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Blessed Be This Day

Blessed be this day

For the Lord, in His goodness

Has given us this day

He has given us freely

Of His love and grace

And taken care of our every need

His creation shows us in its display

How awesome and wondrous He is

He holds our world suspended

In dark space so vast

And shines his light upon us

He breathes His breath of life upon us

Each moment of the day

That we may be a beacon

That draws the lost to Him

He knows our every thought

And sees each tear that falls

When trials and tribulations

Batter our lives and minds

In His loving graciousness

He turns our enemy’s fiery darts

Into arrows of blessings

For all the world to see

He does not promise

That in this earthly life

Our path will be smooth and trouble free

But He does promise to walk beside us

Guiding us through each peril

And in the end when life’s last breath

Has left our earthly shell

He will snatch us from

Our vile foe’s ensnaring grasp

Taking us swiftly to sit in heavenly places

So, if the Lord, in His graciousness

Has granted you another day

To walk upon this earthly orb

Direct your sight and mind

Towards heaven and declare


By: Ann Martin

July 25, 2006

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