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My Little Baby Pony: Starlight Quest

Part 1:

"Do every body believe in magic?"

By Moonstar


"Life is either a daring adventure or nothing.

Security does not exist in nature,

nor do children as a whole experience it.

Avoiding danger is no safer

in the long run than exposure"


*^ - ^*


Baby Shaggy skipped though the light of early mourning carrying her beloved teddy bear in her mouth.

Being a tiny newborn pony, the bear was nearly bigger than her .

She was glad then, that no adult ponies were around to do that syrupy sweet "Aaaaaah!" ing they usually did when she happened to be doing anything "cute".

Shaggy hummed happily to herself shaking her short pink curls of mane.

The first rays of sunshine glittered over her little blue body

and even her symbol, a teddy bear doing a hand stand, seemed to smile a little bigger.

All and all you could not hope to find a happier pony this time of day.

She had spent the night over at Paradise Estate listening to stories and things but she was happy to come home to the nursery again.

And boy, did she have some thing to tell them!

The babies usually got up long before the grown-ups so Shaggy wasn't surprised to

see the room a buzz with activity:

Baby Moondancer was showing Baby Ribbon how easy it was to wink out,

Baby Countdown was playing leap frog with Baby Tiddly Winks,

Baby Firefly was zooming around recklessly (as usual),

and Baby Wind Whistler was making what looked like a giant skyscraper

out of blocks.

"Hi evethy bode!" Little Shaggy proclaimed putting down her bear.

"Hi Shaggy! HEADS UP!"

Firefly yelled back , dive bombing the little pony.

"EP!" Shaggy ducked down and fell over in a attempt to get away.

Firefly flew inches over the her with a gust of air at top speed.

"Heehee! No bodies faster than me!"

She yelled back not looking where she was going...

Wind Whistler flew up to the top of her masterpiece,

placing the very last block on the highest tower with her teeth.

The huge structure wobbled dangerously but then steadied out.

"There, perfect." She said proudly admiring her handy work.

"LOOK OUT!" Firefly screamed flying over Wind Whistler and collided

with the block building , sending blocks falling everywhere as she crashed.

" work of art!" Baby Wind Whistler sniffed

Baby North Star , Brightbow, and Racer came in just then,

yawning and blinking sleepy eyes.

North Star smiled "Good morning everybodEEEEE!"

That was as far as she got before the three of them were swallowed up by

the block avalanche.

Brightbow flapped her wings forcefully, freeing her back legs from the mess.

"Golly, what was THAT for?!" she asked

Wind Whistler smirked in her serious angry way

(Some thing she was really good at)

"It wound seem that it's to Firefly we owe this unpleasant pleasure."

"But..but..I was just flying !"

Firefly said pulling her head out of the blocks and looking really guilty.

"Just flying?!" North Star's voice came from under the blocks "Just flying?!"

She kicked her way out with both front and back hoofs growling.

A normally good natured orange sparkle pony ,she was known to glow brighter

when she was angry. Her silver sparkles glowed like white hot stars.


Firefly whimpered.

Even HER courage couldn't stand up to North Star being mad.

"You nearly flatted me and Racer! "

Her madness froze

"Hey wait a minute ..where is he anyway!?! Racer! Racer!"

North Star trotted along worriedly over the mountain of blocks.

"Here he is!" Baby Moondancer said

She and rest of the ponies helped to dig him out.

For a while Baby Racer just lay there groaning.

"Arg. Did any one get the license plant of that semi'?" He grumbled

"You'll be ok." Baby North Star said nuzzling his cheek lovely.

"Eeeeewww!" Chorused all the rest of the babies at the sight.

Racer opened his eyes again , and seeing what North Star was doing, let out a little "EP!" and ran to hide behind Baby Countdown, his face turning a bright red under his freckles.

(Quite a site for a normally yellow pony)

Firefly broke the awkward silence

"Well anyway it wasn't my fault! Shaggy distracted me."

