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I reached out in my agony

And received a lecture

I needed compassion, understanding

I was given judgment

I was searching for answers

I got platitudes

My problems appear to be trivial

To those I know

But are so enormous in my life

No way to support myself

My home soon to be taken

My car will be gone this week

I feel so useless, unwanted

I am told it is my lack of faith

And no trust in God

That has brought me to this place

While that may be so

It doesn’t help to heal

The deep wounds I have

The people I thought were my friends

Have fled and do not call

Leaving me isolated and alone

I will find a way to survive

If it means being homeless

And going it alone

I will do whatever is needed

No one I know really understands

What it means to face

A future with such uncertainty

I don’t think they know how

To reach out with comfort

With enfolding arms

And say I’m here

I am not asking

Anyone to solve my problems

I just need someone

To stand beside me

And give a little of their love

My God where is that person

Why am I being abandoned?

By: Ann Martin

September 14, 2001

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