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Miroku's Child

Miroku held the small bundle in his arms uneasily. He had never held a baby before, and looked it in awe. It was amazing how this new thing would turn into a person, so much bigger then itself. The boy was so innocent and defenseless. Miroku was almost afraid that holding him wrong would brake him. The akachan reached its chubby arms up at his father and Miroku had a familiar pain through his chest. It was the same feeling he had when he witnessed his own father die. Miroku broke an arm free and held the child’s hand that had a small mark on it. “Onno, how will I tell you you’ll die?” He asked almost as if his son could give him an answer. “Your the most perfect thing I have ever come across, yet you inherit my biggest flaw. Will you overcome it? Will you be strong and protect yourself and others from it? I wish I could say I’ll be here to help you, but I don’t know. I may die before you come to know me, come to know my meaning or my hopes for you. Or, I might die before you like my father did me. Will you dream of it as I do? Will you take the fear of your own death into your heart so deeply you’ll never overcome it? I wish I could tell you you’ll be fine. That I’ll kill Narraku, but I don’t know if I can.” The akachan laughed up at him. He reacted to Miroku’s soft voice and face, not understanding his words. Miroku laughed wistfully along with him. “You don’t understand a word do you akachan?” From behind he heard his wife sit. “He understands you.” She said softly. “He is telling you not to worry.” Sango wrapped her arms around Miroku and looked over his shoulder to gaze at her peaceful child. “Our child will take the strongest parts of both of us and become the most capable man ever. If we fail, surly he’ll be the first to kill Narraku. Isn’t that right komodo?” As if understanding, he laughed again. “You see!” Miroku grinned. “Yes, I suppose your right.” Their child didn’t remember his parents telling him this. But, his heart remembered their hopes. The child became the strongest person he could be, and kept with him those hopes forever.

An Anrui fanfic any Questions/Comments Email Me