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I Am Here

In deep despair

And feeling so alone

I cried out to God

In the midst of my agony

“Where are you, Lord?

Why do I suffer so?”

I am right here,”

Replied the Lord to me

“I have not left your side

It is you who has wandered

Far away from Me

I watched as you fell

And reached out to lift you

But the thoughts of your mind

Have caused you not to see

I was in the morning sun

As it fell upon your face

I was in that person

Whose smile you saw as he passed by

I was there amongst the flowers

You so lovingly have tended

I sent that bird to sing

When your tears were rolling

Down your sorrowful face

I am always there, ever watching

Just turn around and see

I will never leave or forsake you

Is the promise I have made

But you need to seek Me

To diligently search Me out

Turn your eyes away from sorrow

Push dreadful thoughts aside

Let My love surround you

Leave your woes with Me

For I know the answer

To all your questions and fears

Only I can change your circumstances

To give you back your joy

So trust Me and see what I will do

Reject those lies of dread

Push away the thoughts of failure

Focus on Me, you Savior

For I will see you through

And in the end will bring you

To a place where disaster and despair

Will no longer pull you down.

By: Ann Martin

September 18, 2005

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