All eyes turned to the almost forgotten Baby Shaggy.

She was sitting in a corner sucking quietly on the ear of her teddy .

Looking back at them all with those big , innocent , pink eyes that no one could find the heart to stay mad at.

"I saw baby." she said quietly

"You mean the new one, Baby Paradise?" Ribbon cooed

"Yup!" Shaggy said proudly

" And I got ta see her 'n her mama tell us stories 'n

we have fun 'n she still tell stories to baby when I go to sleep n'..n'n"

Shaggy gasped in air

"That is illogical and unhealthy ." Baby Wind Whistler broke in

"A baby of her age should have at least 12 hours..."

She was cut off by Baby Brightbow putting a wing over her mouth.

"Please Wind Whistler, can't you forget that 'ol logic for just ONE day?

The spring festival starts today!"

There was a crash in back of them as Baby Toe Dancer fell out of bed.


She looped her ballet slippers around her neck and raced out the door.

"Well ,what are we waiting for? Lets wake everybody and get going!"

said Baby Countdown

"YEAH!" chorused everyone

** ^ - ^********************************************************************************

It had been nearly three years now since the Volcano of Doom witches had been defeated for the last time.

In that time all of Pony Land had basically gotten back to normal.

Even their friends the Grundles had gotten home sick for the wildness

they knew and went to live with the dragons in the hills.

Dream Castle was home to the ponies again and spruced up with a loving touch

to look just as great as the much newer Paradise Estate.

If you didn't know you could never have guess that some years ego this very

day a slimly wave of witch made goo had covered the landscape.

Dream Valley had returned to it's glory.

The large crowd of baby ponies trotted this way and that exploring happily.

Sure enough , the grown ups were up early getting things ready.

Baby Ribbon looked in awe as Sparkler used her deadly lighting unicorn

magic to pick up nails and then stick them into a sign.

"I wanta help!" She said closing her eyes and concentrating.

Bright white ribbons started to form from her horn like mist,

growing more solid as they wrapped around a nail and started to lift it.

Now it was Sparkler's turn to be awe shock.

"Your doing it! Your using your magic! Your really doing it!"

Sparkler said excitingly

"Hey everyone! Come see Baby Paradise!" Baby North Star yelled

Baby Ribbon opened her eyes, letting the nail fall to the ground , all sign of her magic gone.

"Coming!" She yelled back, racing off.

Sparkler smiled a little, sacking her head as she returned to her work

" Those babies." She mumbled to herself

***^ - ^*******************************************************************************

A large group of babies were gathered around Paradise .

Trying , to without much hope, to catch a glimpse of the tiny shape hiding

behind her legs.

"Ah, please we won't hurt you." Brightbow pleaded .

She tried to fly over to see, but the little pony just ducked down farther.

"She's right honey. They just want to be your friends."

Her mother said gently

There was a small movement behind her legs.

" ' riends? " A tiny baby voice asked

"Yeah we like you." Racer said

" 'ike me?"

A curious little green eye peered out from her hiding spot.

"That's right. Why don't you come out?" Ribbon asked

The little baby pulled her head back out of site at the thought.

"No. Mama." She said firmly

A this point even Paradise laughed

"Oh come on scareycat!"

She said, turning and nosed her daughter out into the open.

Baby Paradise, caught off guard by the push,

took a few shakey steps and sat down on her hind legs . HARD.

"Aaaaaaaaaah!" Some of the older babies cooed in admiration

"She looks just like you Paradise!" Observed Ember

It was true. Baby Paradise could have been her mother's twin ,

except, well, smaller. Her symbol too, was only one palm tree and a tiny sun.

She shook her little white wings shyly, managing a small smile.


The other baby ponies crowded around her, introducing themselves:

"I'm Baby Gusty!" "I'm Baby Lucky Leaf!" "I'm Baby Surprise!"

"I'm Baby North Star!"

