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Grandma’s Bible

Grandma’s Bible lays by my side

It’s cover all tattered and worn

As I tenderly touch it with my hand

It seems as if Grandma were here once again

Memories of stories read from its pages

While sitting on her lap, my imagination ablaze

I can almost hear her soft and gentle voice

As tales of mighty heroes and their wondrous deeds

She lovingly retold

And Psalms with such emotion she would recite

As she gazed heavenward, her eyes all aglow

I leaf through the pages of this well-read tome

Finding little momentos left there so many years ago

This Bible testifies of her faith

And love of its true words

It reminds me what a treasure my Grandma was

She stands tall in my memory

A true pillar of faith

Yet in reality she stood 4 foot 9

But every inch of her belonged to her Lord

Through this diminutive lady

I learned of God’s love

And the importance of His Word

Grandma has gone to reap her reward

But she left with me her well-worn Bible

And now it seems as if she is saying

In this threadbare book you will find

All the answers you need

Keep it close by your side

Use it as your guide

Inside is the world’s greatest love story

Inside you will find the only true path

To life everlasting

And love never ending.

By: Ann Martin

September 4, 2003


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