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13 ways to say I Love You!

Sometimes saying "I love You"

Can seem so mundane

If the only way we know

Is to say it but one way.

Telling that special one

Just how you feel

Would be such a big surprise

If you could say it

In thirteen different ways!

So tell that love of your life

They mean so much to you

By sending them this poem

With "I love you"

Written thirteen different ways!

Chinese (Mandarin)---------Wo Ai Ni

Spanish---------------------------Te Amo

Russian-------------Ya Tyebya Lyublu

German-------------------Ich Liebe Dich

Norwegian-----------------Jeg Elsker Deg

French----------------------------Je T’aime

Polish----------------------Kocham Ciebie


Italian------------------------------Ti Amo

Yiddish----------------Ikh Hob Dikh Lib

Japanese-----------------Daisuki Da Yo


English-------------------------I love You

By: Ann Martin

April 7, 2001

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