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Bologna Candy

2 cups sugar

1 cup cream

1 package chopped dates

1 cup nuts, chopped fine

Boil sugar and cream until it forms a soft ball in coldwater; add dates and continue cooking until it separates from pan. Add nuts and remove from fire. Continue stirring from the first. When cool pour on a cloth that has been wrung from cold water and roll up in form of bologna sausage. This is where it gets it's name. Let cool and slice just as you would bologna. One cup of coconut may be added if desired.

Donated by Mrs. Paul Ray

Hawaiian Pinoche

1 cup sugar

½ cup brown sugar

¼ cup sweet cream

½ cup grated pineapple

1 tbsp butter

½ tsp. Vanilla

½ cup broken nut meats

Cook sugar, cream and grated pineapple until soft ball forms when dropped in cold water. Remove from fire, add butter and beat until creamy. Add vanilla and nuts. Drop by spoonfuls on waxed paper.

Donated by Mrs. Will Gordon

Peanut Butter Fudge

2 cups sugar

½ cup milk

2 tbsp peanut butter

Boil until it forms a soft ball when dropped in cold water, then beat it until smooth and turn into buttered pan. Cut in squares.

Donated by Mrs. D. C. Snider

Chocolate Fudge

2 cups sugar

½ cup milk

1/3 cup corn syrup

3 tbsp cocoa or 2 squares chocolate

2 tbsp butter

1 tsp vanilla

Cook until it forms a soft ball in water. Beat until creamy, then pour in pan.

Donated by Bertha M. Schulz

Vinegar Candy

2 cups sugar

½ cup vinegar

butter size of an egg

Boil until it hardens when dropped in cold water. Pour out in buttered pan and set to cool. Cut in squares.

Donated by Rev. D. C. Snider

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