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Chris Kirkpatrick was born in 1971, when his mother was only _____(number) years old. Growing up, Chris' family was very _______(adjective), so he couldn't afford expensive things like ________(plural noun) or ________(another plural noun). But now he can afford as many ________(yet another plural noun) as he wants. Chris used to have long _________(and another plural noun) in his hair, but he cut them off and now it looks ________(adjective). Chris has a ________(another adjective) clothing company called _______(funny word)Man ___________(your nickname). Chris has a great sense of humor, and has been known to say funny things such as, "Sir, could you please ______(verb) over, your ________(noun) is way _______(adjective). Chris also has a fear of _______(plural noun), so he doesn't enjoy the part of the concerts where *NSYNC ______(verb) through the air, high above the crowd.