
53% of women will not leave the house without makeup on.
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- Occasionally, hot dog sales at baseball stadiums exceed attendance, but typically, hot dog sales at ballparks average 80 percent of the attendance.
- Of devout coffee drinkers, about 62 percent of those who are 35 to 49 years of age say they become upset if they don't have a cup of coffee at their regular time. Only 50 percent of those under age 35 become upset.
- There are more telephones than people in Washington DC.
- Only about 30 percent of teenage males consistently apply sun protection lotion when going poolside, compared to 46 percent of female teens.
- Out of the 34,000 gun deaths in the U.S. each year, fewer than 300 are listed as "justifiable homicide," the only category that could include shooting a burglar, mugger, or rapist.
- Executives work an average 57 hours a week, but just 22 percent say their hours are a major cause of stress.
- Only 3 percent of Americans ages 18 to 21 attended college in 1890.
- From the 1850's to the 1880's, the most common reason for death among cowboys in the American West was being dragged by a horse while caught in the stirrups.
- Hawaii has the highest percentage of cremations of all other U.S. states, with a 60.6 percent preference over burial.
- Hawaii is the only state in the United States where male life expectancy exceeds 70 years. Hawaii also leads all states in life expectancy in general, with an average of 73.6 years for both males and females.
- Two out of three adults in the United States have hemorrhoids.
- Over 15 billion prizes have been given away in Cracker Jacks boxes.
- While the average cost of air travel is about $60 per hour, using an air-phone during that plane trip can cost as much as $160 per hour.
- There have been several documented cases of women giving birth to twins who had different fathers, including cases where the children were of different races. To do so, the mother had to have conceived both children in close proximity. There has also been one recent case where a mother gave birth to unrelated "twins." In that instance, the mother underwent in vitro fertilization and had her own child and the embryo of another couple accidentally implanted in her.
- In 1990 there were about 15,000 vacuum cleaner related accidents in the U.S.
- Pediatricians estimate that 58 percent of their young patients go to child care or school even when ill, according to a Gallup survey. This despite the fact that 81 percent of mothers working full-time have stayed home at times to care for a sick child.
- Per a "Newsweek" poll, 49 percent of American fathers described themselves as better parents than their dads.
- Per a national survey, 80 percent of U.S. teachers in grades kindergarten through eighth grade have received chocolate as a gift from their students.
- In 1915, the average annual family income in the United States was $687 a year.
- In 1970 only 5 percent of the American population lived in cities.
- In 1977, less than 9 percent of physicians in the U.S. were women.
- In 1990 the life expectancy of the average American male was 72.7 years and 76.1 years for females. In 1900 the life expectancy was 46.6 for males and 48.7 for females.
- In 1995, each American used an annual average of 731 pounds of paper, more than double the amount used in the 1980s. Contrary to predictions that computers would displace paper, consumption is growing.
- In 1996, Americans bought only 12 inches of dental floss per capita.
- In a 1996 poll, the top reason for filing for bankruptcy, as cited by 29 percent, is that filers are "overextended." Only 15 percent of bankruptcy filers cited job problems, and only 17 percent cited health problems. Divorce accounted for 12 percent of filings. Six percent simply said they couldn't stand bill collectors.
- Per capita, it is safer to live in New York City than it is to live in Pine Bluff, Arkansas.
- Police estimated that 10,000 abandoned, orphaned and runaway children were roaming the streets of New York City in 1852.
- Results of a survey show that 76 percent of women make their bed every day, compared to 46 percent of men.
- Adults spend an average of 16 times as many hours selecting clothes (145.6 hours a year) as they do on planning their retirement.
- Half of all people who have ever smoked have now quit.