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100 questions

DIRECTIONS: copy and paste this onto an email and send it to all your friends and they'll laugh their ass off when they read these "informative" questions.

1. What’s your full name?
2. how old are you?
3. Are you heterosexual or homosexual?
4. Do you believe in god?
5. how many toes do you have?
6. what’s between your legs?
7. Is your hair itchy?
8. does your dog have fleas?
9. do you rummage through garbage cans looking for fleas to eat?
10. How many times have you poked a hole in your underwear??
11. Did it hurt?
12. have you ever gone up to someone and asked are you male or female?
13. how long does it take you to go to the bathroom?
14. how long is your hair?
15. do you watch tv more than once a week?
16. if so…what shows?
17. does your computer have a name?
18. if so…what?
19. How old is your bread?
20. Are your cotton balls fluffy?
21. what weighs more…a ton of bricks or a ton of feathers?
22. who has better implants, britney spears or Pamela lee Anderson? (be honest)
23. Do you like looking at them?
24. How funny do you think this is on a scale of 1-2 (1 being good and 2 being great!)?
25. Do you listen to teeny bopper music…and dance to it?
26. are you alive or dead?
27. do you have brown eyes?
28. how many people does it take to answer one of these questions (no we are not kidding.)?
29. Are you A sex B sex or C sex?
30. Does your mom work in a bread factory??
31. How long does it take to get to the other side of the street (be accurate)?
32. Do you like the name “amaya buttreaks”?
33. would you ever name your daughter that (be honest)?
34. are you a survivor cast away?
35. if you were on the show survivor…how long would I take you to get kicked off!? (Be honest)
36. do you lie?
37. is your girlfriend really an inflatable doll?
38. is your boyfriend named bob?
39. How long have you had bob?(be honest)
40. Is chicken pot pie good?
41. do you occasionally find brown stuff in your underwear..if yes…stay away from me!
42. How long does it take to get to the center of a tootsie roll pop? (and no its not 3 licks!)
43. what color is your grass?
44. do you live in an insane asylum?
45. Do you think I do?
46. how many checks have you cashed lately?
47. have you robbed a bank lately?
48. have you threatened anyone with a spoon lately?
49. have you ever brutally harmed someone with ketchup? If so…that’s pretty sad.
50. how long is your leg hair?
51. What school do you attend?
52. do you like to stalk people?
53. if so…don’t answer this question.
54. oats or honey?
55. don’t you think they should give that damn rabbit some tricks?
56. where the hell is the pot of gold!?
57. im a tiger, baby…yeah….is this a true statement?
58. do you run from the zoo screaming “AHHH! They’re loose! Run for your lives!”?
59. Do you sit in your car and point a hair dryer at passing cars?
60. Do you ever notify your friends/coworkers that you have just gone to the bathroom?
61. if one stands for pee and 2 stands for poop…what does 3 stand for???
62. do you believe in crying over dead trees?
63. is a denderpheliac acceptable in the us? (if so! Woo hoo! I can go back!)
64. do you have a flat top?
65. do you have back hair?
66. do you ever shave your back hair?
67. do you take showers once a year…if so..remind me!
68. does your AC work?
69. is this a cool number??
70. how many puppies does it take to get another puppy?
71. when does the rooster squawk?
72. what time did you go to the bathroom this morning?
73. what did you just do before filling this questionare?
74. what are you doing now?
75. will you send this back to the person who sent it to you?
76. if not…why?
77. is your pink banana acting up again?
78. are you glued to the chair?
79. is there a monkey outside of your room making lots of noise?
80. how many fish are glued to your wall?
81. how many times have fleas/ticks invaded your privacy?
82. do you collect your scabs?
83. what about your bandaids?
84. is puss the kewlest thing in the world???
85. can you sing like Christina aguliera or macy grey? (be HONEST)
86. whats your favorite color?
87. how many times do you use lotion?
88. what about gel?
89. or chicken wire?
90. have you ever cut yourself with an exactoknife?
91. have you ever done it on purpose?
92. are you the queen of England? If so…please say hi to me on tv!
93. do you like to bit your toe nails?
94. what time of the day do you regularly pick your nose?
95. do you believe that your parents owe you a million bucks?
96. is the lice on your head your friends?
97. is humping a tree part of your daily ritual?
98. do you see dead people?
99. how many filing cabinets have you raped?
100. do you think these questions were jokes? If not...get a life.

**questions brought to you by: SARA AND MICHELLE's CREATIVE MINDS**