israel. (Editor’s note: We must remember that these are blood washed born again Jews and Gentiles that are IN Christ.)

Though millions will be born of the Spirit into the Elect Church, yet there is to be the sum total of the most holy. And these 144,000 are these who “will not sleep,” or taste of death. It is at this point that John notes the first tribe of the twelve tribes, Says he, “Of the tribe of Judah were sealed twelve thousand.” The mystery herein revealed is this: The beginning of the appearing in earth of the twelve tribes will be, first of all, the manifestation or the rise of the Tribe of Judah. This will be the first of these mysterious tribes to make its appearance on the global scene.

I will now proceed by the Spirit of revelation from our Lord Jesus Christ to identify for you the mission and purpose of this first tribe of the sons of god to be manifested, or appear: over three thousand years ago the patriarch Jacob called unto his twelve sons and said, “Gather yourselves together, that I may tell you that which shall befall you in the latter days.” He then proceeded to prophecy individually to them concerning the future of their tribes. These prophesies were spiritual and were a message in the Holy Spirit to the seed of faith, which is the end time Church, and had nothing to do with the natural posterity.

Jacob, who’s name was spiritually called Israel, was in effect prophesying to us, the end time Church, as the true heirs after the spirit of his benedictions.. Now this id the Word of the Lord which Jacob spake unto Judah, of his twelve sons, concerning God’s divine commission to his spiritual children in the last days, the first tribe of Israel to be sealed: (Request the booklet message, called His Vanguard by Rosemary LaVigne. This booklet. A prophetic message which explains in greater detail the interpretation of the prophecy over the Judah sons and daughters and how the sons moved from forth place to first place in the Lord’s camp.)

Genesis 49:8-12
“Judah, thou art he whom thy brethren shall praise: Thy hand shall be in the neck of thy enemies; thy father’s children shall bow down before thee. Judah is a lion’s whelp. From the prey thy son, thou hast gone up the mountain: he stooped down, he crouched as a lion, and as an old lion who shall rouse him up? The Sceptre shall not depart from Judah, nor a lawgiver from between his feet, until Shiloh come; and unto him shall the gathering of the people be. Binding his foal unto the vine, and his ass’s colt unto the choice vine; he washed his garments in wine, and his clothes in the blood of grapes: His eyes shall be red with wine, and his teeth white with milk.”

Most significant to appraise in this vivid prophecy to the house of Judah is the manner of ministry which these first born sons of god will manifest. They are to have praise of their brethren, the rest of the tribes are sons. This will be because they are the chosen tribe to bring lasting deliverance to all spiritual Israel, (Editor’s notes: The Elect blood washed Church of both Jew and Gentile believers that are of this remnant) in these last days of evil rule. They are chosen to search out and gather all the lost sheep of the stick of Joseph (which are the ten last tribes bound under the spiritual title of the house of Joseph. (See Ezekiel 37:15-28).

Judah’s mission will be to bring the Everlasting Gospel of the Kingdom to the true spiritual heirs appointed by God. These heirs are allegorically called “the ten lost tribes or the lost sheep of the House of israel” because they do not know their true identity in this hour as foreknown and predestinated sons of God.

The Sound of A Trumpet in Zion! Rosemary LaVigne The House of David Email


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