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Silver & Tarot

UPDATE as of May 2004!!!

I am currently doing email readings. For an accurate and confidential Tarot Card reading please email me at to get it set up.

All email readings are $35.00 which can be sent through Paypal [I am verified] or money order. Each reading is done and emailed to you through word; the cards that were chosen, what each of them means, and what I see in your future. I do a standard Celtic Spread and each reading is just as accurate as if you were in my living room.

Pay me securely with any major credit card through PayPal!
Visa MasterCard Discover American Express eCheck

Please do not ask me for winning lottery numbers or to locate lost people or items. That is not the purpose of the Spiritual Tarot. The Tarot cards can enhance your daily life by offering you insight into a current situation. They tell you which forces are demanding recognition, which are being expressed, and which need to be considered within a given situation. They suggest the opportunities available to you and the tasks or tests required for your personal development. They provide a visual encyclopedia of your inner state of being at any given time. But you must remember that the Tarot cards only show you what those influences are. They are not cast in stone nor unchangeable for once you are made aware then YOU can change the outcome because of that awareness.

The numbers on my business cards have been changed since I moved, so please do not try and call them.

Getting A Good Reading

Before anyone can have a good reading it is VERY important that the Querent (the person getting their cards read) is comfortable about getting a reading done and is also WANTING a reading done. You have to trust your instincts as well as the reader you choose to do your reading.

When I know that it is the persons first time getting a reading done, the first thing I have them do is relax! This is so important for both of us. I need both our minds cleared in order to get my energies and if you are nervous I am not going to get as good as a reading as I should. I know it might be a little un-nerving coming into a readers home (or anyone new for that matter). I will use my home for example here. A Querent will come into my home and one of the first things they see is my altar and candles burning. Without going into details of my chosen religion, I explain that this (my altar) is where I draw my energies from. If a person is of my faith, they know right off what all my 'things' are, if not, I mostly get from them a response close to this, "WOW!" "You have some cool stuff!"

After offering a glass of tea, water, coffee, whatever, I try to get some small talk going to get a 'feel' for my Querent. I then explain MY history with Tarot, as well as the Tarot history itself. Next is the explanation of what Tarot spreads I use and what a 'spread' is. The Celtic spread, 3 card spread and Witches Spread are my favorites and I get good readings with those. I also explain the general meaning of the cards and answer any questions the querent might have.

Usually a first-timer wants to have a general reading, that is, a over-all reading of things going on right now in their lives. Then I move into the future part of the reading for them after I go over all the present.

I have many decks of Tarot cards and to name them would be; The Rider Waite Deck, The Faery Wicca Deck, Gypsy Fortune Telling, The New Orleans Voodoo Deck, The Phoenix Deck (which I am learning, and tells of past lives), and my two favorites other then the Rider Waite, The Celtic Dragon Deck and the Witches Tarot.

The most important thing I can tell you to take with you is this: A GOOD reading will always leave you empowered and enlightened. It will leave you feeling 'whole & complete' at some level wqithin yourself. If you leave from a reading feeling let down and thinking "that was a waste', then somebody didn't do their job, or doesn't have the right abilities in my opinion.

This is truly a gift to people, and readers need to keep their gift attuned. Lots of time and money have gone into my doing my research, finding out what people want and don't want. I also have spent a lot on different decks to give what a reader might ask for ie: past lives, religious aspects, fantasy realms (Celtic Dragon) ect...

How To Choose A Good Tarot Reader

Most people I know find their Tarot readers by friends or family that have gotten readings done, or just heard about a reader. I myself, since 'coming out', have advertised in our local paper, and I have business cards (picture up top). I offer all my Querents the utmost respect, privacy and honesty in my readings.

Where I live, is a very conservative town and people like myself are looked down upon, so naturally, people are afraid to have readings done if a reader is going to blab to anyone who they have for clients or the outcome of a reading. Confidentially is a MUST when giving readings.

Still not sure where to find a reader? Try looking in your local Metaphysical stores and bookstores, ask the owners or look on notice boards. Look in your phone books or newspapers under "psychics" or "metaphysical."

When you find the right reader, you will know instinctively who is right for you.

What About 900 Numbers & Phone Readings?

I have worked for a 900 number and will tell you this much. ALL my readings over the phone were done just as I would have face to face with a client. I laid out my cards and read what I saw in them to a client on the phone just as I would 'in person'.

