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He Still Stands!

Mountains may tremble

Waters may roar

Winds might blow great blasts

And the sun might scorch

In this world difficulties will arise

But I will not lose hope

Because my God still stands

His power is greater than the winds

And mightier than the flooding waters

He is stronger than the mightiest crags

And brighter than the sun’s light

Friends may turn away

Family may disappear

Homes may be taken

And jobs may be gone

But I will not despair

Because my God still stands

He will never leave me

And by my side He will stay

His love is greater than any other

His care is tender and eternal

Disasters may loom

Disease may raise its ugly head

Finances may fail

Life long dreams may never come true

But I will cling to my Savior

Because my God still stands

He can overcome any disaster

And heal any disease

His provision is far better than earthly riches

And His plans for my future are glorious

Yes, my God still stands

And still cares for each of us

He loves us more than we can imagine

And desires to give us our every need

He understands all that we go through

He cries with us when heartaches hit

And stands with us through life’s long journey

I will ever praise my Lord

For all He has given

And worship Him in any circumstances

Sing songs of His great care

And tell the world of my wondrous Savior


By: Ann Martin

October 29, 2005

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