The Mountain

Teresa Sheridan

August 12, 2003

I had a series of dreams last night. Two of which are recorded below.

There was a tall steep mountain with a valley down below and a river running through the savannah of the valley. I was standing in the middle of the valley, wearing working overalls (as though to symbolize working for the Lord). I was guarding the perimeters as one of our Pastors and his wife were standing to the right (conservative right) side of the valley ministering to the Lord’s people (preaching and baptizing). I looked to the top of the mountain and over the crest of this very steep mountain came a very large snake, moving full force ahead as though it had jumped full force out of a body water and was landing on the ground, it started sliding very quickly down the mountain toward the middle of the valley.

As it was sliding very quickly toward the middle of the valley, it began to transform into a very large lizard. I had to decide in a split second what I was going to do. I decided to protect the crowd that I was there to guard, so I moved to the center-right of the valley, so as to stand (in the gap) between this lizard and God’s People. As I shifted, this very large lizard shifted to the left (liberal left) side of the valley, away from God’s People. I was relieved that, for the moment, God’s People were safe. This very large lizard (human size) continued to transform and as "he" put on his breaks before landing in the water (as though "he" wanted nothing to do with touching that Holy Water), "he" spun around and faced upward toward the mountain (turning his back to the Holy Water), then instantly he stood on his hind feet and stood up right, and transformed very quickly into a man.

Carrying a fake Bible, he started walking toward us with a very smug, young looking face (supple, with no wrinkles), walking with a very confident, quick stepping stride. He looked exactly like the new "Gay Bishop", but in his 20’s, with no glasses and a very young and innocent looking face. I knew instantly that it was a representation of The Beast, and I rebuked him and said, "you sure look a lot younger now" (I knowing that he had the ability to transform into any likeness he desired). He replied, "This is the look I’ve chosen, because it will win many over". I rebuked him, saying "Flee In the Name of Jesus", and he turned instantly in his tracks and started walking away from us, but as he walked away, everyone but myself started following him.

As they walked with him, they all turned into News Reporters, with pens and paper, wanting to ask him questions, intrigued (as though privileged, proud or flattered by his presence) wanting to be witness and record history in the making (honored as though they wanted his autograph), no longer in their right-minds, no longer wise enough to stay away from him or rebuke him (as though this were the moment they had all been waiting for), knowing this meant Jesus was coming soon, yet forgetting at the same time.

I was shocked at their following him as he walked away, with a glib answer to all of their many questions… shocked that they wanted their ears tickled by his responses, by the knowledge of evil (once again), while others just wanted to be able to see him up close and others just wanted to be able to say (or experience) being near him. I knew in my spirit there was nothing I could do. Time was running out and the Truth in man’s heart was standing on it’s own.

End of Dream.

Second Dream.
Same Mountain. Same Valley. Same River. This time there was a small home between the mountain and me. This time, I was standing on top of the mountain in a white dress, like a wedding dress. A man came around to the back of the small house at the foot of the mountain, he started trashing some old dolls and tacky lamp shades that were stored on the back porch (so as to trash some items that had been cursed by witches), but he stopped (as though he had given up half-way through the task), and he decided instead to turn away from the task, and he began to climb up the mountain. So I started down the mountain toward him, like a silly schoolgirl, hoping to meet him "in my arms" half way down the mountain. But he did not run toward me at all, he actually moved away from me, toward the left (the liberal left), and proceeded to go past me, climbing upward toward the top of the mountain. Then, walking across the crest of the mountain was the silhouette of a woman, dressed in a dark, reddish with gold trim, see through garment and I could see a liquor bottle in her hand. The man walked off with her to the left, out of my vision. I knew instantly that she represented Jezebel and that all men not of the Church in the End would choose to walk away with her, instead of the Bride of Christ. I knew in my spirit there was nothing I could do. Time was running out and the True Desires of man’s heart was standing on it’s own.

End of Dream.