Olivia Long

Take heart MY Faithful Ones for a new day is dawning. It is your day and you will give Me praise and say "This is my day the Lord has made and I will rejoice and be glad in it."

The day of preparation is complete and the day of celebration is here. Make ready for the bridegroom for He cometh. The plans are in place, the day has arrived, the long awaited day has come. BE READY for the appointed time is nigh at your door.

Prepare, My beloved, prepare yourself for what I am doing and have for you, as you are in transition. Prepare yourself to walk with Me. I am reaching out My arm to you this day and I say come away My Beloved, to that secret place reserved only for you. You have sought Me and longed for Me. The time is right and the day is here.

You are at your midnight hour when the enemy says all is lost. But I say unto you, sing praises to ME at your midnight hour. Anyone can sing praises at noon on a clear day, but I seek those who still have that praise on your lips at your midnight hour and this praise shall free you just as it did for Paul and Silas... Knowing, My Child, that the midnight hour is set as your hour of deliverance. Not all of My own will be ready so I say unto you sing praises to your King and your deliverer and you will see My provision and direction for your life such as you have never seen before.

It is not by accident that I have chosen this time to bring release to you and to your calling. It is a new beginning we are celebrating. A new day and a new hour ... rejoice, again I say REJOICE in your new day and hour.

Lift up your eyes, My child, See your Father and your God bring all to pass that I have promised you. Lift up your eyes, My child for a mighty work has been accomplished. Lift up your eyes, My child, for your new day is dawning and your call made ready. Lift up your eyes, My child to the hills for whence cometh your help. Your help cometh from the Lord, maker of heaven and earth.

You have gone through the fire, you have been misunderstood, you have been purged. You have been in a process that has prepared you for the Kingdom and this is Kingdom work you have been called to do. It is no ordinary work, working for the King of Kings, that is why the training and preparation has been so long and hard. Do not despise this training and preparation for it has made you fit for a King.

It is time for your new day. A triumphant day, a day of breakthrough, triumph over ALL the enemy has tried to do to hold you back. It is a day of laying forth the plans I have for you. It is the triumphal entering into the plans I have for you and it is a glorious entering in of you with your King! The trumpets are sounding, the angels have gone forth..........Be ready to receive the voice of your God for the mysteries will be revealed to you this new day. Do not question My instructions but move on them. They will be like music to your ears and excitement to your spirit. You will say "I can't believe it".... BUT ..... you WILL believe it !!!

Rise up and be alert. There are circumstances and opportunities presenting themselves that will bring great change to your life and you will never be the same. Seek My face and yield to My plans.

There is a great breaking forth as everything is lining up for that great day when you will move in what I have called you to do ... Do not underestimate the little things for it will be the little things that will light the fuse for the breaking forth of that awesome day. Stand back and see the mighty work of the Lord.

I am flooding you with faith NOW. I have come in like a flood and driven your enemies away. I will satisfy your needs in a sun scorched land and I will strengthen your frame. You will be like a well watered garden, like a spring whose waters never fail. I am leading you and guiding you and there is no need for fear. Faith has opened the door and fear has fled. You shall be far from oppression. Do not rely on your feelings because feelings will lie .... but LOOK TO ME !!! Stand firm on what I have spoken to you and be assured that the I AM is fighting the battle.

Make ready for the new changes that I AM bringing about in your life. They are changes that will catapult you into where I am calling you and sending you. These changes are necessary to get you on the road both literally and spiritually. I AM calling you and sending you. Take care of any last minute necessary tasks that you need to take care of, be ready and do not delay. You have long awaited your day, be ready for A NEW DAY IS DAWNING AND IT IS YOUR DAY....

Olivia Long faithbuildersministries@the-i.net