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Tammy's Vent #2 - Aaliyah

This is a very personal vent,it may jerk some of the tears out there,so if you can't handle this,I ask you to please leave.

A Wonderful Life Cut Short~


I have to vent on this, my main question is:Why was a talented,beautiful young women taken away in a terrible way? We will never know,but there must have been a purpose cause it was in God's plan. I heard the news of Aaliyah's death when I was over at my aunts cabin in the mountains.It was very late at night on August 25th,I ran upstairs real quick & heard everyone shhing & being akwardly quiet. I paused as I looked to the TV from the top of the stairs," This just in,22 year old actress and singer Aaliyah is indeed dead,she and 8 others were killed in a plane crash leaving the Bahamas to Miami from the shoot of her new video," I heard the news ankerman say as my heart just sunk. I didn't know whether to burst out screaming,crying,or what. I ran back downstairs to my cousin & her two friends along with my two younger cousins. "Oh my gosh guys,Aaliyah was killed in a plane crash!" I screamed to them. My 13 yr old cousin and her two IMMATURE friends burst out laughing!! My two younger cousins sat there lookind sad. I stared to my 13 yr old cuz&her friends and began to yell at them about how terrible they are and that they should repent for theire terrible actions. They didn't beleive my,until we were driving home the next morning and the DJ told the story about how everyone was in shock. At that point I couldn'y handle it anymore and turned back around facing the 3,"I told you all,she is dead,you didn't beleive me and you mocked her death." I turned forward agian and stood silent the rest of the ride home.
A day passed by and I kept all my sadness inside of me,I spread the word about her death and asking my friends about how they felt. I was in my bed last night falling asleep with the radio on,all of a sudden outta no where "Are You That Somebody," by Aaliyah came on,I stood silent for a while, 2 minutes into the song I burst into tears and prayed about her friends,family and herself along with the others killed and theire family and friends. I just pra that Aaliyah is in a much better place than this place is,where death is mocked. She is a legacy in my heart,even though she was early in her music career,I can just imagine all the wonderful things she may have accomplished in her much longer life, but the things that she has accomplished will stay in all our hearts and she will be remembered. Feel free to e-mail me with your thoughts on the death,I would like to hear from you all,

*from Disney's Tarzan*
"cause you'll be in my heart,
yes you'll be in my heart
from this day on,now and forever more
you'll be in my heart
no matter what they say
you'll be here in my heart

RIP Aaliyah,we will ALWAYS Love you,we'll see ya soon girl! :)
