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Picture taken on January 21, 1978


Child of Mine

(Dedicated to David)

It seems just yesterday

That you did dwell

Under my heart in warm embrace.

The expectant months did fly by

And to the world your precious face

Was revealed in all its beauty.

How special that moment

When I could hold

Your tiny fingers

And count your toes.

Before my eyes you grew so fast.

In a blink of time

You were walking

And did speak

Your first words;

Small but each one a gem.

Then it seemed I only turned around

And off to school you did bound.

Your scholarly years swiftly flew

Until with maternal tears

I watched you walk upon a stage.

Your college diploma you proudly displayed.

You have grown into a handsome man

With high ideals

And Godly wisdom you do reveal.

Your future is so very bright

And your opportunities endless.

It’s a little frightening

To watch you step into life as an adult,

But with the Lord as your guide

You will always be worthy of my pride.

My love for you will never end

As each new step

Into your future you take.

God gave me a precious gift

The day you were born.

As each day goes by,

A new layer of that gift does unfold.

Keep God at your side

And in His blessings always abide.

By: Ann Martin


Picture taken on May 16, 1999

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Background music:

"Celebrate The Child"

By: Michael Card