"I'm Baby Shady." Said a little pink pony half heartily

"I'm Baby Medley!" The green pegasus sang

" We Rattles and Tattles!" The twins echoed

"I'm Baby Ribbon!" "I'm Baby Wind Whistler." "I'm Baby Lofty!"

"I'm Baby Moondancer!" "I'm Baby Magic Star!" "I'm Baby Racer!"

"I'm Baby Firefly!" "I'm Baby Skydancer!" "I'm Baby Countdown!"

"I'm Baby Tittlywinks!" "I'MBABYWHIZZER!" "I'm Baby Brightbow!"

"I'm just plain Ember." The pretty lavender baby with pink hair smiled

"..And I Shaggy 'member?" The tiny pony said

Baby Paradise's head swam with all the names, there were so many baby ponies!

"May we play with her Paradise?" Baby Wind Whistler asked

"Of course you may." Paradise said

Knowing that she would be in good hoofs, Paradise gave her daughter a good-bye

kiss and went off to help the rest of the adults.

The babies stood there for a moment, wondering what they should play with

their new friend.

" How 'bout we image a rocket-ship? I've always liked that game!"

said Baby Countdown

"Yeah, but remember what happened LAST TIME?" said Gusty smiling a little

"oh.. yeah." Countdown said trying his best to disappear

Baby Paradise looked puzzled

Even Baby Wind Whistler was trying not to laugh at the memory.

"Last time we played rocket ship Countdown managed to SOME HOW get himself

HOPELESSLY TANGLED in the branches of a very large maple tree."

Wind Whistler giggled

Little Paradise giggled too, rolling in the grass with laughter

"I'll never live it down.." Countdown whimpered

" What about "Red Rover, Red Rover"?

Almost every one knows how to play that." said Baby Skydancer


Baby Whizzer thundered at super sonic speed

"WHOA!" said North Star nearly getting knocked over by the shear volume

" Any way I don't think Baby Paradise would be able to run that fast...

(Whizzer have you been sneaking candy for my secret sash AGAIN by any chance?)"

North Star asked quietly

"Nooooooo.." Whizzer answered, crossing her wings.

"The problem seems to be that Paradise here, doesn't have the necessary

skills to.." Wind Whistler stooped in mid analization

" The necessary skills! That's it!" A light bulb seemed to flash over the

little blue Pegasus head

"Oh, no. Whistler's got an idea. Run for the hills." Remarked Baby Gusty

"We could teach her to fly!" Wind Whistler exclaimed

"Yeah! That's a great idea! how?" Asked Lucky Leaf

"I could teach her!" said Lofty

"Sorry Lofty, but remember how long it took you?

We should do this together." Advised Baby Magic Star.

"Mommy use to sing to help me fly." said Baby Medley

"Sing?" Racer asked

" Well it's worth a try.." Mumbled Wind Whistler

" Come along every one! We're headed for higher ground!"

She called back , leading the group toward Dream Castle.

Baby Skydancer kneeled down, letting Baby Paradise get on her back and ride neatly sitting between her wings.

"C'mon lil' Paradise we'll show you the best spot in the world for flying!"

She said trotting after the others.

"Gee!" " Lil' Paradise" agreed

****^ - ^******************************************************************************

As many times as Ember had seen her do it she still couldn't believe it.

Baby Moondancer walked a little away from the group of babies,

innocently waiting behind a certain white unicorn who was talking to

another pony.

She tapped lightly on the unicorn's hind leg with her hoof.

Majesty turned looking puzzled but then saw the little unicorn and smiled.

"Yes Baby Moondancer?"

"Um.. I have a favor to ask, Your Majesty." Baby Moondancer said

"Oh, and what might that be?"

"Welllll it's really nothing...I mean you don't have to..."

Her eyes got bigger and a little tearful, the very picture of "cute".

The very thing that turned Majesty into putty in her hoofs.

"Oooh come on, don't cry! What is it you wanted to ask me?"