On the other hand, I am going to go out on a limb here, where I probably shouldn't. I was told by my company that we were to stay 'online' (which is the phone) for 22 hours a day working for them!!! I am not kidding! These people who own and run these 900 lines are about money and I feel don't really care what or how we read our cards as long as we keep the Querents on the phone making the COMPANY 4.99 a min!!! Trust me, the Tarot readers themselves usually make 9.00 a hour TALKING TIME. That means for one call where we make THEM $200.00+ we make $9.00!!!! We were pushed to keep a client on the phone for AT LEAST 45 min. (that would be 224.55 total on their bill)!!! We were constantly pushed to do even better and to try to keep the Querent on for a hour until the phone disconnected automatically by law. I found it hard to want to try and keep a Querent online for that amount time when they just told me that their girlfriend ran out on them and took their last dime and he didn't know how he was going to live (true, not made up!)

We as readers, I believe, should do what we feel is right morally and ethically for each of us individually. I did have fun with a lot of clients over the phone, and I always had a good turn-a-round (the same people calling back and asking for me again) because I gave them good, honest, readings. I always enjoyed chatting with my regulars, and I do miss them.

I had a hard time seperating my morals I had and fought with the "If they have no money why are they calling in the first place?," and then again the thoughts of "They need someone to talk to and probably have no one to turn to and want to know what lies in their future." As you can probably guess, I no longer work for a 900 number. I feel better not being pushed to get quantity instead of quality, because that is not what I am about.

I can not and will not speak for anyone else who has done readings for a 900 number, I have not run into anyone who has offered a opinion on what they felt about it. I had a good time, and did what I would normally do for a 'face to face' reading. If any other reader does, I do not know. I was honest about my readings over the phone just had they been in my home or anywhere I give readings. I do get vibes from people over the phone and feel that I am just as good when doing phone, email, or face to face readings.

It all goes back to a Querent and how well they focus and help you pick up the energies.

What About Internet Readings?

I think it is best that the Querent and the reader can be in the same room. I really like giving face to face readings, but sometimes, when necessary, phone and email readings can be just as fun, enlighting, and helpful. I personally, just love reading the cards for people no matter how it is done. In the end it is always left to the Querent and reader if the reading was accurate. As long as the Querent and the Reader are concentrating, and the energies are being passed, I think any kind of reading will work.

I personally have done readings for friends over the emails, phones, and face to face. The end result has ALWAYS been positive with most of my Querents becoming regulars.

What Past Clients Thought Of Silver's Readings:

"I have known Silver (Gypsy) Shadowwolf as a personal friend for 20 years. She is strong in her belief and knows her Craft well. The readings she has given me have been right on the money EVERYTIME...!" -S. Lynn Rhodes CA

"Silver is so accurate I brought my mother to her! We are lucky enough to have face to face readings. Would recommend Silver to anyone who is interested in a REAL Tarot card reader!" -Maria Dean CA

"I was mezmorized by Silvers personality and caring ways when she read me my cards. Highest regards to her...she changed my direction in life!" -Bev CA

"I am 67 and I love Silvers readings. I use her often for face to face readings and would recommend her to anyone even remotely interested in getting a reading done. She will change anyone's doubtful thinking about "Is Tarot readings real?" It is with Silver! She IS genuine! -Juli Mexico

"Silver - you are an amazing woman! I am so pleased to have made contact with you! I received my reading and am sitting here now in a state of wonder. I know we all have the ability, but yours is extraordinary! I admit I was somewhat skeptical about a reading from 1600+ miles apart and through the internet (I am not a computer tech wizard), but I am very pleased! I feel as though you have been standing by my side, watching me live my life, and are offering that extra hand at my back now to give me the encouraging "push" into who and what I have always felt I am! I cannot express my pleasure enough about the accuracy and uncanny "knowing" you sent me!" -SoarAlone MN

"I live in Texas and use Silver once a month AT LEAST to guide me through my spiritual, working and personal future. She is awesome and worth every dime! It's great to count on her to be my own 'personal Tarot reader'. Thanks!" -Christie TX

A Little Fortune Telling Fun!

Your question:
Your fortune teller Silver ShadowWolf says:

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© Copyrighted 2000 - 2008
By: Silver ShadowWolf