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Evening Solitude

The last bird is singing

People are wending their way home

The last rays of the sun are dimming

Peacefulness is settling all around

As I start my even stroll

Striding down the street

The stresses of the day fade away

Slowly but surely I feel peace

It envelopes me, surrounding my soul

And I know my Savior is near

His love enfolds me

As to Him I begin to speak

I tell Him of my day

And of all the little frustrations

That have come my way

I tell Him of each person

That has touched my life that day

And ask that He bless each one

In some special way

I release all my cares

Into His great hands

And feel the sweet release

As He lets me know how much He cares

The beauty of God’s creation

Is arrayed all around me

Slowly the golden rays of light

Give way to deep azure blue

Soon twinkling stars begin to show

And the city settles in for the night

Nearing the end of my evening journey

I thank God for the blessing

Of the solitude He has given

And His presence by my side

When finally through my door I stride

I confidently know that with God

I can always abide.

By: Ann Martin

March 3, 2006

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