Baby Moondancer brightened

"Could you wink us up on top of the western tower?"

Majesty shook her head

"Now Baby Moondancer, it's true that my magic is powerful but it sound

only be used in times of.."

"Pretty please your Queeness ma'am?" Her eyes got bigger still,

brimming with tears.

That did it.

"Very well." Their ruler said giving in

[It has to be unicorn magic] Ember thought

"Hooray!" All the babies chorused


"Oh dear. Well take care." Said Majesty closing her eyes

"I wish...I Wish..I WISH!"

The landscape around them dimmed and they find themselves

standing on a VERY HIGH rose colored tower!

"WOW. That was some wish'n!" Said Baby Gusty looking out at the land below.

"Look! I see house from here!"

Called Rattles stepping a little to close to the edge..

"Ooo! I wanta see!" Said Tattles stepping out a little too..

"Oh no you don't !" North Star shouted, catching both twin's tails in her

mouth before they could fall far.

"You guys aren't about to learn to fly the HARD way!" She said

Both twins sweatdroped.

"OK so singing might work...any ideas?" Asked Magic Star

"Well Megan tout us that one song last time she was here..." Skydancer said "But I can't remember all the words..."

"That's OK we can make up are own!" laughed Surprise

Skydancer started to hum the tune and Wind Whistler joined in starting it off..

.(Q background music)....


Wind Whistler: (Smiling at Baby paradise) "Consider yourself a pal."

Sky Dancer: (Giving Baby Paradise a necklace of pink blocks)

"Consider yourself one of the family"

Lofty: "And you know it's plain to see..."

Lucky Leaf : "Consider yourself one of us!"

Shady:(Smiling as best she could)

"All though there may come some harder times.."

Surprise:(Beating her wings and having BP copy her)

"Hope your harder times are few!"

Whizzer: (Nearly knocking BP over)

" AndeveninthosehardertimesWe'll ..ALways..BETHEREFORYOU!"

(The baby ponies form a circle around Paradise and are try to help her

into the air, one by one )

Gusty: " So consider yourself well up..."

( "'ell up?" Paradise asked, beating her wings)

North Star: "Consider yourself one of the family..."

(" 'amily?" she asked, getting up a little farther but then falling)

Ember: (Giving Paradise a little push) "And you know it's plain to see..."

( "To see?")

All: "Consider yourself....consider yourself....ONE OF US!"


"Look! Look! I flying!" Baby Paradise said happily fluttering with great

effect but, yes, really flying!

"This is so great! Your doing fine Paradise!" Firefly said,

doing loopy loops around her.

The news was so great in fact, that the babies had failed to notice a black shadow

beginning to pass above them toward the sun.

Slowly the deep dark orb slid in front of sun's light making the air and sky heavy and dark.

The babies looked up in wonder as the shadow began to gradually melt away, into liquid pinpoints of light.

"What in the world...?" Baby Wind Whistler breathed quietly.

An unearthly silence seemed to have been thrown across Ponyland and as the tiny lights began to fall slowly toward the ground...

"Do everybody believe in magic?" Shaggy asked in a voice lower than a whisper.

North Star looked down from the tower at the busy ponies below.

"I don't get it. The sky's lit up like the 4th of July but no one but us is even looking." She whispered

"Their so pretty..." Firefly said in a far away voice as she took off with a whisper of wind and feathers toward the lights.

Embers eyes widened "No Firefly! DON'T TOUCH THEM!"

Firefly's muzzle trembled as she reached out to a single light...

"Ember's right I sense an evil within those lights.." Magicstar whispered

"Evil...NOOO FIIIREFLLLY!" Skydancer screamed

The light expanded outward as Firefly touched it and suddenly dropped from the

sky like a rock.

"Firefly!" Baby Surprise called, flying out and almost getting hit by a light.

