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Father In Heaven

Father in heaven

Hear my cry

Father in heaven

Hear my plea

Help me to see

Your will in my life

Show me your ways

In all I do

Father in heaven

Guide my path

Father in heaven

Surround me with love

Cleanse my mind

Of all its doubts

Remove far from me

All my fears.

Father in heaven

Hold me close

Father in heaven

Hear my pleas

As here I pray on my knees

Contrite, humbled and openly ready

For Your touch upon me

Father in heaven

Help me each day

Father in heaven

In Your arms I would stay

Help me to remember

To You each day

I should aim my heart

And pray to You before I start

By: Ann Martin

May 25, 2001

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Artwork by: Danny Halhbohm

Copyright by Danny Hahlbohm. All rights reserved by the artist

If you download any of Danny's artwork, you must have permission to use it on your site. Permission may be requested at: