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Christmas Is…

Christmas is so many things

It is planning and preparing

Shopping for that special gift

And wrapping it up just so

It is baking and cooking

And the wonderful smells drifting by

It is sending and receiving cards

From family and friends

It is decorating the house

From top to bottom with colors so bright

It is hearing and singing

All those special carols

That bring such wonderful memories

That warm your heart

It is cooking a special meal

For the big day when loved ones gather

But more important than

All that hustle and bustle

Planning and doing

Is the real reason for Christmas

Each of us must pause to reflect

On one small event

And one small babe

Who was born so long ago

Down through the ages

His story has been told

Of a humble birth

And of angels singing

Of shepherds and wise men

And gifts that were given

But the most wonderful gift

That was ever planned and given

Came in the form

Of that tiny babe

It was the ultimate gift of love

Given by our loving heavenly Father

The gift of love and sacrifice

That we, His children

Might have eternal life

So stop for a moment

Your hurrying and scurrying

To give praise and thanks

For this the most wonderful

Gift ever given!

By: Ann Martin

December 3, 2006

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