MyBud : I really like limp bizkit
Tomato : eeewwww, *barf* *hurl*
MyBud : lol u don't like them? lol
MyBud : i mostly listen to them when I have anger issues, lol
Tomato : lol! it's my way or the highway, so you better not like them (that's a pun, get it?) oh, i'm so stupid
MyBud : I don't waste money on buying the cd's though, i use napster, lol
MyBud : lol
Tomato : oh yeah, napster, the fabric of our lives
MyBud : lol
Tomato : hey if u think of anything for my site ever, e-mail it to me, ok?
MyBud : ok
MyBud : I have some now, so I was gonna start to write, lol
Tomato : sure! want to know something strange?
MyBud : sure? lol i guess
Tomato : the only time i ever want to listen to limp bizkit is when i see corn. not korn but real live corn. strange, huh?
MyBud : omg lol
MyBud : corn? LOL
MyBud : i usually listen when I need some1 else with a even more screwed life than mine, lol
Tomato : maybe it is because corn grows in strange ears, and limp bizkit is for strange ears to listen to
MyBud : lol
Tomato : yep, millionaires, they have a tough life
Tomato : j/k
MyBud : this 1 kid david is pretty strange, yup he is strange, lol
MyBud : lol
MyBud : I know,how do they handle all that $?
Tomato : ok...
Tomato : really, it's a sad thing, lol
MyBud : lol
Tomato : all the red baseball caps you want and still not happy
Tomato : :*-(
MyBud : lol
MyBud : it's probably cause christina turned him down
Tomato : yeah, thats it. they definitely seem way different than each other, i can't believe they ever went out!
Tomato : i had forgotten about that
MyBud : lol
MyBud : i'd be like afraid he'd break her or sumthin
Tomato : one of those times when he decides to "let it all come out"
Tomato : on Christina
MyBud : lol,I know
Tomato : so...
MyBud : Fred: hey you lil twig get the h*** over here
MyBud : Christina: leave me alone:screams high pitched:
Tomato : LOL!!! And now she sings nobody wants to be lonely
MyBud : lol
Tomato : she must really be desperate, lady marmalade and all
MyBud : Christina - screw fred, who needs him when you have ricky martin
Tomato : LOL!!!
MyBud : I know,*cough*clut*cough*
Tomato : u r 2 funny girl!
MyBud : lol
MyBud : thankies
Tomato : fred proceeds to throw christina out a window...
Tomato : on to the highway below...
MyBud : lol my way or the highway
Tomato : she screams, "Mocha Chocolata ya ya!" which she thinks is swearing in French, and is hit by a Mack truck
MyBud : lol
MyBud : omg LOL
Tomato : and that's the end of Christina
MyBud : aww how sad ;*(
MyBud : lol
MyBud : not
Tomato : lol! then Fred Durst and Ricky Martin get into a huge fight...
Tomato : Fred breaks Ricky in half...
MyBud : omg
Tomato : Ricky twitches and shakes his bon-bon or bom-bom or whatever it is...
MyBud : Ricky: I was livin la vida loca, now I'm livin la vida broka
MyBud : lol
Tomato : LOL!
Tomato : then Fred flips out and throws himself into the TV...
MyBud : lol
Tomato : gets electrocuted, falls onto the slanted floor...
Tomato : and starts rollin', rollin', rollin'!
MyBud : omg haa haa haaa!
Tomato : And rolls, out the window, gets hit by a different semi, and dies
MyBud : lol
Tomato : and all 3 are history
MyBud : *sniffs* ah well
Tomato : dj lethal spins tunes at his funeral
MyBud : lol "he checked out,checked out,checked out....of this world"
Tomato : LOL!! that's great... :-D
MyBud : lol
MyBud : & that freaky guy is dressed all freakish
Tomato : omg u read my mind!
Tomato : oh, i've got one!
MyBud : lol
MyBud : ok
Tomato : the tribute to Ricky at his funeral: "The Cup of Life". Ole Ole Ole!
MyBud : lol
MyBud : omg haa haa
MyBud : lol & at christina's funeral they had to use a child size casket
Tomato : Yeah! She wears size 2 i think, isn't that sad? Christina goes to Heaven and tells God what a girl wants...
MyBud : lol
Tomato : and Fred and Ricky are soon by her side
Tomato : of course, God had to bring Fred up from Hell... j/k!
MyBud : & the spirits of them are all fighting above the funeral
MyBud : omg, lol
MyBud : the freaky guy can see them since we all know he has connections to the underworld
Tomato : Yeah! And Ricky gets caught in Christina's huge poodle hair
MyBud : omg haa haaa
Tomato : Hey maybe I should put all this stuff on my site!
MyBud : Ricky: *cusses in Spanish* help me outta your big old poof of hair senorita
Tomato : lol!
MyBud : omg lol peeps would be all, ummm what were they smokin? lol
Tomato : haha!
MyBud : lol i would wanna see their comments
Tomato : i think i'll do that, if it's okay with you
MyBud : ya it's fine
Tomato : ok hang on a second i'm gonna copy what we have so far...
