Daniel's Vision

Daniel Wrote:
I was in a deep aqueduct with tall concrete sides. Somewhere upstream the floodgates were let open and a terrible torrent of water rushed at me, ricocheting off the walls. Just before I was demolished by this huge torrent of water, the Lord lifted me out and set me high on a wall of the aqueduct on a slight precipice. He said, “The water will not reach you here though it may look like it might.” Just as He said, though the water filled the deep basin of the aqueduct to the edge of the precipice and lapped over the edge, the rushing torrent did not overcome me where I stood on the precipice.

The aqueduct revisited. In prayer led by the spirit and in search of the meaning of this vision, the Lord led me up to the floodgates before they were opened. A great Iron door, solid but rusted, stood holding back the torrent. Only drips of water splashed over now and again. A great big number two pencil was holding down the latch to that door. I saw a women ( Christian) draw out that pencil to sign some papers. The door was flung open and the torrent poured through. A closer look at the papers show the word “ordination”.

Down the aqueduct at the original site of the vision I see a woman tending a garden in the channel. The torrent blows through and the little garden is washed down stream. Here is grace; the mature fruits of that garden will not be totally lost. Some will find anchor on the sides of the river downstream and grow into trees. The sediment washed up by the torrent however will take some time to clean up.

the interpretation
I am rereading this and as I get to the description of the hand chiseled walls I am reminded of the concrete walls of the aqueduct I saw. The Lord is saying, “Daniel, this is about much more than just one individual.” The Lord seems to be giving us a first hand experience with the binding and the lie that the Devil has been tieing up the church with for a very long time. The building (the structure, the walls that we have seen) has taken some time to prepare for this onslaught that is preparing to come. The flood must follow the channel that has already been dug out for it. Flowing liquid always seeks the lowest point through the path of least resistance. The channel floor has been left fruitful and fertile to attract the establishment that has developed here.

Remember that the high goddess is usually the god of fertility (remember the nephillim). The children of righteousness have been seduced into relations with the sons of god (demons) and are now giving birth to sons of the devil (the nephillim). Remember Jesus said, “Didn’t I choose you twelve? But one of you is a devil.” And later Jesus prayed, “I will not lose any of those You (Father) have given me except the son of perdition.”

Also remember that the dragon becomes enraged and tries to drown the bride with a torrent of water from his mouth then turns to make war with the rest of the saints. We are in a day when the river is the focus of our teachings for blessings and revival. Who is ready for the false river that will proceed from the Dragon’s mouth (and is already here). What will happen to the unwitting, unwise, and foolish who dip themselves in this river.

I finish and I read the interpretation. I agree. I feel it imperative that the prophets understand that this is now, not some future occurrence. The Lord has been speaking that His prophets are killing His people. Who then is the whore of Babylon who is drunk with the blood of the saints?

I kindly refer you to God’s exhortation of Ezekiel as to being the watchman for God’s people: approximately “If you do not warn the people when you see them turn to sin, they will die in there sin but I will hold their blood on your hands.” There is a prophet who is drunk with the blood of the saints, like Balaam who taught the way to defile God’s people.

Don’t shut your eyes to the obvious truth; the whore of Babylon is that religious system that has plagued God’s people since the beginning.

The interpretation Every incarnation of the beast (modled after the atrocities of Babylon since the Tower of Babel) has tired of this whore and turned at the Lord’s command to destroy her. Egypt, Assyria, Babylon, you know them all better than I do, even the horrible holocaust of World War Two, are just reenactions of the judgment that is about to fall on God’s people like it never has before and never will again. We are always first to be struck. Then God will hold Babylon (the beast) accountable for what she has done.

The interpretation Remember, the whore is not the man who uses the whore. Both are to be judged, and their judgment is separate.

Truly the blessings of God upon you;
It is only through Him that we are saved..


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