The Need For Repentance


I am calling for repentance unto a people whose ears are waxed over and whose eyes are heavy with sleep. I am calling for repentance this day! Turn ye, My people, turn ye from your ways of slumber, with ears that hear only the sounds of the world and eyes that see only the natural realm. Awake and repent of the folly of your ways, for this is the day of visitation and you shall not recognize it in your present state.

Repent, My people and turn, recognize the error of your ways. with your lips and your minds you appear to serve Me, but your heart is far from Me. For other loves have pulled you into a drunken stupor, and in this drunken stupor your ears and eyes do not perceive the reality of your condition before Me. You say with your mouth, "I serve the Living God", but in your heart you are serving the ways of death for such is the wages of sin. Know ye not to whom you submit yourself to obey, ye are his slave?

O, that you would acknowledge your fallen condition before Me... O, that you would cry out for My mercy! For I desire to pour out My mercy upon you, but to a people that are un-repentant and satisfied in their religion I will not bring mercy, but judgment.

Repent, My people, and turn. Bring before Me the sacrifices of a broken spirit, for a broken and contrite heart I will not despise.

Some have asked Me to send revival, but know that apart from repentance there shall be no revival. Yes, I am sending signs and manifestations of My Spirit that you might know the time of visitation you are living in, but apart from deep repentance in My people you shall not see true revival, for I shall not pour revival upon that which is filthy.

Consider My servant Joshua... in the natural he appeared righteous and upright yet he was clothed with filthy rags, for such is your righteousness before Me... filthy rags. O, that your ears would hear and your eyes would see your true condition before Me! For I long to clothe you with pure garments and a turban upon your head, and then as you walk in this purity I will bring a crown and place it upon you... yes the crown of My glory which is Christ in you the hope of glory. Repent, My people, open your eyes that you may see, un-stop your ears that you may hear for this is the time of visitation and only those who come in repentance and brokenness shall see My glory visited upon them.

Other Prophetic Writings


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