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(Dedicated to Ema’e Torrence)


And grafted into a family with love

A wonderful gift sent from above

A tiny little package so beautiful and rare

Has grown into a child so fair

With big dark eyes and a smile so wide

Your future spread out before you on every side

Your family looks on you with affection and pride

To adopt you was not something hard to decide

As you look forward into tomorrow

Hold tight to their love in happiness and sorrow

So bright is your future, so many choices to make

But never, no never let the road that you take

Cause you to wander too far from the family

Who have nourished and cared for you daily

They will always be there through the thick and the thin

And will stretch out their arms to encircle you within

Hold tight to that love, a gift beyond compare

Plant it within your heart and always keep it there

God gave you to this family for a season

And only He knows the wisdom of the reason

Be thankful for the love and the care

As your steps take you to no one knows where

You have been adopted and loved for all to see

A more precious gift there could never be

By: Ann Martin

July 6, 2002

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