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Common Sense

Oh where, oh where has our common sense gone?

Oh where, oh where can it be?

With it's memory so short,

And it's effects so long,

Oh where, oh where has it gone?

Our country it seems has gone to the dogs.

Our politicians are sniffing after politically correct.

Our families are all mixed up

With mom and mom and dad and dad

Instead of mom and dad as God meant it to be.

Our children are not taught

Of Godly thought.

We are afraid we might offend you see.

The mere mention of God puts

Elected officials into a tizzy

And praying is thought to be wrong.

Our money might say, "In God we trust"

But trusting in God is something pooh-poohed.

Oh where, oh where has our common sense gone?

Oh where, oh where can it be?

With it's memory so short,

And it's effects so long,

Oh where, oh where has it gone?


By: Ann Martin

April 18, 2004

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