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  online Wiffle fans


   Yes it's 2005 but the 2004 season refuses to go away.  Even though the 04 season was a short one, that doesn't mean we can't acknowledge what did go on.  Let the FWL awards show begin--minus the lame award presenter banter

 DOMINATE PLAYER (mvp):  Goes to...AARON FORD of the Cole Steamers.  He led the league in homeruns, runs, wins, hits and won the overall championship, nuff said.

DOMINATE PITCHER (cy-young):  KNUCKLEBONES of the Cole Steamers.  Every start produced a win and almost made Cole's closer (Thuderstruck) a non-factor.

SURPRISE PERFORMANCE:  This is actually a tie...Bells and Burns win it.  Any other year Bells would win this one hands down but the return of Burns has to be acknowledged.  Everybody thought Burns had played his last game of Wiffle but he proved everybody wrong.  True he couldn't even beat Seay but it was a return none the less.

OFF THE BENCH BAD-ASS:  It's old man Lay It Down of the Dayton Drunks.  He has been playing, of and on, since the early eighties.  Every year he says he is going to retire but comes back at the last second--to no fan fair [probably because nobody gives a crap, but...].

THE FOOLINHIMSELF:  This is a new one and it goes to the player who thinks he is good but actually sucks.  That player is obviously Seay of Dayton.  With every loss he gets more and more pissed at himself [as if he should be playing well].  You know, like that dude you play golf with who never plays well but always gets mad as if he should be shooting better [actually that applies to Seay as well].

CLOSER OF THE YEAR:  Its its its its...ACE OF SPADES (Barstow Boozers).  Yes Thunderstruck had more saves but it is real easy to get saves when your team is always leading, so NUH!

THE GEORGE LUCAS (biggest disappointment):  You know, like how the Prequels have been a disappointment...nevermind--And the award goes to....IT'S A TIE, Derek (Palo) and Dustin (Winery) take it home.  Niether one played this year and it hurt the league.  The league's buzz was weak [I hate a weak buzz] and it caused big drop in games played. 

Hopefully the coming season will be different with everybody playing as many games as we can fit in.  Aaron will be leaving town and moving his team with him, so things may get a little funky in 05.  We hope that somebody else will step up or maybe Aaron will just come to town EVERY WEEKEND this summer.  EVERY WEEKEND?  I MEAN EVERY WEEKEND!

*Talk about the 04 season/awards or  05 season on our forum.  Just click MESSAGE FORUM and start posting!!!

Hey wait!  Before you go, check out all the news from 2004 by clinkin 04 NEWS .  League commish Beard killed himself, we invented a three-man game, the neighbors yelled at us, it was a interesting year kids.