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Date Pudding

1 package dates

½ cup nut meats

1 cup boiling water

1 level tsp soda

Dissolve soda in water and pour over nuts and dates. Let stand while you mix the following:

1 cup sugar

1 tbsp butter

2 eggs (beaten)

Then add 1 cup flour and date mixture. Bake in a moderate oven. Serve with whipped cream.

Huckleberry Pudding

½ cup butter (scant)

2 cups sugar

1 cup sweet milk

3 cups flour

3 eggs

2 tsps baking powder

1 quart huckleberries or other berries

Bake and serve with the following sauce:

1 large tbsp butter

1 egg

large cup hot water

1 cup sugar

juice of 2 lemons and grated rind

Don’t put rind in until custard is off stove.

Donated by Mrs. A. G. Finckh

Cottage Pudding


1 egg beaten lightly

1 cup sugar

1cup thin sweet cream

1/3 tsp salt

2 level tsps baking powder

½ tsp vanilla

1 ½ cups flour

Bake and cut in squares and serve warm with the following:

Hot chocolate sauce:

To 2 cups boiling water add 2 tbsp cocoa and boil 5 minutes. Add 1 cup sugar. Stir 3 tbsp cornstarch into 1 1/2 cup cold water until smooth and boil 5 minutes more. Lastly add 1 tbsp butter and 1 tsp vanilla.

Donated by Theresa Strom

Apple Pudding

3/4 cup cream filled up with milk

1 egg

1 cup sugar

1 tsp baking powder

a little salt

Slice apples in baking pan and cover with batter. Bake in moderate oven.

Donated by Edith Martin

Apple Crisp

4 cups sliced apples

4 Tbsp butter

½ cup water

1 cup sugar (brown)

3/4 cup flour

Cut apples in 1/4 inch slices. Butter a baking dish; add the apples and pour over the water. Work together the sugar, flour and butter until crumbly. Spread over the apple mixture and bake uncovered. Serve while warm with whipped cream.

Donated by Mrs. D. C. Snider

Christmas Suet Pudding

1 cup suet, chopped fine

1 cup raisins, chopped

1 cup sour milk

1 cup molasses

1/2cup currants

2 level tsps soda dissolved in a little hot water

Flour enough to make a stiff batter. Steam 1 ½ hours.


3 tbsp sugar

1 tbsp butter

1 tbsp cornstarch

Mix together and add 1 ping boiling water. Cook until thick. Flavor with lemon.

Donated by Mrs. Alex Bonin

Chocolate Pudding

3 tbsp cocoa

3 tbsp sugar

2 tbsp cornstarch

Mix in a little cold milk and stir into 1 pint hot milk. Cook until thick; add 1 tsp vanilla. Cool and serve with whipped cream.

Donated by Mrs. A. J. Schulz

Tailor’s Duff

1 egg beaten with 2 tbsp sugar

½ cup sorghum, beat again

2 tbsp melted butter

½ cup boiling water

1 tsp soda

1 ½ cups flour, measured after sifting

1 tsp baking powder

1 tsp vanilla

Steam 1 hour.


Yolks of 2 eggs

1 cup powdered sugar

Beat together and add 1/2 cup whipped cream.

Donated by: Hazel Ogg

Chocolate Whipped Cream

Add cocoa to cream before whipping. When whipped add vanilla and sugar to taste and serve.

Ice Cream

2 cups scalded milk

1 tbsp flour

1 cup sugar

1 egg

1/8 tsp salt

1 qt thin cream

2 tbsp vanilla

Mix flour, sugar, salt and add egg slightly beaten. Add milk gradually. Cook over hot water 20 minutes. When cool, add cream and flavoring. Freeze. This recipe makes 1/2 gallon of ice cream.

Donated by Mabel F. Luing

Strawberry Cake

Work 1/2 cup of butter and 2 cups of sugar to a cream. Add 4 eggs (well beaten), 1 cup milk, 3 cups flour and 1 heaping tsp of baking powder. Bake in flat pans, thicker than for jelly cake. Mash strawberries and sweeten them. Spread them thickly between layers. Sift sugar over the top and serve with cream.

Sour Cream Pie

3/4 cup sugar

1 heaping tbsp flour

2 level tsp cinnamon

¼ tsp allspice

¼ tsp any other spice

1 tbsp vinegar

1 cup sour cream

3/4 cup raisins

Stir all together and cook until thick. Put in baked pie shell with 2 beaten egg whites on top.

Donated by Mrs. A. J. Schulz

Custard Pie

3 eggs

3/4 cup sugar

1 small tsp salt

2 cups milk

1 tsp vanilla

Beat eggs; add sugar, salt and scalded milk slowly. Line pie pan with crust and bake in moderate oven 25 to 30 minutes. The custard is baked when a knife put in center comes out dry.

Donated by Mrs. Art Good

German Apple Tart

1 cup sugar

3/4 cup butter

2 eggs

1 tsp baking powder

4 tbsp milk

2 cups flour

Put apples in top and put sugar and cinnamon on top. Bake in moderate oven.

Donated by Mrs. Ed Schiesser

Butterscotch Pie

2 cups brown sugar

2 cups cream or milk

4 eggs

2 tbsp. Flour

pinch of salt

½ tsp. Vanilla

Mix thoroughly flour and sugar; add cream, well beaten yolks of eggs, salt and cook until thick. Add vanilla. Cover with beaten whites of eggs.

Donated by Blanche R. Marquardt

Chestnut Pie

For one large pie:

1 cup sugar

10 walnuts

1 cup raisins

4 tbsp. Milk

2 tbsp. Melted butter

2 eggs

Mix all together and put in an unbaked crust.

Donated by Mrs. Jake Adolph

Mock Lemon Pie

2 heaping tbsp. Cornstarch

1 cup sugar

2 tbsp vinegar

2 eggs

2 cups boiling water

1 tsp. Lemon extract

lump of butter size of walnut

This will make 1 large pie. Add sugar and vinegar to the boiling water and stir until sugar is dissolved. Add cornstarch which has previously been dissolved in cold water. Stir constantly to prevent any lumps. Add butter. When thick slide back on the stove and add the two well beaten eggs and stir for a few minutes. Then add the lemon flavoring. Put into baked crust.

Donated by Mrs. Emmett Williams

Leanna’s Mince Meat

1 lb. Cooked lean beef

1 cup suet

8 tart apples

1 lb. Raisins

1 lb. Currants

juice of 1 lemon

2 cups sugar

1 tsp. cinnamon, mace, and nutmeg

½ tsp. Cloves

1 tsp. Salt

liquid from meat, fruit juices or cider

Chop all ingredients and boil until the right consistency for pie.

Donated by Belle Luing

Peanut Butter Pumpkin Pie

1 cup sugar

1 ½ cups cooked pumpkin

2 beaten eggs

1 ½ cups milk

½ cup peanut butter

½ tsp. Nutmeg

1 tsp. Cinnamon

½ tsp. Ginger

1/2 tsp. Salt

Mix sugar and peanut butter thoroughly. Add pumpkin and seasoning, lastly milk, stirring until smooth. Bake in moderate oven.

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