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Come and Rest

My child, my precious one

You are so special to Me

You were made with utmost care

I knit you together in a secret place

I placed within you wondrous dreams

I tenderly molded each part

I have loved you with a holy love

There is nothing that can change

The way I feel about you

My heart breaks when yours does

I feel your pain, I cry your tears

I long to hold you within My arms

I long to heal your deepest wounds

I yearn to be your closest friend

I would cradle you in my embrace

As a mother cradles her child

I watch each step you take

I cry when you suffer

I applaud when you triumph

I sing joyously when you turn to Me

I smile when you tell Me

Of your hopes and dreams

I so long to give to you

The many blessings I have stored up

I desire to fill your thoughts,

Your time, your heart

With My holy love

I am calling you tenderly to My side

Come, come dwell in My shelter

Come and drink from My wells

Take My hand, let Me lead you

I am the fulfillment of all your desires

Without Me you are incomplete

Let Me give you comfort

Let Me ease your pain

Come, come and rest

Come, let Me give you consolation

Come and let me heal your heart

Come and let me calm your fears

Come, rest quietly at My feet.

By: Ann Martin

October 19, 2003

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