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Feed My Sheep

You say you love me

But do you really?

If you love me

Then feed my sheep.

You say you love me,

Then find the homeless man

And give him a helping hand.

You say you love me,

Go find the troubled child.

Give of your time, he won’t be so wild.

You say you love me,

Seek out the prisoner in jail.

The rewards are many at the end of the trail.

You say you love me,

Reach out to the young mother all alone.

It will change your heart of stone.

You say you love me,

Visit the sick, those who need healing.

It may just leave you reeling.

You say you love me,

But do you really?

Then reach out, seek and find

All who need the touch of mine.

You say you love me

Then feed my sheep!

By: Ann Martin


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