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Picture taken July 1982



(Dedicated to Eric)

Not so long ago

I was so confused.

A child I heard

Was about to be born.

I always wanted

Another child,

But somehow I was surprised

To find you were on the way.

It took me a while

To accept the fact.

Each day I prayed

For your new life.

I wanted so

To give you the best.

You were born early

On an April morn.

And still it was hard to believe

That God had sent

Another precious gift.

You had surgery within hours of birth.

I did not worry or feel concern.

I knew you were in God’s hands.

As you grew, it seemed

You fought each new transition

That came your way.

Reading you wanted no part of

And school was tedious.

But one day you began to show

The special gift God had bestowed.

You started drawing

And haven’t stopped since.

I get such joy and watch with awe

Each and every sketch you render.

You have grown so much

And turned into a fine young man.

You still fight against changes

But have learned to cope.

You are so like me in many ways.

You will always question

The rules of life,

But are learning when it’s better

To let things go.

Soon your high school diploma

You will receive.

And off to higher education

You will go.

Wherever you go

Whatever you do,

I want you to know

I will always be proud

To call you my son

And my love will never end.

Keep God in your heart,

Look to Him for a guide.

He will lead you the way

You should go.

By: Ann Martin


Picture taken June 19, 2000

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