MyBud : I'd just like to say to all the peoples out there....I know I do belong in a straight jacket
MyBud : ok
~~~~~~~~~~~Part 2~~~~~~~~~~~~Tomato : Yay! Shall we finish our tale of 3 singers?
MyBud : lol ya
Tomato : hang on a minute...
MyBud : ok
Tomato : ok, so we ended with everybody up in Heaven fighting
MyBud : lol yes
Tomato : and i think then... maybe...
MyBud : hmmm
Tomato : i just think for some reason we should add Little Nicky to the story now. Did u see that? It was stupid but it would work
MyBud : lol I never seen that movie, is it good?
Tomato : it's dumb
MyBud : oh
Tomato : ok, how about, christina falls through a cloud...
MyBud : lol christina become britney spears' "guardian angel"
MyBud : omg, lol
Tomato : that's better!!! and...
MyBud : lol
Tomato : she makes britney "stronger!"
MyBud : omg lmfao
MyBud : but....
MyBud : "ooops she did it again" more implants, tsk tsk
Tomato : lol!
MyBud : & then...
MyBud : after christina became her guardian angel.......Justin dumped her how umm sad?*cough*not*cough*
Tomato : why did he dump her? the christina influence?
MyBud : probably? lol
MyBud : she wanted revenge
Tomato : oh, i see
MyBud : & Fred,tsk tsk,.....he was now invisible...oh great, horror came to all women,
Tomato : LOL!
MyBud : he was now able to sneak into women's restrooms,*scream* bedrooms, changing rooms, heck any room with a chick in it
Tomato : and i'm alone here at the computer *i'm scared!*
Tomato : lol
MyBud : of course God had to deal with this.........& sent him to look over the bsb's AJ McLean
MyBud : lol
MyBud : now where do you suppose aj lands?
MyBud : In Rehab
Tomato : LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
MyBud : & that was the end of Fred's angel work
MyBud : LOL
Tomato : and he went to the angel retirement home
MyBud : lol where there he freaked out all the angels
MyBud : hmm now ricky martin though.......
Tomato : he was livin la vida loca
MyBud : lol
Tomato : he was.... ?'s guardian angel
Tomato : who should it be...
MyBud : Ricky told God that "nobody wants to be lonely" so he sent him to.....
MyBud : hmmmm
MyBud : Justin Timberlake
Tomato : lol, ok
MyBud : that's why he's been shaking his bon bon so much recently
Tomato : ricky or justin? lol
MyBud : have u noticed that? I have & it's kinda weird
MyBud : justin, lol
Tomato : ricky wondered what kind of music justin did, and then he said...
Tomato : this must be pop!
MyBud : lol
MyBud : Ricky starts doing the dance moves* p.pp.pppp.ppppOP!
Tomato : LOL!! ricky, justin, christina, and britney went on a double-date
MyBud : omg lol
Tomato : cuz nobody wanted to be lonely
MyBud : of course justin was a lil freaked out at the idea,
MyBud : lol!
Tomato : lol! but ricky and christina were invisible!!
MyBud : so I guess they had no clue it was a double date,lol
MyBud : until.....
Tomato : ricky and christina started glowing like on touched by an angel
MyBud : the waiter started bringing their table Mexican food, when brit & juju ordered Italian
MyBud : lol!
Tomato : yep! and then they all started fighting...
MyBud : lol!
Tomato : i smell another death or two coming on...
MyBud : brit's fake hair extensions were being pulled by christina & the people from other tables looked at them like freaks
MyBud : lol
Tomato : yeah! and ricky and justin started fighting too, and...
Tomato : ricky did his bon bon shake and knocked justin out
MyBud : lol
MyBud : he hit his head on brits new implants, splitting them
Tomato : OUCH!!! LOL!!!
MyBud : she got so depressed that she took a steak knife from the table & tried stabbing herself
MyBud : oh no brit brit ;*(
MyBud : lol
Tomato : she stabbed her stomach and double-pierced her belly button
MyBud : of course christina informed brit that the knife was actually a butter knife & she couldn't do much with that
MyBud : omg lol
Tomato : britney thought it was all justin's idea, the double date...
MyBud : ooooooh
Tomato : and she started beating up on him
MyBud : omg
Tomato : and he used to have curly hair, but she took her leg razor and in an attempt to cut him, sliced off his fro
MyBud : omg haa haaaa
MyBud : christina & ricky just sorta sat there watching them laughing
Tomato : then they got bored and went back to heaven
MyBud : lol
Tomato : and went to the retirement home
Tomato : with fred
MyBud : but fred kept watching on the big heaven screen tv
MyBud : lol
Tomato : cheering them on
Tomato : he wanted britney to win
MyBud : lol
Tomato : ok, maybe we can wrap this story up, i only have a few more minutes i can be online
MyBud : ok, lol hmm
MyBud : christina, ricky & fred lived...well dead in the heaven retirement home
Tomato : ok...
MyBud : happily
MyBud : lol
Tomato : and justin and britney killed each other at the same time
MyBud : lol
MyBud : all teenyboppers cried of course
MyBud : & nsync well faded away since most of the fans were umm justin's, lol
Tomato : and jc went solo, the end!
MyBud : lol yay!