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Happy Day!

(Dedicated to my young friend Melissa)

On this the anniversary

Of your nativity

I send you the love of heaven.

God’s great peace is but leaven

For all of your tomorrows.

Take hold of it and store it

For a day of sorrows.

In you future so bright

There will be many joys

And beautiful things in sight.

But there will also be many times

Of pain and sadness.

In those times hold on to God’s care sublime.

Remember His everlasting love,

His desire to fulfill all you hopes,

And His many blessings He sends from above.

Keep your eyes looking forward

For looking back can never fulfill

The dreams you look toward

Nor fulfill the desires of your heart.

As you celebrate this day

Look around and see the beauty of God’s art.

Sing a song of joy too

And thank the Father

For the day He created you.

You are one of His special creatures,

He has many wonderful things for you in store

And beyond this earthly life many more.

Let him be your guide as on this earth you walk,

But don’t forget each day with God to talk.

A beautiful person you are,

In this galaxy of individuals you are a star.

May you have many, many happy birthdays

And may the comfort of family and friends

With you always stay!

By: Ann Martin

March 17, 2001

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