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Note: This is a My little Pony version of a movie that I have loved for a very long time.:)


*The Last Unicorn*

Part 1:

The Unicorn and The Butterfly


She loved the forest and, in a way, she was sure it loved her in return.

The afternoon wind whipped across the glade blending the tall green grass , then, in a great gust,

climbed up to the tallest trees, playing with the leaves that left dabbled moving shadows upon

the wild flowers.

The whole wood sparkled as magical places often did and shined around the twin rainbow

waterfall that marked the border between Ponyland and the outside world.

Now it was crossed by two little girls; they splashed and laughed, hardy noticing that the place

was any different ,

or the silent shadow of a unicorn "winked out" on the grass.

There is more than one way to ponyland...

"Hey this is just like a book I have!" The younger girl said , looking around

"What?" The another girl asked, looking bored

"Yup , this is a unicorn forest!" She declared

"Unicorns? Their not real!" Her companion sneered

"Oh yeah? In my picture book it says older unicorns always get their own forests! And keep it

green all year!

It's winter everywhere else, why not here? There's one unicorn left and one day maybe I'll see


The littler girl piped and turned as they were leaving to yell back into the forest

"Stay in your forest unicorn, no one believes in magic now! Good luck you 'cause you're the


Twilight winked in as they walked away and cocked her as the wind ran threw her long flowing

white and purple mane, her horn glowing softy from use of her unicorn magic.

"Am I really the only unicorn there is?" She asked the wind in a whisper "The last?"

Over head the cry of a golden fire eagle broke the silence.

Twilight looked up to see it circle swiftly in the air, leaving a tail of light....

********My Little Pony Pictures Presents........**********

When the last eagle flies,

over the last crumbling mountain

And the last lion roars,

at the last dusty fountain

In the shadow of the forest, though she may be old and worn

They will stare, unbelieving, at

The Last Unicorn

... When the first breath of winter through the flowers is icing,

And you look to the north,

and a pale moon is rising,

And it seems like all is dying,

and would leave the world to mourn,

In the distance, hear the laughter,

of the last unicorn!

I'm Alive! I'm Alive!

When the last moon is cast,

over the last star of morning,

And the future has passed,

without even a last desperate warning,

Then look into the sky where through, the clouds a path is torn,

Look and see her, how she sparkles,

it's the last unicorn!

I'm Alive! I'm Alive!


Twilight whined a little, rubbing her horn across her leg for a moment, as most unicorns did

when they were ill at ease

"That cannot be. Why would I be the last?"

She trotted over to her favorite pool looking at her reflection in the water. (All magic creatures

are a little vain)

Today it wasn't so much to look at herself as to wonder how everything could

have stayed the same if it was so different now...

"...What do children know? Because they have seen no unicorns for a while and no magic does

not mean that we have all vanished! We do not vanish!"

A cherry blossom fell from an over hanging tree, making small, then bigger and bigger ripples

on the water under rays of just rising moonlight.

" ...There has never been a time without unicorns. We live forever. We are as old as the sky, old

as the moon. We can be hunted, trapped; we can even be killed if we leave Dream Valley , but

we do not vanish! ...Am I truly the last?"

At that moment a flutter of wings woke Twilight from her thoughts and a blue butterfly darted

happily 'rould her, singing.

"Wave the flag for Hudson Highborn, show them how we stand!...I am a roving gambler; how do

you do?"

It bowed, staying still for only a second and soaring about her head again.

"Hello, butterfly, welcome! Have you traveled very far?"

Twilight asked, craning her neck and moving her hoofs to keep the little flying insect in sight as

it zipped here and there.

" How far would I travel, yessir! - to be where you are? ...Clay lies still, but blood's a-rover. Red

Rover, Red Rover, let Charlie come over! ...Won't you come home, Bill Bailey, won't you come

home? ...My wild Irishrose. "

The butterfly sang satterbrainissly and hugged her horn at his last verse before taking flight


" Be a little respectful, butterfly! Do you know who I am?"

