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JC Chasez was born in ____(year)76. Many people do not know the correct way to pronounce his last name and say it _________(funny word), but the right way to say it is ________(another funny word.) JC met Justin on the set of the _______(name of person in room) ________(animal) Club, and he was one of the first people to ________(verb) *NSYNC. JC has _______(verb [past participle]) many songs for *NSYNC, but he has also written songs for pop groups _______(adjective) ________(type of flower) and Boyz-N-Girlz _______(abstract noun). JC's outfits often include _______(adjective) ________(another adjective) pants. JC often 'talks with his _______'(body part, plural) and is known to be very ________(adjective) on stage, but is otherwise a ______(another adjective) kind of ______.(noun)