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(In remembrance of 9/11/01)

In our horror and disbelief

Our nation watched

As the inconceivable occurred

Evil struck at our hearts

And woke our nation

From its complacency

So many have gone

Before their time

Leaving behind a gaping wound

In the hearts of a multitude

Pain and agony

Suffering and misery

Are all around

Hearts cry out to our God

Why, God, why?

What brought about this destruction?

What birthed this hatred?

In the hour of our deepest sorrow

We turn our hearts to God

Seeking release

Seeking peace

Tears freely flow

As we reach out

To get comfort

And to give it

People of every hue

Come together

In this hour of need

And so the healing begins

Our loss is big

Our hearts are broken

But God brings us together

To remind us we are not alone

We see Him in many places

In the rescuers working tirelessly

In the songs being sung

In the hugs given by strangers

In money being donated

In our leaders humbly praying

God will bring us through

Heal our wounds

And bind us up

We will come out stronger

If we will follow His lead

And once our pain has eased

We must not forget

Who is our source

And our healer

We must stay near His side

And in His love always abide

By: Ann Martin

September 19, 2001

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