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Caterpillar Butterfly

In this world I am a caterpillar

Bumbling and slowly crawling along

I wander to and fro seeking a better place

Sometimes despairing of where I land

Deep inside I know there is a beauty

My mind’s eye cannot see

But it seems so distant and difficult to attain

Outside this shell in which I dwell

There is someone who sees within

He sees not the ugliness I perceive

He sees not the things that keep me earthbound

For you see He long ago

Before time was counted

And tales were told

Saw in me a creature of beauty

He saw me not as a bumbling soul

Nor did He see me bound to the earth

Upon me He looked before I was conceived

And with a smile on His face

And a tender thought

He saw a butterfly beautiful and free

He saw me soaring to the heights

Round His throne He saw me swiftly fly

He knows what I can become

When in His hands I leave my life

Trusting Him, surrendering to Him

So while I wander this world below

A slow and stumbling caterpillar

He wraps me in a cocoon of love

And molds me into a butterfly

Beautiful, light and free

By: Ann Martin

July 15, 2004

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