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Hairy Enough For You?

Ladies, this hairy gentleman is looking for a date.

Weird but True:

1). Female circumcision is illegal under all circumstances in the United States but is still practiced in certain African countries.

2).The Hmong, mountain people of Southeast Asia (and particularly Laos), have a tradition considered to be an acceptable form of eloping. "Marriage by capture" translates into kidnap and rape in the United States. This Hmong tradition allows a male to capture and take away a female for dated that he consummate the union. Perpetrators of such crimes in the U.S. must be arrested.

3). Sikh Religion (from Northern India), which requires that its followers wear a ceremonial dagger, a secred symbol, at all times, even during sleeping.

4). Those (men) who had sex less than once a month were more likely to suffer sudden death from heart disease, although the likelihood decreased as the men got older. One in 580 men might die as a result of sexual exertions. From 20 years of research, published in the Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health, London. ~ So, if you're a woman, have some "mercy" and give it up! Save Life! J/K =)

* * * Man hid monkeys in pants, pays price * * *

-- A man who had two endangered pygmy monkeys in his pants when he arrived from Thailand at Los Angeles International Airport was sentenced to 57 days in jail.

Robert John Cusack, 45, of Palm Springs pleaded guilty Monday to smuggling the monkeys, called lesser slow lorises, and was sentenced by U.S. District Judge Terry Hatter. Cusack had already served the 57 days in jail.

Under a plea agreement, Cusack must pay $15,000 as part of community service, with about $11,500 of that amount going to a primate rescue group in Texas. The rest of the money will cover the cost of housing the animals after they were seized.

The monkeys -- which are six inches to 10 inches high -- were discovered in Cusack's underwear after he arrived June 13 on a Korean Air Lines flight. Cusack also had four endangered songbirds and 50 orchids, threatened species, in his luggage

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* * Do you believe such a thing called "RAINING FISH?" During a heavy storm, you will actually see hundreds, some times thousands of fish falling from the sky, Read More.. . Or, you can Click Here to learn more from the eye-witnesses.

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