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Little Brown Cake

Into your mixing bowl put:

1 1/8 cups sugar

Break 1 egg in measuring cup, fill up with thick sour cream.

Put in bowl with sugar.

3 tbsp. Cocoa

½ tsp. Soda

dissolve in ½ cup strong warm coffee

Add to above:

pinch salt

1 tsp. Vanilla

1 ¼ cups flour

Beat all together for 5 minutes. Bake in moderate oven 25 or 30 minutes.

Donated by Bertha Watters

Nut Cake

½ cup butter or other shortening

1 cup sugar

2 cups flour

2 tsp. Baking powder

¾ cup sweet milk

1 cup chopped walnut meats

4 egg whites

Cream butter and sugar. Mix and sift dry ingredients and add alternately with milk. Add well-floured nut meats and fold in egg whites. Bake in loaf pan at 380 degrees F. Frost with any icing.

Donated by Mrs. Albert Ausmus

Sour Cream Cake

2 eggs

1 cup sugar

1 cup sour cream

1 ½ cups flour

1/4 tsp soda

1/8 tsp. Salt

1 ½ tsp. Baking powder

½ tsp. Vanilla

Beat eggs well, add sugar, then sour cream and soda and sifted flour, baking powder and salt. Add vanilla. Bake in moderate oven about 35 minutes.

Mrs. John Luing

Children’s Sponge Cake

1 ½ cups flour

1 cup sugar

2 tsp. Baking powder

Sift all into mixing bowl. Break 2 eggs into a cup and fill up with sweet cream. Pour into sifted mixture and beat all until light. Flavor. Bake in a fairly quick oven.

Donated by Mrs. Chas. Cunningham

Sponge Cake

6 eggs

1 cup sugar

1 cup flour

pinch salt

flavor to taste

Beat yolks of eggs until creamy. Add sugar and salt and beat 5 minutes. Add flour, flavoring and stiffly beaten egg whites. Bake in loaf pan in moderate oven 15 minutes.

Donated by Tom Woods

Burnt Sugar Cake

½ cup butter beaten to a cream

1 ½ cups sugar added slowly

Beat in the yolks of 3 eggs

1 cup warm water

2 cups flour

Beat hard for 5 minutes.

2 tbsp. Burnt sugar

1 tsp vanilla

½ cup flour

2 tsp baking powder

Add well beaten whites of 3 eggs.

Donated by Hope Sutton

Devil Cake

2/3 cup sour cream

1 cup sugar

2 eggs

1 cup flour

1 tsp soda

1 tsp vanilla

½ tsp lemon

½ tsp salt

Beat cream and eggs together; add flavoring. Sift flour, sugar, salt and soda together and add.

Donated by Mrs. R. E. Walpole

Coffee Cake

2 eggs

1 cup brown sugar

½ cup sour cream

1 cup hot coffee

1 tsp soda

1 cup raisins

Spices as preferred

Flour to make cake dough

Beat eggs, add sugar and sour cream. Dissolve soda in hot coffee and add. Soak raisins in hot water a minute before adding. Sift spices with flour and add.

Donated by Mrs. Clara Johnson

Cocoa Cake

1 ½ cups sugar

½ cup butter

2 cups flour

1 rounded tsp soda

2 eggs

½ cup cocoa

½ cup hot water

½ cup sour or buttermilk

2 tsp vanilla

Cream butter and sugar, add yolks of eggs and beat hard. Add milk and hot water. Add flour, soda and cocoa sifted together. Add stiffly beaten egg whites and vanilla.

Donate by Mrs. E. E. Rilea

Spice Cake

1 ½ cups brown sugar

½ cup shortening (cream together)

Mix and sift:

2 ½ cups flour

1 heaping tsp soda

2 tsp cinnamon

1 tsp allspice

½ tsp cloves

¼ tsp nutmeg

Add 1 cup floured raisins and 3/4 cup nuts, chopped. Add sour milk to make right batter. Bake in slow oven 30 to 45 minutes.

Donated by Mrs. A. J. Schulz

Buttermilk Cake

2 cups sugar

¾ cup shortening

2 cups buttermilk

2 ½ cups flour

2 tsp baking powder

1 cup raisins

1 cup nuts

1 tsp each cloves, cinnamon, and nutmeg

Donated by Mrs. Ruby Rogers

Soft Gingerbread

1 cup sugar

2 eggs

½ cup lard

1 cup sorghum

1 cup boiling water

1 tsp. Ginger

1 tsp. Soda

2 large cups flour

Donated by Helen Metz

Prune Cake

½ cup shortening

1 ½ cups sugar

4 eggs

1 cup water

2 ¾ cups flour

4 tsp baking powder


½ cup chopped nuts

¾ cup cooked and drained prunes

Donated by Mrs. Joe Ray

Upside Down Pineapple Cake

4 tbsp fat (butter is best)

1 cup brown sugar

4 to 6 slices pineapple

Sponge or plain cake mixture

Melt fat in frying pan, put in brown sugar and pat until smooth. Cover with pineapple, pour cake mixture over and bake (in frying pay) 40 minutes in moderate oven or at 350 degrees F. Let stand until slightly cool, turn out on round platter and serve plain or with whipped cream.

Donated by Mrs. A. J. Schulz

Seven Minute Frosting

7/8 cup sugar

2 tbsp cold water

white of 1 egg (unbeaten)

Mix and set in double boiler of boiling water. Whip 7 minutes. Remove from fire, add 8 or 9 marshmallows, cut, and 1 tsp vanilla. Whip until ready to spread on cake.

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