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MIKE  SEAY      



Wednesday, June 30, 2004

Wow, your at the game and you have a cell phone...yea dork!

If you watch any Baseball at all, you have seen them (hell, maybe you have been one of them).  The Jack-n-Apes who sit around home plate, get on their cell phones, and wave to somebody watching them on TV.  You see me waving…yea…hey look, I’m still waving huh?  Ooohh, you can see me again?...I’ll keep waving then.


Can’t the director of the broadcast do something about this?  Maybe blur them out or put an ad in front of their face? As soon as you see a fan around home plate put a cell phone to their ear, throw up a Viagra logo or a Sportscenter is next!


I readily admit, when I call people dorks it’s the pot calling the kettle black.  But at least I keep it to the confines of the local comic book shop or Bloggin page.


If one day you find yourself next to one of these people, give them a solid punch to the arm as soon as they start waving.  Now that is something I wouldn’t mind seeing!


Friday, June 18, 2004

Barry the Bozo.

Bonds wonders why he doesn’t get more endorsements or why people don’t like him or the press doesn’t support him.  Well an interview he had with Gorden Edes of the Boston Globe shows us at least (if not Barry), why few people like him.


In the interview Barry was asked if he would ever play for Boston,

“Boston is too racist for me,” Barry said “I could never play there.”

His statement came from only word-of-mouth and not personal experience. 


Look, Boston has a old rep for being racist and I'm sure that is what he was making reference to.  But the fact is Barry has led a very privileged life (not that it’s his fault) and probably doesn’t personally know what real racism is. Not like the kind his dad Bobby or Hank Aaron experienced (he got death threats when he came close to Babe Ruth’s homerun record). 


I give credit to Barry for speaking his mind in this very p.c. sports interview times (has Tiger ever said anything really?). But unfortunately every time Barry speaks his mind, we see how out-of-touch he is and it reminds us why we dislike him.


Saturday, June 19, 2004

If the A's only had a closer.

If you’re from the traditionalist school of Baseball you might think that closers and saves are overrated.  I’m not so sure you would still think that if you took a look at what Eric Gagne has done for the Dodgers and then look at what happens when you don’t have somebody like a Gagne.


Gagne is perfect right now with 17 saves and as a team the Dodgers only have one blown save.  On the other end of that are the Oakland A’s who just blew another save against the Chicago Cubs today.  As a team they have 14 blown saves.  Let us say they ended up losing nine of those games.  If they had Gagne, they would have nine more wins giving them the best record in Baseball and would be up 2 ½ games on the closest team.


You can’t beat a quality starter but don’t underrate a solid closer.  He can make decent team good and a good team a pennant winner.


  • Michael Seay is the head writer for the Fresno Wiffleball League website and is considered an all around good guy when he's not being a jack-ass.

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