Twilight asked and stepped back, a little taken aback the butterfly did not know of her high rank.

" Excellent well, you're a fishmonger! You're my everything, you are my sunshine, you're old and

grey and full of sleep, you're my pickle-faced, consumptive Mary Jane!"

The butterfly sang out in glee.

Twilight took that as a yes.

Suddenly it seemed of udder importice for the light pink unicorn that someone, anyone, knew


"Say my name, then. If you know my name, tell it to me."

"Your name is a golden bell hung in my heart. I would break my body to pieces to call you once

by your name!" The butterfly spoke dramatically

" Say it, if you know." She said firmly

" Rumpelstilstkin! Gotcha!" The butterfly gigged

" I should know better than to expect a silly butterfly to know my name."

Twilight sighed, but still did'nt lose hope

"Butterfly, in all your wanderings, have you seen others like me? Have you seen even one?"

The butterfly contuned to sing, seeming to only take her words as a q

" Oh, have you seen the muffin man, the muffin man, the muffin man?" "

Butterfly, even one? Tell me that you saw only one?" Twilight pressed still

"One?" The butterfly asked and bursted into song again" One alone, to be my own... Up goes

downwind, up go down! Go and catch a falling star..."

Twilight shook her head and turned to walk away.

" It serves me right for even asking you. All butterflies know are songs and poetry and anything

else they hear. I guess you mean well. Fly away, butterfly."

" Oh, I must take the A train, oh, I am a cook and a captain bold and the mate of the Nancy brig.

Has anybody here seen Kelly?"

Twilight sighed again, trying to be poelte qand calm her restless mind at the same time

" I hope you hear many more songs. I must find someone who knows me, who has seen others

like me."

The suddenly serious voice of the butterfly called to her:

" "Twilight". "Twi", two, and "light", or leoht. n.: The light of the sky between full night and

sunrise, or between sunset and full night. Twilight is sunlight scattered once or twice by the

atmosphere and it's dust. Also, a fabulous animal resembling a pony with one horn and smybol

of stars! Third eldest of all My Little Pony unicorns, thought to be a bearer of wisdom. Visible

only to those humans who search and trust, and generally mistaken for a colored mare.


Twilight turned back to the butterfly with joy and a winne.

"Oh, you do know me! Please, all I want to know is if you've seen other unicorns like me,

somewhere in the world."

" See you later, alligator! Close cover before striking!"

"Butterfly, have you seen the others at Dream Valley? Where have they gone? Tell me which

way I must go to find them!" She asked erinsely

The butterfly took on a strange voice as he fluttered arould her face, trowing the shadow of his

wings on her muzzle.

" No, no, listen. Don't listen to me, listen. You can find the others if you are brave."

A sudden flash of fringhtening magic insight in Twilight's mind showed unicorns running down

a path, and a great red mass chasing them, as the butterfly spoke on..

" They passed down all the roads from the dream valley long ago, and the Red Bull ran close

behind them and covered their footsteps."

"Red Bull? What is the Red Bull?" Twilight asked again, trying not to show her growing fear.

" Hold tight. Hold tight. Hold tight, hold tight. ..." The butterfly seemed to get his head again and


" His firstling bull has majesty, and his horns are the horns of a wild ox. With them, he
shall push the unicorns, all of them, to the ends of the earth. Listen, listen, listen quickly!"

" I am listening! Where are the other unicorns, and what is the RedBull?" Twilight nearly

pleaded , running a little foward to keep the butterfly in veiw, hoping beyond hope for any more


"Listen, listen!" The butterfly laughed "The king is in the counting house, counting out, counting

out, counting... It's you or me, moth! Hand to hand to hand to hand to hand to hand..."

His voice fainted into the air as he flew off and left Twilight to her sentle, looking after him.

(He said I could find the other unicorns. But where? Or was the story of the Red Bull just

another of his songs?)

