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Dip One More Time

(Based on 2 Kings 5:1-19)

His life was good

He had it all

Riches were his

And good position too

But in the midst of his arrogance

Disease struck him down

His physicians had no cure

And folk medicine did not abate it

In resignation he dismally accepted

That fate had dealt him a deathly blow

But then a young girl

A servant of his wife

And a follower of God

Intoned a suggestion

That a prophet he should seek

And healing he would find

So the man sought out the prophet

Bringing money and riches

With which to purchase this cure

Go dip in the Jordan seven times

Was the prophet’s command

What? What foolishness was this?

That prophet should call upon the Lord

Wave his hands over me

And heal me of my disease

Why should I, a princely man

Wash within those muddy waters?

Angrily he turned away

Despondent and resigned

But then his servant queried of him

If something great

The prophet had instructed

Would he not have done it?

How much more then

Was the command

Wash and be clean?

The man went down to the Jordan

Not believing the murky water would help

But hoping against hope they would

He dipped himself once, twice

And a third time

But nothing changed

No cure appeared

Why am I doing this he thought

How foolish I must look

Again he dipped a fourth time

Then a fifth and sixth

But the disease still remained

What’s the use, why continue?

But something deep inside encouraged him

Dip one more time…just one more

With a sigh he went down

Washed once more

And rising up looked upon his flesh

What was this? How could it be?

The disease was gone!

His healing he had received!

In his joy he returned to the prophet

Rejoicing in the miracle

And giving praise to the Lord eternal

So if you are struggling

Have many woes in your life

Seek out the Lord’s will

Dip and dip again

Do as you are told

No matter how foolish it may seem

Because by dipping one more time

A miracle you might just obtain

Just dip…

Dip one more time

By Ann Martin

January 3, 2010

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