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Gathering of the Lambs

The lambs are wandering

The sheepfold is open

They’re aimlessly drifting

Through briar and thorn

They climb to great heights

On steep cliffs they precariously stand

Through valleys so brackish

Their thirst they cannot quench

Their bleating is quite forlorn

Lost and alone they wander here and there

Their lack of a shepherd

Puts them in harms way

The ravenous wolves

Look on with glee

They know that lambs

Without a leader’s guidance

Are very easy prey

But on the horizon

A man comes striding

His step is sure

His eyes full of love

On this scene He does glance

Seeing the lambs is such disarray

Makes His heart ache so

With crook in His hand

And compassion in His heart

He gathers up lambs

From His right and His left

He enfolds them securely

Within His loving embrace

And drives away the ravenous beast

Who only desires an innocent feast

Their wounds He gently soothes

And quiets their mournful cries

He builds a wall of protection

And deposits the lambs within

He protects them from fierce enemies

And the snarling snapping teeth

His very life He lays down

To His lambs He freely gives

A love strong and true

Unwilling to loose even one

He gently guides them

To life giving water

And leads them the fields

Of heavenly food

He teaches them to stay

Within His loving embrace

And to feed upon His holy word

These lambs are so relieved

Their bleatings have ceased

They no longer fear the fierce enemy

Or desire to stray

They know their only safety

Is within the Shepherd’s reach

By: Ann Martin

May 9, 2003

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