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Fire and Water

The trials of life

Come when least expected

Hitting our soul with strife

Their embers burn slowly

Ever increasing, growing brighter

Gaining strength, coals glowing

Fuel for the fire

Of doubts and fear

Hotter and hotter their flames

The smolder soon turns to inferno

Singeing, sapping our strength

If during this heated test

We turn to God’s word

We find He tells us

Through fire we will go

It is a process

To clean out the dross

Burn away the unnecessary

Purify us like gold

Just when we think

To endure any longer

Is absolutely impossible

He brings us out of the flame

Cools our brow

Giving us rest

Pours His Spirit upon us

Cool water of healing

Flows through our spirit

Cleansing, renewing

Giving new life

Refreshing our very being

Giving us courage

To stand tall once again

To step out in the water

With Him by our side

Slowly and steadily

He encourages, beckoning

Come deeper, deeper

Out we trustingly step

Eyes on our Savior

Advancing towards Him

Seeking His loving arms

But often we glance to the side

Seeing the waves of turmoil

Surrounding on every side

Waves rise higher, higher

Suddenly we allow fear to overcome

Down we go, groping, grasping

Crying out for God

Save me, save me!

Just when we think we will drown

He reaches out

Pulling us up

Planting us firmly

At His side once again

He quiets our spirit

Reminding us He is always there

And tells us through tests and trials

We must go

It is how our faith grows

Our trust in Him need not waiver

When trials are brought to our door

He has promised He will be there

He will bring us through

Changing us from sinful creatures

To pure and holy children

Fit for His kingdom.

By Ann Martin

August 24, 2008

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