"Surprise get back here!" Wind Whistler yelled

"AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA...OOF!" Surprise screamed dodging light after light, doing a shaky impression of the famous double inside out loop, and flying face first into the tower.

All the babies expect Baby Paradise sweatdroped.

"Where Firefly?" She asked looking down expectantly

" I don't know BP , but something tells me alot of ponies are in for it! Look!" Baby Shady pointed with her muzzle.

The lights were hitting the ground faster now and small explosions lit up the landscape for as far the eye could see.

Then suddenly like a switch being turned, they stopped.

"Is it over?" Shaggy asked, lifting her head from where the other newborns lay huddled.

"Yeah I think so..." Lofty said flying out and then gasping " Oh my gosh! Guys, you gotta come see this!"

Wind Whistler flew over to join her and looked down in shock.

"By the Rainbow no!" she whispered

Below them, and far down the valley, not a single thing was moving.

The ponies that had just a moment ago been so happy looked frozen like in a picture. Some stood in mid-step were they had once been walking, others with hammers in their mouths had them raised for a hit on a nail that never came.

Wind Whistler and Lofty flew down among the frozen adults as the rest of baby pegs helped the earthlings off the tower.

"This is very usual!" Wind Whistler said " Mother use to talk about the time ponies were turned to stone, ice, even glass, but something like this has never hap..! By the Light! Mother!"

Wind Whistler called as she saw a the motionless form of a blue pegasus out the ground, wings spread and eyes wide , frozen in the act off flying. The little peg nuzzled her mother's cheek lovely.

"Mama? Mama? Can you hear me?" She cried, kneeing down and warping her little wings around one of her mom's forelegs.

Countdown saw this and took off toward Paradise Estate, as did many of the other babies, looking for their families.

"DADDY?!DAAAAADDY?!" Countdown called , looking in room after room.

Then in Paradise Estates nursery he found the sleeping form of Slugger laying next to the cradle of Baby Buttons. He nuzzled both of them in turn.

"Daddy? Sis? Wake up...please wake up." He looked at Baby Buttons and began to cry softy.. "I..I promised Daddy I'd always protect you..."

***** ^ - ^*****************************************************************************

" You mean we're all alone?" North Star asked

"Yup." Skydancer nodded " I flew all over and down pass Rainbow Falls. There's nobody left not frozen but us. Not even a little Bushwoolie.."

Lucky Leaf trotted slowly to the group sniffing sadly

"L..Leafy's froze too..." She said mourning for her lost friend "Wind Whistler what are we gonna do?"

For once the little wise peg seemed at lost. "I don't know Lucky, their nothing much we can do...we may just have to move on..."

"Alone?!" Tiddly Winks asked

"Twenty baby ponies vs. the world. I don't much like the odds..." Shady commented

"Help..." A ghostly voice shouted

All the babies jumped in fright.

"Wh.. Who said that?" Brightbow said nervously

The groups eyes went wide.

"Bright'..behind you.." Northstar hissed

Brightbow turned in the air

The sight that met her eyes was both so alien and so beautiful that she gazed in awe:

The pony was about baby size, obviously a Windy Wing, with skin the color of polished gold.

Her silver mane and tail glittered in the light like moondust and giant mist like butterfly wings beat slowly to keep her aloft.

The most mysterious thing of all though, Brightbow decided, had to be her eyes. They reflected

the sunlight like a prism, flashing one color and then the next, yet at the same time all the rainbow at once. CRYSTAL Twinkle eyes!

"Who are you?" Skydancer asked gazing at the wonderful stranger's glowing two white suns symbol.

"My name is Daystar. I am a guardian messager."

The Windy said simply in that same warm ghostly voice that sounded like a wind through summer leaves.

Flying over the astounded babies, she alighted before an equally surprised Ember and bowed low.

"Please help, Lady Ember. You are The Chosen.. and my land is now in such desperate need..

both our worlds will surely die...."

~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~TO BE CONTINUED ~*~*~*~*~*~*~*