Age: 18
Weight: 160
Height: 5'12
Gender: Male
Species: Namek
PL: 1,300,000
Tecniques: Bukujutsu, Masenko, Basic Fireball, Burning Attack, Phase, Basic Energy Beam, Rapid Fireballs x150, Flexible Limbs
Trademark Move: Power of the Mind (Namekian Spells)
Side: Neutral
Bio: A namek first met at Saron’s Tournament and becomes Soul’s best friend. Becomes the forth apprentice to Saron after Crusher was shown too violent to be taught. Helped Soul through the destruction of a Tree of Might. Later on, Shou was given power from previous versions of the Elements. Afterward, Shou had to gather Soul's freinds to go help him defeat Fire. Shou only could round up White Fire and Kusanagi. Shou was given command of the Ender's Flame and they took off. A year later, they had all become closer to one another and they had also found Soul on Shou's home planet. Shou's brother, Shau, was waiting for the return and attacked. Shou defeated his brother easily after pulling Soul from his own inner fears.
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