Twilight thought and looked arould at the trees, thinking of it and all the other ponies...

(...Oh, I could never leave this forest, this valley. But I must know if I am the only unicorn left in

the world..Suppose they are hiding together, somewhere far away? What if they're waiting for

me, in need of my help?)

The vision of the many colored unicorns being chased by the red mass returned and Twilight

heard the butterfly's words...

" They passed down all the roads long ago, and the Red Bull ran close behind them and covered

their footprints."

Twilight neighed in fear and began running. She reached the edge of the forest, where all the

animals and spirts of the wood were looking at her with sad eyes.

She stared at them for a moment trying to lock forever in her mind that image and the thoughts

of her friends: Cotton Candy , Blossom , Applejack , Bow Tie, Firefly, Medley,..many more...and

oh, dear little Ember.

Twilight turned and started to gallop down the road leading away.

( I must go quickly, and come back as soon as I can.)

She thought as she ran and could almost hear the butterfly's voice again echo in her mind:

"You can find the others if you are brave."


She ran tough season upon season of human months, hardy noticing the differntices or the cold

of the snow.

Then it turned to spring again slowly and Twilight stoped beside a fleid were a human was

hoeing his and stopped. Curious.

The old farmer looked up at her standing there and leaded on his hoe.

"Well, hello there, little one! Hello there, my dear! And just who might you belong to? A pretty

little thing like you? Come on now, good girl! Good Bessie..."

He took off his belt and made it into a loop.

"Curry you up, clean you off, you'll be the prettiest old Shetlend mare anywhere."

Twilight neighed loudly and eluded the belt easly, backing away.

(Mare? Mare!? I, a shetland pony? Is that what you take me for? Is that what you see?)

She thought in anger, tossing her mane.

" So, so, easy, easy, good girl. Oh, What a pretty sight you are! Feed you up, take you to the fair.

Come on, pink pony!"

The old farmer cooed, trying to catch her with the belt

She whinned and bunked ( A pink pony, am I? A pony, indeed!)

Twilight hooked her horn through the belt and threw it to the ground, running off down the road

with such a furry, it made the farmer lose his balance and fall.

The old farmer hubbed his head in wonder

"Now there's a pony!...Hmm. My foot must have slipped.."


Twilight sat by the side of a road and looked blankly at at man driving a carriage as he passed


He give her only a short passing gance as all he saw was a weirdly colored pony.

(I had forgotten that men cannot see unicorns. )

She thought as she shared back and watched the trailing dust

( If humans no longer know what they are looking at, there may well be other unicorns in their

world yet,... unknown,... and glad of it.)


Twilight traveled on , her pink coat getting dusty, then shoaked with rain as she passed by

human's houses and deserts alike, her steps a slow steady walk as her head hung low.

Even her stars symbol seemed to lose a little of it's shine but Twilight's magic and hope drove

her on, even in a human world where none saw her as anything more than an animal...




. up to meet the purple dawn,

Dust demon,...


bring an eagle to lead me on.

For in my heart, ...

I carry such a.. heavy load.

Here I am, ...

on man's road.

Walking man's road...Walking man's road...

I'm hungry, weary, ...

but I cannot lay me down.

The rain calls, dreary, ...

but there's no shelter I have found.

It will be a long time ...

till I find...

my abode,

Here I am,..

on man's road.

Walking man's road...Walking man's road...


The form of the sleeping star smyboled pink unicorn in by the side of the road...

It cuaght the eye of a old woman driving a black caravan of wagons.

On the side of two of them, a black canvas hung with the red lettered words: "Mommy Fortuna's

Midnight Carnival" written on it, and in smaller letters underneath, "Creatures Of Night, Brought

To Light".
The old bent woman peersed from under her tree branch shaped hat (on which a raven sat) and
laughed softly to herself...
"Well. Well, bless my old husk of a heart. And here I thought I'd seen the last of them..."

To Be Continued....