Marriage is a momentous undertaking, crucial to augmenting both productivity and the lineage. Compatibility being essential to a stable union, young people is permitted to choose for them. A teenage girl is given her own bedroom and may have her boyfriend over for the night. Any children she may bear enhance her value as a bride, and as a wedding can involve very heavy expenses, more than one child may be born before the necessary wealth is assembled.
In making a match, the most important criterion is the harmony of the birth dates of the couple as determined with Iu Mien astrological handbooks, If the match seems propitious, the families negotiate wedding arrangements, such as numbers of guests, days, and pigs to be involved in feasting and the amount of the bride price and terms of payment. All details are entered in an agreement drafted in duplicate, duly signed and witnessed, retained by each party, and posted at the wedding.
A grand wedding consumes many days and pigs in feasting, first at the home of the bride and then at that of the groom. Escorted by a party of the agreed size, the bride, wearing an elaborate headdress of scarlet and embroidered cloths and long fringe draped form a large triangular frame, is received at the groom’s home with much pomp and feasting. At the auspicious moment, she is introduced through the spirit door, and in the evening begins the central ceremony, in which the couple pay obeisance to each guest. The next morning the couple drink wine mixed by the presiding ritual expert, who then preaches on Iu Mien tradition and the duties of married life.
Story by: Sarayote/Thailand