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He Is There

Sometimes it feels as if I am alone

And I am drifting through time

A wandering soul on an eternal journey

The people I know are all about

Their busy lives, passing me by

It is at these times that I reflect

Turning to the only One

Who is never too busy

I look up to my heavenly Father

Seeking His loving touch

And telling Him of all

That’s in my heart

I don’t need to remind Him

Of who I am

He knows my name

He knew me before I was born

Whenever I call He turns attentively

Listening to my every word

He knows my every thought

And sees my tears

When pain strikes my heart

He is my Father

And calls me His own

He will never leave me

No matter where I wander

He is an ever present help

In times of need

He is my comforter

When life seems hard

He provides for all my needs

And blesses me with so much

He is a friend I will never lose

Through all life’s trials

I confidently know that

No matter what my circumstances

No matter how many people leave my life

No matter how down trodden I may feel

I can always look to my Lord


He is there!

By: Ann Martin

June 18, 2006

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