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Lance in 2041

Lance is currently lying on a beach in Hawaii, reading the Bible. His CD recorder is recording the sounds of the waves washing up on the shore. He will later meditate to this recording, while in a hotel in Boston. He checks his Rolex to see if his wife is done at her manicure appointment yet. Lance then calls for his grandson, Xyrnpsid, who is playing in the sand, to bring him some more SPF 250. Xyrnspid brings him the sunscreen, says, "Grandpa, your roots are showing," and goes back to play. Lance then pages his personal assistant, Fatima, to rub the lotion on his back. Lance's Bible slides from his hand and Fatima reminds him that she's 25, and he's married. Just then, Lance's cell phone rings, and he pulls down his shades to look at the caller I.D., which reads "Bass, Xavier". Lance answers the phone, "Lance Bass, how may I help you?"
"Hi Dad."
"Why, Xavier, what a pleasant surprise!" Lance says cheerfully.
"Dad, Mom wants 50 grand for the trauma you've caused her." (His mother is Lance's ex-wife, not the one getting the manicure.)
"You tell your mother she's crazy if she thinks she's getting any money from me!" Lance shouts.
"Be sure to send it Western Union," Xavier says.
"Alright." Lance hangs up the cell, and picks his Bible back up.

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