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Life has it’s ways

Of bringing you out of complacency

Just when you think

Things are settled and running smooth

Along comes a bump in the road

That throws you into confusion

A bend in your path

Into a future that’s uncertain

Thoughts of what if and how

Enter into your mind

Swirling around and around

It is at times like this

That your thoughts must turn

To the only anchor

That can hold in the storm

This is when turning to the Lord

Is more important than the hows and what ifs

It is the time for the laying down

Your feverish thoughts and worries

At the feet of the Lord Jesus

I don’t know what tomorrow will bring

I don’t know how things will get done

But then, I don’t have to know

I only need to know

That my Savior has the answer

That He has a plan for me

And that He will sustain me

And always provide all my needs

I may not like the changes

And the solution to my problem

May not come tomorrow

But I know I can put my confidence

In Jesus, my Lord, my Savior

He will see me through

He will bring what I need

He will guide through this rough spot

And He will do it in perfect time

So, Lord Jesus

Whatever may come tomorrow

Whatever changes I must make

I put my trust in You

I lay my life in Your hands

And accept whatever You will bring

By: Ann Martin

August 11, 2006

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